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title: Frequently Asked Questions
permalink: /faq/
layout: faq
category: ignore
breadcrumb: FAQ

<a name="whatispogodev"><h3>What Is PogoDev?</h3></a>
  PogoDev is an unofficial PokemonGO development community born out of the sub-reddit <a href="https://reddit.pogodev.org/">/r/pokemongodev</a> and run by keyphact and the PogoDev team.
<a name="canijoinpogodev"><h3>Can I Join PogoDev?</h3></a>
  Sure, just find us via any one of our channels and participate.

<h3>What is API Hashing Service by PF and how do I use it</h3>
    The API Hashing Service by PF is a service to generate valid request hashes to work with the this unofficial PokemonGO API. All informatio
    you need to get started is here: <a href="https://talk.pogodev.org/d/54-getting-started-with-our-api-hashing-service">https://talk.pogodev.org/d/54-getting-started-with-our-api-hashing-service</a>.

<h3>I was banned from PogoDev for XXX reason, why?</h3>
  Our rules are quite clear in stating what we do and do not allow in this community, <a href="https://rules.pogodev.org/">you can read them here.</a>

<h3>My post / comment / link was removed from PogoDev for XXX reason, why?</h3>
  Again, our rules are quite clear in stating what we do and do not allow in this community, <a href="https://rules.pogodev.org/">you can read them here.</a>

<h3>How do I report abuse or someone breaking the rules?</h3>
  We take abuse and rule-breaking very seriously here, as we want to create a community where all feel safe and welcomed. If you feel that there is a person or persons that are disrupting this, please drop by our <a href="https://abuse.pogodev.org/">#abuse channel in Discord and report your case</a>.

<h3>How can I share my project / application / website?</h3>
  You can make a post on our releases sub-forum here: <a href="https://talk.pogodev.org/t/releases">https://talk.pogodev.org/t/releases</a>.

<h3>My account / scanner / application has been banned from PokemonGO, please help?</h3>
  Please refer to our forum post in regards to this: <a href="https://talk.pogodev.org/d/46-faq-have-i-been-banned-from-pokemongo">https://talk.pogodev.org/d/46-faq-have-i-been-banned-from-pokemongo</a>.