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# Deployment guide

## Dependencies

  Census servers should meet the following requirements:
   * Installed system libraries: `git`, `libpq-dev` and `imagemagick`
   * RVM with ruby 2.5.1
   * NodeJS v6
   * Access to the following services:
     * PostgreSQL server (tested on version 9.5)
     * RabbitMQ (tested on version 3.7.4)

## Capistrano

Census can use Capistrano to deploy to staging and production servers. Adapt `staging.rb` and `production.rb` to your servers settings.

### Encryption

Use Capistrano `encryption` tasks to setup encryption for staging and production environments:

 * `cap [environment] encryption:setup`: Creates a configuration file and keys in the servers. If not executed, deployment won't work until it is ran. If it is ran again, it will fail and won't do anything.
 * `cap [environment] encryption:remove`: Deletes configuration file and keys created by `setup` task.