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Test Coverage
    3512    Jaco                              Bump deps (#5785)
      83    Amaury Martiny                    StatementKind: Regular and Saft (#2303)
      39    Tarik Gul                         11.0.2 (#5866)
      37    Keith Ingram                      Update contract types and rpc (#4541)
      35    Stefanie Doll                     Updated child storage parameters (#1709)
      20    Luke Schoen                       fix: Fixes TypeError: Cannot read property 'vesting' of undefined (#1970)
      19    Xiliang Chen                      no warm for unknown signed extensions (#5601)
      15    Jeremías Díaz                     feat(types): add correct tuple type to storage key (#3054)
      14    Nikos Kontakis                    Bump substrate connect to 0.7.16 (#5307)
      11    Ian He                            HttpProvider support clone() (#3949)
      10    Axel Chalon                       Make Enum/Tuple constructor use value directly if instance (#1954)
       6    Andreea Eftene                    Update check for contract instantiation (#5699)
       5    Chevdor                           Fix metadata package link (#3458)
       5    Jake Naviasky                     Fixing approvalFlagsToBools. (#1250)
       5    Julien Eluard                     General WsProvider extensibility improvements (#5467)
       5    Matias Volpe                      Bump @substrate/connect to 0.8.10 (#5863)
       4    Alex D                            Use derive customAccount and customLocks for balance overrides (#3248)
       4    Alex Wang                         fix issue that creates duplicate providers (#983)
       4    Alexander Popiak                  Add asset id in signing (#4009)
       4    Joshy Orndorff                    spelling; efect -> effect (#2295)
       4    Nantian                           fix bigint type (#3869)
       4    Scott Twiname                     Add support for historical BlockNumber rpc methods (#4574)
       4    Thibaut Sardan                    no subscription for http (#3127)
       3    André Silva                       add support for ValidationCodeHash (#3640)
       3    Antoine Estienne                  Adapted to display moonbeam author (#3108)
       3    Arjan Zijderveld                  Added `Emergency` to `ElectionPhase` (#3707)
       3    Branislav Kontur                  Added FungiblesApi version 2 (#5687)
       3    Ewa Kowalska                      Handle no council for bounties proposals (#3062)
       3    hamidra                           add support for n key entries for NMaps (#3886)
       3    Hamza Tokuchi                     more typos (#2532)
       3    Josep M Sobrepere                 docs: improve rpc-provider README (#4719)
       3    KarishmaBothara                   Backward compatibility thing (#3511)
       3    Miguel Hervas                     Adding RT4 Types (#3007)
       3    Shawn Tabrizi                     Add `isReadyOrError` when connecting to API (#2577)
       3    YJ                                feat: Vote interface as U8a (#1061)
       2    Alberto Nicolas Penayo            updated remaining assetId for ChargeAssetTxPayment (#5763)
       2    Alexander Krupenkin               Add [u8; 33] type width for U8aFixed type (#2391)
       2    Branan Riley                      Add proxy type for Centrifuge (#3940)
       2    Caio                              Add `Range` and `RangeInclusive` types (#3791)
       2    Francisco Gamundi                 Add chainIsEthereum prop to Registry interface (#5761)
       2    HackFisher                        Update maxExtrinsic definition (#4703)
       2    Jakub Pánik                       All heads subscription (#1899)
       2    James Lefrère                     Add `.eq()` usage to docs and fix docs typos (#1405)
       2    Javier Viola                      add muln(2), as was in the old code (#5829)
       2    Jeeyong Um                        Alias for Noir types (#5678)
       2    Jegor Sidorenko                   Use Box<XcmV3MultiLocation> instead of MultiAssetId (#5700)
       2    Keith Yeung                       Allow keyPrefix to accept an additional argument for double maps (#2230)
       2    MOZGIII                           Follow-up fix after #4665 (#4666)
       2    Paweł Nguyen                      Fix a minor typo in cookbook blocks docs (#2294)
       2    peetzweg/                         feat: ink! v5 (#5791)
       2    rob thijssen                      nimbus author mapping correction (#5590)
       2    sung wu                           Update tx.md (#2485)
       2    Veliko                            Abi constructor takes different parameters (#3347)
       2    Wei Tang                          Use /usr/bin/env bash instead of /bin/bash (#2053)
       2    Yaroslav Bolyukin                 feat: allow objects to be supplied as map keys (#5128)
       2    Zannis Kalampoukis                fix: Typegen handles structs and vectors of structs without erroring (#4743)
       2    扩散性百万甜面包                          Typo, deocrateMethod -> decorateMethod (#1594)
       1    Alan Sapede                       Adds Eth feeHistory & maxPriorityFeePerGas rpc (#4956)
       1    Aleš Ferlan                       fix: use H160 for address in getTransactionCount (#5472)
       1    Brad Larson                       [NEW] Support for custom headers with providers (#2423)
       1    Btwiuse Arch                      Add side effect check workaround (#4994) (#5009)
       1    chriswmercer                      little readme tweak (#279)
       1    codingsh                          #2182 - add: search for docs (#2232)
       1    coolcorexix                       Investigate 4559 v2 (#4608)
       1    Dan Forbes                        Add WeightToFeeCoefficient type (#2296)
       1    Daniel Maricic                    Fixed typo in README (#2402)
       1    Daniel Savu                       fix: Generate custom type definitions (#4224)
       1    David                             Don't log full error (#2952)
       1    David Duong                       Avoid reserved words during named enum fields augmentation (#5203)
       1    Denis Tsai                        realign AccountKey20Junction to polkadot xcm's Junction enum (#3770)
