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// Auto-generated via `yarn polkadot-types-from-chain`, do not edit
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// import type lookup before we augment - in some environments
// this is required to allow for ambient/previous definitions
import '@polkadot/api-base/types/errors';

import type { ApiTypes, AugmentedError } from '@polkadot/api-base/types';

export type __AugmentedError<ApiType extends ApiTypes> = AugmentedError<ApiType>;

declare module '@polkadot/api-base/types/errors' {
  interface AugmentedErrors<ApiType extends ApiTypes> {
    alliance: {
       * Account has been deemed unscrupulous by the Alliance and is not welcome to join or be
       * nominated.
      AccountNonGrata: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The Alliance has been initialized, therefore cannot be initialized again.
      AllianceAlreadyInitialized: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The Alliance has not been initialized yet, therefore accounts cannot join it.
      AllianceNotYetInitialized: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Account is already an elevated (fellow) member.
      AlreadyElevated: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Account is already a member.
      AlreadyMember: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Account already gave retirement notice
      AlreadyRetiring: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Item is already listed as unscrupulous.
      AlreadyUnscrupulous: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Invalid witness data given.
      BadWitness: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Fellows must be provided to initialize the Alliance.
      FellowsMissing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Balance is insufficient for the required deposit.
      InsufficientFunds: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The announcement is not found.
      MissingAnnouncement: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The proposal hash is not found.
      MissingProposalHash: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Account is not an ally.
      NotAlly: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Item has not been deemed unscrupulous.
      NotListedAsUnscrupulous: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Account is not a member.
      NotMember: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Account does not have voting rights.
      NoVotingRights: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Account did not give a retirement notice required to retire.
      RetirementNoticeNotGiven: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Retirement period has not passed.
      RetirementPeriodNotPassed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Length of website URL exceeds `MaxWebsiteUrlLength`.
      TooLongWebsiteUrl: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Number of announcements exceeds `MaxAnnouncementsCount`.
      TooManyAnnouncements: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Number of members exceeds `MaxMembersCount`.
      TooManyMembers: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The number of unscrupulous items exceeds `MaxUnscrupulousItems`.
      TooManyUnscrupulousItems: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The account's identity has no good judgement.
      WithoutGoodIdentityJudgement: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The account's identity does not have display field and website field.
      WithoutRequiredIdentityFields: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    allianceMotion: {
       * Members are already initialized!
      AlreadyInitialized: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Duplicate proposals not allowed
      DuplicateProposal: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Duplicate vote ignored
      DuplicateVote: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Account is not a member
      NotMember: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Prime account is not a member
      PrimeAccountNotMember: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Proposal must exist
      ProposalMissing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The close call was made too early, before the end of the voting.
      TooEarly: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There can only be a maximum of `MaxProposals` active proposals.
      TooManyProposals: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Mismatched index
      WrongIndex: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The given length bound for the proposal was too low.
      WrongProposalLength: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The given weight bound for the proposal was too low.
      WrongProposalWeight: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    assetConversion: {
       * Provided amount should be greater than or equal to the existential deposit/asset's
       * minimal amount.
      AmountOneLessThanMinimal: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Desired amount can't be equal to the pool reserve.
      AmountOutTooHigh: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Provided amount should be greater than or equal to the existential deposit/asset's
       * minimal amount.
      AmountTwoLessThanMinimal: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The minimal amount requirement for the first token in the pair wasn't met.
      AssetOneDepositDidNotMeetMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The minimal amount requirement for the first token in the pair wasn't met.
      AssetOneWithdrawalDidNotMeetMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The minimal amount requirement for the second token in the pair wasn't met.
      AssetTwoDepositDidNotMeetMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The minimal amount requirement for the second token in the pair wasn't met.
      AssetTwoWithdrawalDidNotMeetMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The destination account cannot exist with the swapped funds.
      BelowMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * It was not possible to get or increment the Id of the pool.
      IncorrectPoolAssetId: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Insufficient liquidity minted.
      InsufficientLiquidityMinted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Provided asset pair is not supported for pool.
      InvalidAssetPair: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The provided path must consists of 2 assets at least.
      InvalidPath: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The provided path must consists of unique assets.
      NonUniquePath: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Optimal calculated amount is less than desired.
      OptimalAmountLessThanDesired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * An overflow happened.
      Overflow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Pool already exists.
      PoolExists: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The pool doesn't exist.
      PoolNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Provided maximum amount is not sufficient for swap.
      ProvidedMaximumNotSufficientForSwap: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Calculated amount out is less than provided minimum amount.
      ProvidedMinimumNotSufficientForSwap: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Reserve needs to always be greater than or equal to the existential deposit/asset's
       * minimal amount.
      ReserveLeftLessThanMinimal: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Desired amount can't be zero.
      WrongDesiredAmount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Amount can't be zero.
      ZeroAmount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Requested liquidity can't be zero.
      ZeroLiquidity: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    assetRate: {
       * The given asset ID already has an assigned conversion rate and cannot be re-created.
      AlreadyExists: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Overflow ocurred when calculating the inverse rate.
      Overflow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The given asset ID is unknown.
      UnknownAssetKind: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    assets: {
       * The asset-account already exists.
      AlreadyExists: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The asset is not live, and likely being destroyed.
      AssetNotLive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Invalid metadata given.
      BadMetadata: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Invalid witness data given.
      BadWitness: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Account balance must be greater than or equal to the transfer amount.
      BalanceLow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Callback action resulted in error
      CallbackFailed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The origin account is frozen.
      Frozen: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The asset status is not the expected status.
      IncorrectStatus: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The asset ID is already taken.
      InUse: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The asset is a live asset and is actively being used. Usually emit for operations such
       * as `start_destroy` which require the asset to be in a destroying state.
      LiveAsset: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Minimum balance should be non-zero.
      MinBalanceZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The account to alter does not exist.
      NoAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The asset-account doesn't have an associated deposit.
      NoDeposit: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The signing account has no permission to do the operation.
      NoPermission: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The asset should be frozen before the given operation.
      NotFrozen: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No approval exists that would allow the transfer.
      Unapproved: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Unable to increment the consumer reference counters on the account. Either no provider
       * reference exists to allow a non-zero balance of a non-self-sufficient asset, or one
       * fewer then the maximum number of consumers has been reached.
      UnavailableConsumer: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The given asset ID is unknown.
