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namespace Pluf\Workflow;

interface StateMachineDataWriter

    function setIdentifier(string $id);

     * Write current state of state machine data to provided state id
     * @param
     *            currentStateId
    function setCurrentState($currentStateId);

     * Write last state of state machine data to provided state id
     * @param
     *            lastStateId
    function setLastState($lastStateId);

     * Write initial state of state machine data to provided state id
     * @param
     *            initialStateId
    function setInitialState($initialStateId);

     * Write start context of state machine
     * @param
     *            context start context of state machine
    function setStartContext($context);

     * Set last active child state of parent state
     * @param
     *            parentStateId
     *            id of parent state
     * @param
     *            childStateId
     *            id of child state
    function setLastActiveChildStateFor($parentStateId, $childStateId);

     * Write provided sub state for provided parent state
     * @param
     *            parentStateId
     * @param
     *            subStateId
    function setSubStateFor($parentStateId, $subStateId);

     * Remove provide sub state under provided parent state
     * @param
     *            parentStateId
     * @param
     *            subStateId
    function removeSubState($parentStateId, $subStateId);

     * Remove all sub states under provider parent state
     * @param
     *            parentStateId
    function removeSubStatesOn($parentStateId);

     * Write type of state machine
     * @param
     *            stateMachineType
    function setTypeOfStateMachine(string $stateMachineType): void;

     * Write type of state
     * @param
     *            stateClass
    function setTypeOfState(string $stateClass): void;

     * Write type of event
     * @param
     *            eventClass
    function setTypeOfEvent(string $eventClass): void;

     * Write type of context
     * @param
     *            contextClass
    function setTypeOfContext(?string $contextClass): void;

     * Write linked state data on specified linked state
     * @param
     *            linkedState
     *            specified linked state
     * @param
     *            linkStateData
     *            linked state data
    function setLinkedStateDataOn($linkedState, StateMachineDataReader $linkStateData);