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Test Coverage

Cyclomatic complexity is too high in method run_tests. (6)

    def run_tests(self, test_labels):
        import pytest

        argv = []
        if self.verbosity == 0:
Severity: Minor
Found in debug_settings.py by radon

Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic Complexity corresponds to the number of decisions a block of code contains plus 1. This number (also called McCabe number) is equal to the number of linearly independent paths through the code. This number can be used as a guide when testing conditional logic in blocks.

Radon analyzes the AST tree of a Python program to compute Cyclomatic Complexity. Statements have the following effects on Cyclomatic Complexity:

Construct Effect on CC Reasoning
if +1 An if statement is a single decision.
elif +1 The elif statement adds another decision.
else +0 The else statement does not cause a new decision. The decision is at the if.
for +1 There is a decision at the start of the loop.
while +1 There is a decision at the while statement.
except +1 Each except branch adds a new conditional path of execution.
finally +0 The finally block is unconditionally executed.
with +1 The with statement roughly corresponds to a try/except block (see PEP 343 for details).
assert +1 The assert statement internally roughly equals a conditional statement.
Comprehension +1 A list/set/dict comprehension of generator expression is equivalent to a for loop.
Boolean Operator +1 Every boolean operator (and, or) adds a decision point.

Source: http://radon.readthedocs.org/en/latest/intro.html

Module level import not at top of file

import logging
Severity: Minor
Found in debug_settings.py by pep8

Place imports at the top of the file.

Always put imports at the top of the file, just after any module
comments and docstrings, and before module globals and constants.

Okay: import os
Okay: # this is a comment\nimport os
Okay: '''this is a module docstring'''\nimport os
Okay: r'''this is a module docstring'''\nimport os
try:\n\timport x\nexcept ImportError:\n\tpass\nelse:\n\tpass\nimport y
try:\n\timport x\nexcept ImportError:\n\tpass\nfinally:\n\tpass\nimport y
E402: a=1\nimport os
E402: 'One string'\n"Two string"\nimport os
E402: a=1\nfrom sys import x

Okay: if x:\n    import os

Missing whitespace around operator

Severity: Minor
Found in debug_settings.py by pep8

Surround operators with a single space on either side.

- Always surround these binary operators with a single space on
  either side: assignment (=), augmented assignment (+=, -= etc.),
  comparisons (==, <, >, !=, <=, >=, in, not in, is, is not),
  Booleans (and, or, not).

- If operators with different priorities are used, consider adding
  whitespace around the operators with the lowest priorities.

Okay: i = i + 1
Okay: submitted += 1
Okay: x = x * 2 - 1
Okay: hypot2 = x * x + y * y
Okay: c = (a + b) * (a - b)
Okay: foo(bar, key='word', *args, **kwargs)
Okay: alpha[:-i]

E225: i=i+1
E225: submitted +=1
E225: x = x /2 - 1
E225: z = x **y
E225: z = 1and 1
E226: c = (a+b) * (a-b)
E226: hypot2 = x*x + y*y
E227: c = a|b
E228: msg = fmt%(errno, errmsg)

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