      Unknown: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The operation would result in funds being burned.
      WouldBurn: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The source account would not survive the transfer and it needs to stay alive.
      WouldDie: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    babe: {
       * A given equivocation report is valid but already previously reported.
      DuplicateOffenceReport: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Submitted configuration is invalid.
      InvalidConfiguration: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * An equivocation proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid.
      InvalidEquivocationProof: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A key ownership proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid.
      InvalidKeyOwnershipProof: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    balances: {
       * Beneficiary account must pre-exist.
      DeadAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The delta cannot be zero.
      DeltaZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Value too low to create account due to existential deposit.
      ExistentialDeposit: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A vesting schedule already exists for this account.
      ExistingVestingSchedule: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Transfer/payment would kill account.
      Expendability: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Balance too low to send value.
      InsufficientBalance: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The issuance cannot be modified since it is already deactivated.
      IssuanceDeactivated: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Account liquidity restrictions prevent withdrawal.
      LiquidityRestrictions: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Number of freezes exceed `MaxFreezes`.
      TooManyFreezes: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Number of holds exceed `VariantCountOf<T::RuntimeHoldReason>`.
      TooManyHolds: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Number of named reserves exceed `MaxReserves`.
      TooManyReserves: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Vesting balance too high to send value.
      VestingBalance: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    beefy: {
       * A given equivocation report is valid but already previously reported.
      DuplicateOffenceReport: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Submitted configuration is invalid.
      InvalidConfiguration: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * An equivocation proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid.
      InvalidEquivocationProof: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A key ownership proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid.
      InvalidKeyOwnershipProof: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    bounties: {
       * The bounty cannot be closed because it has active child bounties.
      HasActiveChildBounty: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Proposer's balance is too low.
      InsufficientProposersBalance: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Invalid bounty fee.
      InvalidFee: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No proposal or bounty at that index.
      InvalidIndex: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Invalid bounty value.
      InvalidValue: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A bounty payout is pending.
       * To cancel the bounty, you must unassign and slash the curator.
      PendingPayout: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The bounties cannot be claimed/closed because it's still in the countdown period.
      Premature: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The reason given is just too big.
      ReasonTooBig: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Require bounty curator.
      RequireCurator: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Too many approvals are already queued.
      TooManyQueued: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The bounty status is unexpected.
      UnexpectedStatus: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    broker: {
       * The lease expiry time has already passed.
      AlreadyExpired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The pivot mask for the interlacing is complete (and therefore not a strict subset).
      CompletePivot: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The workplan of the pallet's state is invalid. This indicates a state corruption.
      CorruptWorkplan: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The pivot mask for the interlacing is not contained within the region's interlace mask.
      ExteriorPivot: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The workload assigned for renewal is incomplete. This is unexpected and indicates a
       * logic error.
      IncompleteAssignment: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The configuration could not be applied because it is invalid.
      InvalidConfig: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The history item does not exist.
      NoHistory: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There is no sale happening currently.
      NoSales: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Invalid attempt to renew.
      NotAllowed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There is no work to be done.
      NothingToDo: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The owner of the region is not the origin.
      NotOwner: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The price limit is exceeded.
      Overpriced: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The pivot point of the partition at the beginning of the region.
      PivotTooEarly: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The pivot point of the partition at or after the end of the region.
      PivotTooLate: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The sale limit has been reached.
      SoldOut: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * An item cannot be dropped because it is still valid.
      StillValid: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The purchase cannot happen yet as the sale period is yet to begin.
      TooEarly: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The maximum amount of leases has already been reached.
      TooManyLeases: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The maximum amount of reservations has already been reached.
      TooManyReservations: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There are no cores available.
      Unavailable: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * This pallet has not yet been initialized.
      Uninitialized: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The identified contribution to the Instantaneous Core Pool is unknown.
      UnknownContribution: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The given region identity is not known.
      UnknownRegion: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The renewal record cannot be found.
      UnknownRenewal: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No reservation of the given index exists.
      UnknownReservation: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The revenue for the Instantaneous Core Sales of this period is not (yet) known and thus
       * this operation cannot proceed.
      UnknownRevenue: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The pivot mask for the interlacing is void (and therefore unschedulable).
      VoidPivot: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The renewal operation is not valid at the current time (it may become valid in the next
       * sale).
      WrongTime: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    childBounties: {
       * The bounty balance is not enough to add new child-bounty.
      InsufficientBountyBalance: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The parent bounty is not in active state.
      ParentBountyNotActive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Number of child bounties exceeds limit `MaxActiveChildBountyCount`.
      TooManyChildBounties: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    contracts: {
       * Can not add a delegate dependency to the code hash of the contract itself.
      CannotAddSelfAsDelegateDependency: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No code info could be found at the supplied code hash.
      CodeInfoNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Code removal was denied because the code is still in use by at least one contract.
      CodeInUse: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No code could be found at the supplied code hash.
      CodeNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The contract's code was found to be invalid during validation.
       * The most likely cause of this is that an API was used which is not supported by the
       * node. This happens if an older node is used with a new version of ink!. Try updating
       * your node to the newest available version.
       * A more detailed error can be found on the node console if debug messages are enabled
       * by supplying `-lruntime::contracts=debug`.
      CodeRejected: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The code supplied to `instantiate_with_code` exceeds the limit specified in the
       * current schedule.
      CodeTooLarge: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No contract was found at the specified address.
      ContractNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The contract ran to completion but decided to revert its storage changes.
       * Please note that this error is only returned from extrinsics. When called directly
       * or via RPC an `Ok` will be returned. In this case the caller needs to inspect the flags
       * to determine whether a reversion has taken place.
      ContractReverted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Contract trapped during execution.
      ContractTrapped: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Input passed to a contract API function failed to decode as expected type.
      DecodingFailed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The contract already depends on the given delegate dependency.
      DelegateDependencyAlreadyExists: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The dependency was not found in the contract's delegate dependencies.
      DelegateDependencyNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A contract with the same AccountId already exists.
      DuplicateContract: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * An indeterministic code was used in a context where this is not permitted.
      Indeterministic: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * `seal_call` forwarded this contracts input. It therefore is no longer available.
      InputForwarded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Invalid combination of flags supplied to `seal_call` or `seal_delegate_call`.
      InvalidCallFlags: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Invalid schedule supplied, e.g. with zero weight of a basic operation.
