

1 hr
Test Coverage
import chalk from 'chalk';
import Command from '../classes/Command';

const { green, red } = chalk;

export default class XSCCommand extends Command {
    public static command = 'xsc';
    public static defaultGitFlowConfig = [
        '[gitflow "branch"]',
        '\tmaster = master',
        '\tdevelop = develop',
        '[gitflow "prefix"]',
        '\tfeature = feature/',
        '\tbugfix = ',
        '\trelease = release/',
        '\thotfix = hotfix/',
        '\tsupport = ',
        '\tversiontag = '

    private static asciiLogo = [
        ' _  _  ___   ___ ',
        '( \\/ )/ __) / __)',
        ' )  ( \\__ \\( (__ ',
        `(_/\\_)(___/ \\___) v${require('../../package').version}`,
        '        by Pobuca',

    public async invoke(subCommand: SubCommand) {
        if (subCommand === SubCommand.Init) {
            await this.initializeRepo();
        } else {
            await this.statusCommand();

    private async statusCommand() {
        for (const line of XSCCommand.asciiLogo) {
            this.emit('raw', line);

        await this.verifyCommand('git', 'git --version', [
            'Download from',
            'Verify it is in your PATH by running `git`'
        await this.verifyCommand('git flow', 'git flow version', [
            'Update or install git (',
            'Verify by running `git flow --version`'
        await this.verifyCommand('hub', 'hub --version', [
            'Download the latest hub release (',
            'Add binary to your PATH',
            'Verify by running `hub --version`'
        await this.verifyCommand('az', 'az --version', [
            'Download & install (',
            'Verify it is in your PATH',
            'Log in by running `az login`'
        await this.verifyCommand('az devops', 'az devops -h', [
            'Install or update your Azure CLI (',
            'Run `az extension add --name azure-devops`',
            'Log in by running `az login`'

    private async verifyCommand(commandName: string, command: string, fixSteps: string[]) {
        const indentation = ' '.repeat(4);
        try {
            await this.execSync(command, { stdio: 'ignore' }, true);
            this.emit('raw', `${indentation}${green('√')} ${commandName}`);
        } catch (e) {
            this.emit('raw', `${indentation}${red('x')} ${commandName}`);
            let count = 1;

            for (const step of fixSteps) {
                this.emit('raw', `${indentation.repeat(2)}${red(`${count}. ${step}`)}`);

    private async initializeRepo() {
        try {
            await this.execSync('git status');
        } catch (e) {
            await this.execSync('git init');
            await this.execSync('git add . && git commit -m "Initial commit"');


    private async initializeGitFlow() {
        const gitConfigFilePath = '.git/config';
        let gitConfigFile = this.terminal.readFileSync(gitConfigFilePath).toString();

        if (!this.containsGitFlowOptions(gitConfigFile)) {
            gitConfigFile += XSCCommand.defaultGitFlowConfig;
            this.terminal.writeFileSync(gitConfigFilePath, gitConfigFile);

    private containsGitFlowOptions(configFile: string) {
        const lines = configFile.split('\n');

        for (const line of lines) {
            if (line.match(/^\[gitflow /)) {
                return true;

        return false;

enum SubCommand {
    Init = 'init'