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Test Coverage
// Links
// Hyperlinks are used to allow the user to navigate to other resources or to
// download a resource.
// The order of link states are based on Eric Meyer's article:
// http://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2007/06/11/who-ordered-the-link-states
// :visited - A link that has already been visited.
// :hover   - A link that is being hovered over.
// :focus   - A link that has been given keyboard focus.
// :active  - A link that is being actively clicked.
// Markup: links-a.twig
// Style guide: base.link

%link {
  color: color(link);
  // Remove gaps in links underline in iOS 8+ and Safari 8+.
  -webkit-text-decoration-skip: objects;

// Any element can receive focus, but only links can be visited, so we can
// safely lower this selector's specificity. This also ensures visited links
// with additional styles won't have their styles overridden.
:visited {
  color: color(link-visited);

a:focus {
  // Add your styles.

a:active {
  color: color(link-active);

  &:not(.button) {
    // Remove the gray background on active links in IE 10.
    background-color: transparent;

// Remove the outline on focused links when they are also active or hovered
// in all browsers (opinionated).
a:hover {
  outline-width: 0;

@media print {
  // Underline all links.
  :visited {
    text-decoration: underline;

  // Add visible URL after links.
  a[href]:after {
    content: ' (' attr(href) ')';
    font-weight: normal;
    font-size: $base-font-size;
    text-decoration: none;

  // Only display useful links.
  a[href^='#']:after {
    content: '';