      InvalidSchedule: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Performing a call was denied because the calling depth reached the limit
       * of what is specified in the schedule.
      MaxCallDepthReached: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The contract has reached its maximum number of delegate dependencies.
      MaxDelegateDependenciesReached: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A pending migration needs to complete before the extrinsic can be called.
      MigrationInProgress: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The chain does not provide a chain extension. Calling the chain extension results
       * in this error. Note that this usually  shouldn't happen as deploying such contracts
       * is rejected.
      NoChainExtension: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Migrate dispatch call was attempted but no migration was performed.
      NoMigrationPerformed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A buffer outside of sandbox memory was passed to a contract API function.
      OutOfBounds: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The executed contract exhausted its gas limit.
      OutOfGas: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The output buffer supplied to a contract API call was too small.
      OutputBufferTooSmall: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The subject passed to `seal_random` exceeds the limit.
      RandomSubjectTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A call tried to invoke a contract that is flagged as non-reentrant.
       * The only other cause is that a call from a contract into the runtime tried to call back
       * into `pallet-contracts`. This would make the whole pallet reentrant with regard to
       * contract code execution which is not supported.
      ReentranceDenied: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * More storage was created than allowed by the storage deposit limit.
      StorageDepositLimitExhausted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Origin doesn't have enough balance to pay the required storage deposits.
      StorageDepositNotEnoughFunds: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A contract self destructed in its constructor.
       * This can be triggered by a call to `seal_terminate`.
      TerminatedInConstructor: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Termination of a contract is not allowed while the contract is already
       * on the call stack. Can be triggered by `seal_terminate`.
      TerminatedWhileReentrant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The amount of topics passed to `seal_deposit_events` exceeds the limit.
      TooManyTopics: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Performing the requested transfer failed. Probably because there isn't enough
       * free balance in the sender's account.
      TransferFailed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The size defined in `T::MaxValueSize` was exceeded.
      ValueTooLarge: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Failed to decode the XCM program.
      XCMDecodeFailed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    convictionVoting: {
       * The account is already delegating.
      AlreadyDelegating: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The account currently has votes attached to it and the operation cannot succeed until
       * these are removed through `remove_vote`.
      AlreadyVoting: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The class ID supplied is invalid.
      BadClass: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The class must be supplied since it is not easily determinable from the state.
      ClassNeeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Too high a balance was provided that the account cannot afford.
      InsufficientFunds: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Maximum number of votes reached.
      MaxVotesReached: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Delegation to oneself makes no sense.
      Nonsense: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The actor has no permission to conduct the action.
      NoPermission: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The actor has no permission to conduct the action right now but will do in the future.
      NoPermissionYet: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The account is not currently delegating.
      NotDelegating: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Poll is not ongoing.
      NotOngoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The given account did not vote on the poll.
      NotVoter: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    coreFellowship: {
       * The candidate has already been inducted. This should never happen since it would
       * require a candidate (rank 0) to already be tracked in the pallet.
      AlreadyInducted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The given rank is invalid - this generally means it's not between 1 and `RANK_COUNT`.
      InvalidRank: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The origin does not have enough permission to do this operation.
      NoPermission: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No work needs to be done at present for this member.
      NothingDoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The candidate has not been inducted, so cannot be offboarded from this pallet.
      NotTracked: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Member's rank is not zero.
      Ranked: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Operation cannot be done yet since not enough time has passed.
      TooSoon: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Member's rank is not as expected - generally means that the rank provided to the call
       * does not agree with the state of the system.
      UnexpectedRank: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Member's rank is too low.
      Unranked: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    council: {
       * Members are already initialized!
      AlreadyInitialized: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Duplicate proposals not allowed
      DuplicateProposal: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Duplicate vote ignored
      DuplicateVote: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Account is not a member
      NotMember: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Prime account is not a member
      PrimeAccountNotMember: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Proposal must exist
      ProposalMissing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The close call was made too early, before the end of the voting.
      TooEarly: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There can only be a maximum of `MaxProposals` active proposals.
      TooManyProposals: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Mismatched index
      WrongIndex: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The given length bound for the proposal was too low.
      WrongProposalLength: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The given weight bound for the proposal was too low.
      WrongProposalWeight: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    democracy: {
       * Cannot cancel the same proposal twice
      AlreadyCanceled: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The account is already delegating.
      AlreadyDelegating: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Identity may not veto a proposal twice
      AlreadyVetoed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Proposal already made
      DuplicateProposal: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The instant referendum origin is currently disallowed.
      InstantNotAllowed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Too high a balance was provided that the account cannot afford.
      InsufficientFunds: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Invalid hash
      InvalidHash: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Maximum number of votes reached.
      MaxVotesReached: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No proposals waiting
      NoneWaiting: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Delegation to oneself makes no sense.
      Nonsense: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The actor has no permission to conduct the action.
      NoPermission: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No external proposal
      NoProposal: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The account is not currently delegating.
      NotDelegating: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Next external proposal not simple majority
      NotSimpleMajority: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The given account did not vote on the referendum.
      NotVoter: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The preimage does not exist.
      PreimageNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Proposal still blacklisted
      ProposalBlacklisted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Proposal does not exist
      ProposalMissing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Vote given for invalid referendum
      ReferendumInvalid: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Maximum number of items reached.
      TooMany: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Value too low
      ValueLow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The account currently has votes attached to it and the operation cannot succeed until
       * these are removed, either through `unvote` or `reap_vote`.
      VotesExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Voting period too low
      VotingPeriodLow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Invalid upper bound.
      WrongUpperBound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    electionProviderMultiPhase: {
       * Some bound not met
      BoundNotMet: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The call is not allowed at this point.
      CallNotAllowed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The fallback failed
      FallbackFailed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * `Self::insert_submission` returned an invalid index.
      InvalidSubmissionIndex: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Snapshot metadata should exist but didn't.
      MissingSnapshotMetadata: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * OCW submitted solution for wrong round
      OcwCallWrongEra: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Submission was prepared for a different round.
      PreDispatchDifferentRound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Submission was too early.
      PreDispatchEarlySubmission: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Submission was too weak, score-wise.
      PreDispatchWeakSubmission: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Wrong number of winners presented.
      PreDispatchWrongWinnerCount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The origin failed to pay the deposit.
      SignedCannotPayDeposit: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Witness data to dispatchable is invalid.