       1    djuanito.eth                      Update fees to current constants (#2320)
       1    Dominique                         fix: add optional chaining operator in `toHuman` (#5825)
       1    Drew Stone                        Update evm definitions to include vicinity (#2279)
       1    Dylan Galea                       Updated users of the polkadot-js/api (#2027)
       1    Ermal Kaleci                      fix cache key (rpc-provider) (#5745)
       1    flex                              Change BeefySignedCommitment signatures type to EcdsaSignature (#4204)
       1    Florian Franzen                   metadataMd: use endpoint for rpc and runtime details too (#5628)
       1    Furqan A                          fix: fixed 404 to the docs from the api readme (#3985)
       1    Gérard Dethier                    Fix LRUCache memory leak. (#4520)
       1    Gerben van de Wiel                Adding some extra notes on changes in the specname (#2329)
       1    HackFisher                        fix OutboundLaneData types (#3992)
       1    Hoani Bryson                      Multiple Endpoint support for WsProvider (#2234)
       1    Hyungsuk Kang                     Update fees.ts (#1014)
       1    icodezjb                          Update SessionKeys (#3035)
       1    iiiiiiii                          Make unknownTypes externally accessible (#3263)
       1    JesseAbram                        added 07 Example showing how to make a transfer with allowed block permissions folder in docs (#1062)
       1    Joey                              don't throw error at `onSocketClose` (#4363)
       1    Jordan                            Allow typegen for custom RPCs (#2876)
       1    JQQQ                              Allow rpc expose definition/ metadata (#3488)
       1    Jun Jiang                         Update contract' gas to Weight type (#5324)
       1    Ken Vu                            Expose `blockNumber` via filterEvents function (#5394)
       1    Kian Paimani                      Update definitions.ts (#2514)
       1    Krzysztof Jelski                  Derive for bounties and descriptions (#2925)
       1    Lae                               Make sure awaiting on an api object won't stuck forever on error (#1763)
       1    Lauro Gripa                       Fix multi call of `defenderVotes` and `isDefenderVoter` flag in `society.members` derivation (#5834)
       1    Lezek123                          BTreeSet and BTreeMap - encoding and serialization fixes (#3789)
       1    Lovesh Harchandani                Fix name of "getBlock" in package "api-derive" and export it in "index.ts" (#2857)
       1    Marc Fornós                       add beefy compact signed commitment definition (#5781)
       1    Mario Neises                      fix usage with typescript (#405)
       1    Mario Pino                        Add PolkaStats to API users (#1593)
       1    Mark Robert Henderson             Update warnings.ts to have the latest URLs (#2720)
       1    Matej Nemček                      added Kodadot to @polkadot/api users section (#2220)
       1    Mokhtar Naamani                   Disable websocket outgoing message fragmentation for w3cwebsocket (#2738)
       1    Nazar Mokrynskyi                  Performance tweaks (#4143)
       1    Nikhil Ranjan                     add vestingPerBlock and vestingEndBlock in DeriveBalancesAll when doing calcBalances (#2563)
       1    Nikolay Volf                      Fix typo (#1730)
       1    Noah Corona                       Add rpc error fields (#4637)
       1    Oleksandr Mykhailenko             Add more complex namespaced contracts & test cases for them (#4472)
       1    Paul M Fox                        Basic BTreeMaps codec support (#1474)
       1    philipstanislaus                  Update types for centrifuge chain v1.2.0 (#2424)
       1    Pierre Krieger                    Update substrate/connect to 0.7.6 (#4940)
       1    polymath-eric                     Allow unset external signer (#5649)
       1    Qinxuan Chen                      Add fp_account::AccountId20 mapping (#5551)
       1    qiuhao                            update DeriveCustom type (#2581)
       1    r0t0r-r0t0r                       Fix memory leak on raw rpc call (#4505)
       1    Raphael Flechtner                 fix: typegen disconnect ws on success (#4901)
       1    Robert Gabriel Jakabosky          Fix sorting of `Option` values and error on duplicates from BTreeSet/BTreeMap. (#5731)
       1    Robert Hambrock                   update MMR API (#5479)
       1    Rocco Musolino                    remove broken link (#2671)
       1    sander2                           fix: type generation for nested tuples (#5395)
       1    satellitex                        Add BTreeSet<V> Codec (#1639)
       1    satellitex                        Add traits replace rules. for invalid cases `::<type>` and `<type>::`. (#885)
       1    Satyam Agrawal                    update as per the 0.97.0-beta.38 release (#1617)
       1    Sean Young                        Solang requires u256 and i256 types (#2752)
       1    Serban Iorga                      Fix `beefy::subscribeJustifications()` return type (#5740)
       1    serge                             make WS provider timeout configurable (#4758)
       1    Sergei Pepyakin                   INK! -> ink! (#1347)
       1    Shunji Zhan                       small polish (#5276)
       1    Snoppy                            chore: fix typos (#5835)
       1    Stephen Shelton                   Add transaction-payment runtime API V3 (#5430)
       1    Tim B                             added EthRTApiV5 ifaces (#5680)
       1    WoeOm                             adapt Darwinia, Crab Network types (#3498)
       1    Xat_MassacrE                      Fix packages/types/src/codec/utils/encodeTypes.ts encodeSubTypes bug (#1544)
       1    xiaolou86                         Fix typos (#5747)
       1    yjh                               fix MetadataVersioned.asV12 (#2983)
       1    Yuri                              fixes #3693 Fix uniques return types (#3694)
       1    Zeke Mostov                       fix: Allow sudo for polkadot indexed proxy enum (#3286)