      SignedInvalidWitness: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The queue was full, and the solution was not better than any of the existing ones.
      SignedQueueFull: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The signed submission consumes too much weight
      SignedTooMuchWeight: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Submitted solution has too many winners
      TooManyWinners: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    elections: {
       * Duplicated candidate submission.
      DuplicatedCandidate: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Candidate does not have enough funds.
      InsufficientCandidateFunds: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The renouncing origin presented a wrong `Renouncing` parameter.
      InvalidRenouncing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Prediction regarding replacement after member removal is wrong.
      InvalidReplacement: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The provided count of number of votes is incorrect.
      InvalidVoteCount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The provided count of number of candidates is incorrect.
      InvalidWitnessData: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Cannot vote with stake less than minimum balance.
      LowBalance: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Cannot vote more than maximum allowed.
      MaximumVotesExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Member cannot re-submit candidacy.
      MemberSubmit: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Must be a voter.
      MustBeVoter: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Not a member.
      NotMember: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Must vote for at least one candidate.
      NoVotes: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Runner cannot re-submit candidacy.
      RunnerUpSubmit: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Too many candidates have been created.
      TooManyCandidates: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Cannot vote more than candidates.
      TooManyVotes: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Voter can not pay voting bond.
      UnableToPayBond: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Cannot vote when no candidates or members exist.
      UnableToVote: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    fastUnstake: {
       * The provided un-staker is already in Head, and cannot deregister.
      AlreadyHead: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The bonded account has already been queued.
      AlreadyQueued: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The call is not allowed at this point because the pallet is not active.
      CallNotAllowed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The provided Controller account was not found.
       * This means that the given account is not bonded.
      NotController: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The bonded account has active unlocking chunks.
      NotFullyBonded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The provided un-staker is not in the `Queue`.
      NotQueued: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    glutton: {
       * The pallet was already initialized.
       * Set `witness_count` to `Some` to bypass this error.
      AlreadyInitialized: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The limit was over [`crate::RESOURCE_HARD_LIMIT`].
      InsaneLimit: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    grandpa: {
       * Attempt to signal GRANDPA change with one already pending.
      ChangePending: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A given equivocation report is valid but already previously reported.
      DuplicateOffenceReport: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * An equivocation proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid.
      InvalidEquivocationProof: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A key ownership proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid.
      InvalidKeyOwnershipProof: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Attempt to signal GRANDPA pause when the authority set isn't live
       * (either paused or already pending pause).
      PauseFailed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Attempt to signal GRANDPA resume when the authority set isn't paused
       * (either live or already pending resume).
      ResumeFailed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Cannot signal forced change so soon after last.
      TooSoon: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    identity: {
       * Account ID is already named.
      AlreadyClaimed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Empty index.
      EmptyIndex: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Fee is changed.
      FeeChanged: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The index is invalid.
      InvalidIndex: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Invalid judgement.
      InvalidJudgement: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The signature on a username was not valid.
      InvalidSignature: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The provided suffix is too long.
      InvalidSuffix: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The target is invalid.
      InvalidTarget: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The username does not meet the requirements.
      InvalidUsername: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The provided judgement was for a different identity.
      JudgementForDifferentIdentity: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Judgement given.
      JudgementGiven: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Error that occurs when there is an issue paying for judgement.
      JudgementPaymentFailed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The authority cannot allocate any more usernames.
      NoAllocation: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No identity found.
      NoIdentity: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The username cannot be forcefully removed because it can still be accepted.
      NotExpired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Account isn't found.
      NotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Account isn't named.
      NotNamed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Sub-account isn't owned by sender.
      NotOwned: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Sender is not a sub-account.
      NotSub: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The sender does not have permission to issue a username.
      NotUsernameAuthority: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The requested username does not exist.
      NoUsername: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Setting this username requires a signature, but none was provided.
      RequiresSignature: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Sticky judgement.
      StickyJudgement: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Maximum amount of registrars reached. Cannot add any more.
      TooManyRegistrars: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Too many subs-accounts.
      TooManySubAccounts: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The username is already taken.
      UsernameTaken: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    imOnline: {
       * Duplicated heartbeat.
      DuplicatedHeartbeat: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Non existent public key.
      InvalidKey: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    indices: {
       * The index was not available.
      InUse: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The index was not already assigned.
      NotAssigned: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The index is assigned to another account.
      NotOwner: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The source and destination accounts are identical.
      NotTransfer: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The index is permanent and may not be freed/changed.
      Permanent: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    lottery: {
       * A lottery has already ended.
      AlreadyEnded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * You are already participating in the lottery with this call.
      AlreadyParticipating: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Failed to encode calls
      EncodingFailed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A lottery is already in progress.
      InProgress: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The call is not valid for an open lottery.
      InvalidCall: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A lottery has not been configured.
      NotConfigured: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Too many calls for a single lottery.
      TooManyCalls: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    messageQueue: {
       * The message was already processed and cannot be processed again.
      AlreadyProcessed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There is temporarily not enough weight to continue servicing messages.
      InsufficientWeight: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The referenced message could not be found.
      NoMessage: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Page to be reaped does not exist.
      NoPage: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Page is not reapable because it has items remaining to be processed and is not old
       * enough.
      NotReapable: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The message is queued for future execution.
      Queued: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The queue is paused and no message can be executed from it.
       * This can change at any time and may resolve in the future by re-trying.
      QueuePaused: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Another call is in progress and needs to finish before this call can happen.
      RecursiveDisallowed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * This message is temporarily unprocessable.
       * Such errors are expected, but not guaranteed, to resolve themselves eventually through
       * retrying.
      TemporarilyUnprocessable: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    multiBlockMigrations: {
       * The operation cannot complete since some MBMs are ongoing.
      Ongoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    multisig: {
       * Call is already approved by this signatory.
      AlreadyApproved: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The data to be stored is already stored.
      AlreadyStored: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The maximum weight information provided was too low.
      MaxWeightTooLow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Threshold must be 2 or greater.
      MinimumThreshold: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Call doesn't need any (more) approvals.
      NoApprovalsNeeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Multisig operation not found when attempting to cancel.
      NotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No timepoint was given, yet the multisig operation is already underway.
      NoTimepoint: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Only the account that originally created the multisig is able to cancel it.
      NotOwner: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The sender was contained in the other signatories; it shouldn't be.
      SenderInSignatories: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The signatories were provided out of order; they should be ordered.
      SignatoriesOutOfOrder: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There are too few signatories in the list.
      TooFewSignatories: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There are too many signatories in the list.
      TooManySignatories: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A timepoint was given, yet no multisig operation is underway.
      UnexpectedTimepoint: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A different timepoint was given to the multisig operation that is underway.
      WrongTimepoint: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    nftFractionalization: {
       * Asset ID does not correspond to locked NFT.
      IncorrectAssetId: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * NFT doesn't exist.
      NftNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * NFT has not yet been fractionalised.
      NftNotFractionalized: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The signing account has no permission to do the operation.
      NoPermission: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    nfts: {
       * The provided Item was already used for claiming.
      AlreadyClaimed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The item ID has already been used for an item.
      AlreadyExists: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The approval had a deadline that expired, so the approval isn't valid anymore.
      ApprovalExpired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The provided attribute can't be found.
      AttributeNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The witness data given does not match the current state of the chain.
      BadWitness: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The provided bid is too low.
      BidTooLow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Collection ID is already taken.
      CollectionIdInUse: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Can't delete non-empty collections.
      CollectionNotEmpty: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The deadline has already expired.
      DeadlineExpired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Item's config already exists and should be equal to the provided one.
      InconsistentItemConfig: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The provided data is incorrect.
      IncorrectData: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The provided metadata might be too long.
      IncorrectMetadata: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The item is locked (non-transferable).
      ItemLocked: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Items within that collection are non-transferable.
      ItemsNonTransferable: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Collection's attributes are locked.
      LockedCollectionAttributes: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Collection's metadata is locked.
      LockedCollectionMetadata: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Item's attributes are locked.
      LockedItemAttributes: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Item's metadata is locked.
      LockedItemMetadata: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Can't set more attributes per one call.
      MaxAttributesLimitReached: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The max supply is locked and can't be changed.
      MaxSupplyLocked: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * All items have been minted.
      MaxSupplyReached: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The provided max supply is less than the number of items a collection already has.
      MaxSupplyTooSmall: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The given item has no metadata set.
      MetadataNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The method is disabled by system settings.
      MethodDisabled: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Mint has already ended.
      MintEnded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Mint has not started yet.
      MintNotStarted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Config for a collection or an item can't be found.
      NoConfig: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The signing account has no permission to do the operation.
      NoPermission: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The provided account is not a delegate.
      NotDelegate: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Item is not for sale.
      NotForSale: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The item has reached its approval limit.
      ReachedApprovalLimit: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Some roles were not cleared.
      RolesNotCleared: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The named owner has not signed ownership acceptance of the collection.
      Unaccepted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No approval exists that would allow the transfer.
      Unapproved: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The given item ID is unknown.
      UnknownCollection: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The given item ID is unknown.
      UnknownItem: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Swap doesn't exist.
      UnknownSwap: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The witness data should be provided.
      WitnessRequired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The delegate turned out to be different to what was expected.
      WrongDelegate: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The duration provided should be less than or equal to `MaxDeadlineDuration`.
      WrongDuration: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The provided namespace isn't supported in this call.
      WrongNamespace: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The extrinsic was sent by the wrong origin.
      WrongOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The owner turned out to be different to what was expected.
      WrongOwner: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The provided setting can't be set.
      WrongSetting: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The provided signature is incorrect.
      WrongSignature: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    nis: {
       * The receipt is already communal.
      AlreadyCommunal: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There are enough funds for what is required.
      AlreadyFunded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The receipt is already private.
      AlreadyPrivate: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The amount of the bid is less than the minimum allowed.
      AmountTooSmall: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The queue for the bid's duration is full and the amount bid is too low to get in
       * through replacing an existing bid.
      BidTooLow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The duration is the bid is greater than the number of queues.
      DurationTooBig: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The duration of the bid is less than one.
      DurationTooSmall: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The operation would result in a receipt worth an insignificant value.
      MakesDust: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Bond not yet at expiry date.
      NotExpired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Not the owner of the receipt.
      NotOwner: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The portion supplied is beyond the value of the receipt.
      PortionTooBig: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The thaw throttle has been reached for this period.
      Throttled: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Not enough funds are held to pay out.
      Unfunded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The given bid for retraction is not found.
      UnknownBid: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Receipt index is unknown.
      UnknownReceipt: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    nominationPools: {
       * An account is already delegating in another pool. An account may only belong to one
       * pool at a time.
      AccountBelongsToOtherPool: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Bonding extra is restricted to the exact pending reward amount.
      BondExtraRestricted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The pools state cannot be changed.
      CanNotChangeState: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * None of the funds can be withdrawn yet because the bonding duration has not passed.
      CannotWithdrawAny: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The submitted changes to commission change rate are not allowed.
      CommissionChangeRateNotAllowed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Not enough blocks have surpassed since the last commission update.
      CommissionChangeThrottled: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The supplied commission exceeds global maximum commission.
      CommissionExceedsGlobalMaximum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The supplied commission exceeds the max allowed commission.
      CommissionExceedsMaximum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Some error occurred that should never happen. This should be reported to the
       * maintainers.
      Defensive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The caller does not have adequate permissions.
      DoesNotHavePermission: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The member is fully unbonded (and thus cannot access the bonded and reward pool
       * anymore to, for example, collect rewards).
      FullyUnbonding: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Pool id provided is not correct/usable.
      InvalidPoolId: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The pool's max commission cannot be set higher than the existing value.
      MaxCommissionRestricted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Too many members in the pool or system.
      MaxPoolMembers: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The system is maxed out on pools.
      MaxPools: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The member cannot unbond further chunks due to reaching the limit.
      MaxUnbondingLimit: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Metadata exceeds [`Config::MaxMetadataLen`]
      MetadataExceedsMaxLen: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The amount does not meet the minimum bond to either join or create a pool.
       * The depositor can never unbond to a value less than `Pallet::depositor_min_bond`. The
       * caller does not have nominating permissions for the pool. Members can never unbond to a
       * value below `MinJoinBond`.
      MinimumBondNotMet: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No commission current has been set.
      NoCommissionCurrentSet: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There is no pending commission to claim.
      NoPendingCommission: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A pool must be in [`PoolState::Destroying`] in order for the depositor to unbond or for
       * other members to be permissionlessly unbonded.
      NotDestroying: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No imbalance in the ED deposit for the pool.
      NothingToAdjust: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Either a) the caller cannot make a valid kick or b) the pool is not destroying.
      NotKickerOrDestroying: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The caller does not have nominating permissions for the pool.
      NotNominator: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The pool is not open to join
      NotOpen: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The transaction could not be executed due to overflow risk for the pool.
      OverflowRisk: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Partial unbonding now allowed permissionlessly.
      PartialUnbondNotAllowedPermissionlessly: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Pool id currently in use.
      PoolIdInUse: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * An account is not a member.
      PoolMemberNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A (bonded) pool id does not exist.
      PoolNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A reward pool does not exist. In all cases this is a system logic error.
      RewardPoolNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A sub pool does not exist.
      SubPoolsNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    poolAssets: {
       * The asset-account already exists.
      AlreadyExists: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The asset is not live, and likely being destroyed.
      AssetNotLive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Invalid metadata given.
      BadMetadata: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Invalid witness data given.
      BadWitness: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Account balance must be greater than or equal to the transfer amount.
      BalanceLow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Callback action resulted in error
      CallbackFailed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The origin account is frozen.
      Frozen: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The asset status is not the expected status.
      IncorrectStatus: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The asset ID is already taken.
      InUse: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The asset is a live asset and is actively being used. Usually emit for operations such
       * as `start_destroy` which require the asset to be in a destroying state.
      LiveAsset: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Minimum balance should be non-zero.
      MinBalanceZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The account to alter does not exist.
      NoAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The asset-account doesn't have an associated deposit.
      NoDeposit: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The signing account has no permission to do the operation.
      NoPermission: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The asset should be frozen before the given operation.
      NotFrozen: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No approval exists that would allow the transfer.
      Unapproved: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Unable to increment the consumer reference counters on the account. Either no provider
       * reference exists to allow a non-zero balance of a non-self-sufficient asset, or one
       * fewer then the maximum number of consumers has been reached.
      UnavailableConsumer: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The given asset ID is unknown.
      Unknown: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The operation would result in funds being burned.
      WouldBurn: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The source account would not survive the transfer and it needs to stay alive.
      WouldDie: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    preimage: {
       * Preimage has already been noted on-chain.
      AlreadyNoted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The user is not authorized to perform this action.
      NotAuthorized: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The preimage cannot be removed since it has not yet been noted.
      NotNoted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The preimage request cannot be removed since no outstanding requests exist.
      NotRequested: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A preimage may not be removed when there are outstanding requests.
      Requested: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Preimage is too large to store on-chain.
      TooBig: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Too few hashes were requested to be upgraded (i.e. zero).
      TooFew: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * More than `MAX_HASH_UPGRADE_BULK_COUNT` hashes were requested to be upgraded at once.
      TooMany: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    proxy: {
       * Account is already a proxy.
      Duplicate: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Call may not be made by proxy because it may escalate its privileges.
      NoPermission: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Cannot add self as proxy.
      NoSelfProxy: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Proxy registration not found.
      NotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Sender is not a proxy of the account to be proxied.
      NotProxy: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There are too many proxies registered or too many announcements pending.
      TooMany: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Announcement, if made at all, was made too recently.
      Unannounced: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A call which is incompatible with the proxy type's filter was attempted.
      Unproxyable: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    rankedCollective: {
       * Account is already a member.
      AlreadyMember: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Unexpected error in state.
      Corruption: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The information provided is incorrect.
      InvalidWitness: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There are no further records to be removed.
      NoneRemaining: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The origin is not sufficiently privileged to do the operation.
      NoPermission: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Account is not a member.
      NotMember: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The given poll index is unknown or has closed.
      NotPolling: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The given poll is still ongoing.
      Ongoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The member's rank is too low to vote.
      RankTooLow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The new member to exchange is the same as the old member
      SameMember: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    rankedPolls: {
       * The referendum index provided is invalid in this context.
      BadReferendum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The referendum status is invalid for this operation.
      BadStatus: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The track identifier given was invalid.
      BadTrack: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There are already a full complement of referenda in progress for this track.
      Full: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Referendum's decision deposit is already paid.
      HasDeposit: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The deposit cannot be refunded since none was made.
      NoDeposit: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The deposit refunder is not the depositor.
      NoPermission: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There was nothing to do in the advancement.
      NothingToDo: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Referendum is not ongoing.
      NotOngoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No track exists for the proposal origin.
      NoTrack: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The preimage does not exist.
      PreimageNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The preimage is stored with a different length than the one provided.
      PreimageStoredWithDifferentLength: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The queue of the track is empty.
      QueueEmpty: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Any deposit cannot be refunded until after the decision is over.
      Unfinished: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    recovery: {
       * This account is already set up for recovery
      AlreadyProxy: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * This account is already set up for recovery
      AlreadyRecoverable: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A recovery process has already started for this account
      AlreadyStarted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * This user has already vouched for this recovery
      AlreadyVouched: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Some internal state is broken.
      BadState: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The friend must wait until the delay period to vouch for this recovery
      DelayPeriod: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Friends list must be less than max friends
      MaxFriends: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * User is not allowed to make a call on behalf of this account
      NotAllowed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Friends list must be greater than zero and threshold
      NotEnoughFriends: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * This account is not a friend who can vouch
      NotFriend: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * This account is not set up for recovery
      NotRecoverable: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Friends list must be sorted and free of duplicates
      NotSorted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A recovery process has not started for this rescuer
      NotStarted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There are still active recovery attempts that need to be closed
      StillActive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The threshold for recovering this account has not been met
      Threshold: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Threshold must be greater than zero
      ZeroThreshold: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    referenda: {
       * The referendum index provided is invalid in this context.
      BadReferendum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The referendum status is invalid for this operation.
      BadStatus: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The track identifier given was invalid.
      BadTrack: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There are already a full complement of referenda in progress for this track.
      Full: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Referendum's decision deposit is already paid.
      HasDeposit: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The deposit cannot be refunded since none was made.
      NoDeposit: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The deposit refunder is not the depositor.
      NoPermission: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There was nothing to do in the advancement.
      NothingToDo: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Referendum is not ongoing.
      NotOngoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No track exists for the proposal origin.
      NoTrack: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The preimage does not exist.
      PreimageNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The preimage is stored with a different length than the one provided.
      PreimageStoredWithDifferentLength: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The queue of the track is empty.
      QueueEmpty: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Any deposit cannot be refunded until after the decision is over.
      Unfinished: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    remark: {
       * Attempted to call `store` outside of block execution.
      BadContext: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Attempting to store empty data.
      Empty: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    safeMode: {
       * The account already has a deposit reserved and can therefore not enter or extend again.
      AlreadyDeposited: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * This deposit cannot be released yet.
      CannotReleaseYet: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * An error from the underlying `Currency`.
      CurrencyError: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The safe-mode is (already or still) entered.
      Entered: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The safe-mode is (already or still) exited.
      Exited: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There is no balance reserved.
      NoDeposit: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * This functionality of the pallet is disabled by the configuration.
      NotConfigured: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    salary: {
       * The account is already inducted.
      AlreadyInducted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The salary system has already been started.
      AlreadyStarted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There is no budget left for the payout.
      Bankrupt: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The member's claim is zero.
      ClaimZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The payment has neither failed nor succeeded yet.
      Inconclusive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The member does not have a current valid claim.
      NoClaim: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The cycle is after that in which the payment was made.
      NotCurrent: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
      NotInducted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The account is not a ranked member.
      NotMember: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The payout cycles have not yet started.
      NotStarted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Cycle is not yet over.
      NotYet: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There was some issue with the mechanism of payment.
      PayError: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Current cycle's payment period is not yet begun.
      TooEarly: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Current cycle's registration period is over.
      TooLate: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    scheduler: {
       * Failed to schedule a call
      FailedToSchedule: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Attempt to use a non-named function on a named task.
      Named: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Cannot find the scheduled call.
      NotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Reschedule failed because it does not change scheduled time.
      RescheduleNoChange: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Given target block number is in the past.
      TargetBlockNumberInPast: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    session: {
       * Registered duplicate key.
      DuplicatedKey: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Invalid ownership proof.
      InvalidProof: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Key setting account is not live, so it's impossible to associate keys.
      NoAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No associated validator ID for account.
      NoAssociatedValidatorId: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No keys are associated with this account.
      NoKeys: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    society: {
       * User has already made a bid.
      AlreadyBid: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * User is already a candidate.
      AlreadyCandidate: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The member is already elevated to this rank.
      AlreadyElevated: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Society already founded.
      AlreadyFounded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * User is already a member.
      AlreadyMember: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The skeptic has already been punished for this offence.
      AlreadyPunished: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Member is already vouching or banned from vouching again.
      AlreadyVouching: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The candidacy cannot be dropped as the candidate was clearly approved.
      Approved: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The skeptic need not vote on candidates from expired rounds.
      Expired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Cannot remove the founder.
      Founder: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Cannot remove the head of the chain.
      Head: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The candidacy cannot be concluded as the voting is still in progress.
      InProgress: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Funds are insufficient to pay off society debts.
      InsufficientFunds: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Not enough in pot to accept candidate.
      InsufficientPot: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Too many members in the society.
      MaxMembers: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There is no defender currently.
      NoDefender: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Nothing to payout.
      NoPayout: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The membership cannot be claimed as the candidate was not clearly approved.
      NotApproved: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * User is not a bidder.
      NotBidder: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * User is not a candidate.
      NotCandidate: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The caller is not the founder.
      NotFounder: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Group doesn't exist.
      NotGroup: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The caller is not the head.
      NotHead: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * User is not a member.
      NotMember: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The candidate cannot be kicked as the candidate was not clearly rejected.
      NotRejected: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * User is not suspended.
      NotSuspended: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Member is not vouching.
      NotVouchingOnBidder: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The candidate/defender has no stale votes to remove.
      NoVotes: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The candidacy cannot be bestowed as the candidate was clearly rejected.
      Rejected: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * User is suspended.
      Suspended: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The candidacy cannot be pruned until a full additional intake period has passed.
      TooEarly: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The skeptic already voted.
      Voted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    staking: {
       * Stash is already bonded.
      AlreadyBonded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Rewards for this era have already been claimed for this validator.
      AlreadyClaimed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Controller is already paired.
      AlreadyPaired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Internal state has become somehow corrupted and the operation cannot continue.
      BadState: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A nomination target was supplied that was blocked or otherwise not a validator.
      BadTarget: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Some bound is not met.
      BoundNotMet: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The user has enough bond and thus cannot be chilled forcefully by an external person.
      CannotChillOther: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Cannot reset a ledger.
      CannotRestoreLedger: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Commission is too low. Must be at least `MinCommission`.
      CommissionTooLow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Used when attempting to use deprecated controller account logic.
      ControllerDeprecated: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Duplicate index.
      DuplicateIndex: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Targets cannot be empty.
      EmptyTargets: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Attempting to target a stash that still has funds.
      FundedTarget: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Incorrect previous history depth input provided.
      IncorrectHistoryDepth: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Incorrect number of slashing spans provided.
      IncorrectSlashingSpans: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Cannot have a validator or nominator role, with value less than the minimum defined by
       * governance (see `MinValidatorBond` and `MinNominatorBond`). If unbonding is the
       * intention, `chill` first to remove one's role as validator/nominator.
      InsufficientBond: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Invalid era to reward.
      InvalidEraToReward: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Invalid number of nominations.
      InvalidNumberOfNominations: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No nominators exist on this page.
      InvalidPage: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Slash record index out of bounds.
      InvalidSlashIndex: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Can not schedule more unlock chunks.
      NoMoreChunks: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Not a controller account.
      NotController: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Items are not sorted and unique.
      NotSortedAndUnique: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Not a stash account.
      NotStash: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Can not rebond without unlocking chunks.
      NoUnlockChunk: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There are too many nominators in the system. Governance needs to adjust the staking
       * settings to keep things safe for the runtime.
      TooManyNominators: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Too many nomination targets supplied.
      TooManyTargets: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There are too many validator candidates in the system. Governance needs to adjust the
       * staking settings to keep things safe for the runtime.
      TooManyValidators: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    stateTrieMigration: {
       * Bad child root provided.
      BadChildRoot: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Bad witness data provided.
      BadWitness: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A key was longer than the configured maximum.
       * This means that the migration halted at the current [`Progress`] and
       * can be resumed with a larger [`crate::Config::MaxKeyLen`] value.
       * Retrying with the same [`crate::Config::MaxKeyLen`] value will not work.
       * The value should only be increased to avoid a storage migration for the currently
       * stored [`crate::Progress::LastKey`].
      KeyTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Max signed limits not respected.
      MaxSignedLimits: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * submitter does not have enough funds.
      NotEnoughFunds: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Signed migration is not allowed because the maximum limit is not set yet.
      SignedMigrationNotAllowed: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    sudo: {
       * Sender must be the Sudo account.
      RequireSudo: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    system: {
       * The origin filter prevent the call to be dispatched.
      CallFiltered: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Failed to extract the runtime version from the new runtime.
       * Either calling `Core_version` or decoding `RuntimeVersion` failed.
      FailedToExtractRuntimeVersion: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The name of specification does not match between the current runtime
       * and the new runtime.
      InvalidSpecName: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * A multi-block migration is ongoing and prevents the current code from being replaced.
      MultiBlockMigrationsOngoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Suicide called when the account has non-default composite data.
      NonDefaultComposite: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There is a non-zero reference count preventing the account from being purged.
      NonZeroRefCount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No upgrade authorized.
      NothingAuthorized: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The specification version is not allowed to decrease between the current runtime
       * and the new runtime.
      SpecVersionNeedsToIncrease: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The submitted code is not authorized.
      Unauthorized: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    tasksExample: {
       * The referenced task was not found.
      NotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    technicalCommittee: {
       * Members are already initialized!
      AlreadyInitialized: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Duplicate proposals not allowed
      DuplicateProposal: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Duplicate vote ignored
      DuplicateVote: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Account is not a member
      NotMember: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Prime account is not a member
      PrimeAccountNotMember: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Proposal must exist
      ProposalMissing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The close call was made too early, before the end of the voting.
      TooEarly: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There can only be a maximum of `MaxProposals` active proposals.
      TooManyProposals: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Mismatched index
      WrongIndex: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The given length bound for the proposal was too low.
      WrongProposalLength: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The given weight bound for the proposal was too low.
      WrongProposalWeight: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    technicalMembership: {
       * Already a member.
      AlreadyMember: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Not a member.
      NotMember: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Too many members.
      TooManyMembers: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    tips: {
       * The tip was already found/started.
      AlreadyKnown: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The tip given was too generous.
      MaxTipAmountExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The account attempting to retract the tip is not the finder of the tip.
      NotFinder: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The tip cannot be claimed/closed because it's still in the countdown period.
      Premature: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The reason given is just too big.
      ReasonTooBig: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The tip cannot be claimed/closed because there are not enough tippers yet.
      StillOpen: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The tip hash is unknown.
      UnknownTip: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    transactionStorage: {
       * Attempted to call `store` outside of block execution.
      BadContext: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Double proof check in the block.
      DoubleCheck: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Attempting to store empty transaction
      EmptyTransaction: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Proof failed verification.
      InvalidProof: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Missing storage proof.
      MissingProof: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Unable to verify proof because state data is missing.
      MissingStateData: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Invalid configuration.
      NotConfigured: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Storage proof was not checked in the block.
      ProofNotChecked: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Renewed extrinsic is not found.
      RenewedNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Too many transactions in the block.
      TooManyTransactions: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Transaction is too large.
      TransactionTooLarge: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Proof was not expected in this block.
      UnexpectedProof: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    treasury: {
       * The payment has already been attempted.
      AlreadyAttempted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The spend is not yet eligible for payout.
      EarlyPayout: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The balance of the asset kind is not convertible to the balance of the native asset.
      FailedToConvertBalance: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The payment has neither failed nor succeeded yet.
      Inconclusive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The spend origin is valid but the amount it is allowed to spend is lower than the
       * amount to be spent.
      InsufficientPermission: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Proposer's balance is too low.
      InsufficientProposersBalance: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No proposal, bounty or spend at that index.
      InvalidIndex: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The payout was not yet attempted/claimed.
      NotAttempted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There was some issue with the mechanism of payment.
      PayoutError: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Proposal has not been approved.
      ProposalNotApproved: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The spend has expired and cannot be claimed.
      SpendExpired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Too many approvals in the queue.
      TooManyApprovals: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    txPause: {
       * The call is paused.
      IsPaused: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The call is unpaused.
      IsUnpaused: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
      NotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The call is whitelisted and cannot be paused.
      Unpausable: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    uniques: {
       * The item ID has already been used for an item.
      AlreadyExists: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Invalid witness data given.
      BadWitness: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The provided bid is too low.
      BidTooLow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The item or collection is frozen.
      Frozen: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The item ID is already taken.
      InUse: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The item is locked.
      Locked: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The max supply has already been set.
      MaxSupplyAlreadySet: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * All items have been minted.
      MaxSupplyReached: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The provided max supply is less to the amount of items a collection already has.
      MaxSupplyTooSmall: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * There is no delegate approved.
      NoDelegate: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The signing account has no permission to do the operation.
      NoPermission: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Item is not for sale.
      NotForSale: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The named owner has not signed ownership of the collection is acceptable.
      Unaccepted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * No approval exists that would allow the transfer.
      Unapproved: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The given item ID is unknown.
      UnknownCollection: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The given item ID is unknown.
      UnknownItem: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The delegate turned out to be different to what was expected.
      WrongDelegate: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The owner turned out to be different to what was expected.
      WrongOwner: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    utility: {
       * Too many calls batched.
      TooManyCalls: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    vesting: {
       * Amount being transferred is too low to create a vesting schedule.
      AmountLow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The account already has `MaxVestingSchedules` count of schedules and thus
       * cannot add another one. Consider merging existing schedules in order to add another.
      AtMaxVestingSchedules: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Failed to create a new schedule because some parameter was invalid.
      InvalidScheduleParams: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The account given is not vesting.
      NotVesting: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * An index was out of bounds of the vesting schedules.
      ScheduleIndexOutOfBounds: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    voterList: {
       * A error in the list interface implementation.
      List: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
    whitelist: {
       * The call was already whitelisted; No-Op.
      CallAlreadyWhitelisted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The call was not whitelisted.
      CallIsNotWhitelisted: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The weight of the decoded call was higher than the witness.
      InvalidCallWeightWitness: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The preimage of the call hash could not be loaded.
      UnavailablePreImage: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * The call could not be decoded.
      UndecodableCall: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
       * Generic error
      [key: string]: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
  } // AugmentedErrors
} // declare module