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// Copyright 2017-2024 @polkadot/typegen authors & contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import type { PortableType, SiLookupTypeId, SiPath, SiTypeParameter } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces';
import type { PortableRegistry } from '@polkadot/types/metadata';
import type { Registry } from '@polkadot/types/types';
import type { TypeDef } from '@polkadot/types-create/types';
import type { HexString } from '@polkadot/util/types';

import Handlebars from 'handlebars';
import path from 'node:path';

import * as defaultDefinitions from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/definitions';
import staticKusama from '@polkadot/types-support/metadata/static-kusama';
import staticPolkadot from '@polkadot/types-support/metadata/static-polkadot';
import staticSubstrate from '@polkadot/types-support/metadata/static-substrate';
import { isString, stringify } from '@polkadot/util';

import { createImports, exportInterface, initMeta, readTemplate, writeFile } from '../util/index.js';
import { typeEncoders } from './tsDef.js';

// Record<string, >
interface ParsedDef {
  _set: Record<string, number>;

  [key: string]: string | Record<string, string> | Record<string, number>;

const WITH_TYPEDEF = false;

const generateLookupDefsTmpl = Handlebars.compile(readTemplate('lookup/defs'));
const generateLookupDefsNamedTmpl = Handlebars.compile(readTemplate('lookup/defs-named'));
const generateLookupIndexTmpl = Handlebars.compile(readTemplate('lookup/index'));
const generateLookupTypesTmpl = Handlebars.compile(readTemplate('lookup/types'));
const generateRegistryTmpl = Handlebars.compile(readTemplate('interfaceRegistry'));

function generateParamType (registry: Registry, { name, type }: SiTypeParameter): string {
  if (type.isSome) {
    const link = registry.lookup.types[type.unwrap().toNumber()];

    if (link.type.path.length) {
      return generateTypeDocs(registry, null, link.type.path, link.type.params);

  return name.toString();

function generateTypeDocs (registry: Registry, id: SiLookupTypeId | null, path: SiPath, params: SiTypeParameter[]): string {
  return `${id ? `${registry.createLookupType(id)}${path.length ? ': ' : ''}` : ''}${path.map((p) => p.toString()).join('::')}${params.length ? `<${params.map((p) => generateParamType(registry, p)).join(', ')}>` : ''}`;

function formatObject (lines: string[]): string[] {
  const max = lines.length - 1;

  return [
    ...lines.map((l, index) =>
      (l.endsWith(',') || l.endsWith('{') || index === max || lines[index + 1].endsWith('}') || lines[index + 1].endsWith('}'))
        ? l
        : `${l},`

function expandSet (parsed: Record<string, number>): string[] {
  return formatObject(
    Object.entries(parsed).reduce<string[]>((all, [k, v]) => {
      all.push(`${k}: ${v}`);

      return all;
    }, [])

function expandObject (parsed: ParsedDef): string[] {
  if (parsed._set) {
    return expandSet(parsed._set);

  return formatObject(
    Object.entries(parsed).reduce<string[]>((all, [k, v]) => {
      const inner = isString(v)
        ? expandType(v)
        : Array.isArray(v)
          ? [`[${(v as string[]).map((e) => `'${e}'`).join(', ')}]`]
          : expandObject(v as ParsedDef);

      inner.forEach((l, index): void => {
          index === 0
            ? `${k}: ${l}`
            : `${l}`

      return all;
    }, [])

function expandType (encoded: string): string[] {
  if (!encoded.startsWith('{')) {
    return [`'${encoded}'`];

  return expandObject(JSON.parse(encoded) as ParsedDef);

function expandDefToString ({ lookupNameRoot, type }: TypeDef, indent: number): string {
  if (lookupNameRoot) {
    return `'${lookupNameRoot}'`;

  const lines = expandType(type);
  let inc = 0;

  return lines.map((l, index) => {
    let r: string;

    if (l.endsWith('{')) {
      r = index === 0
        ? l
        : `${' '.padStart(indent + inc)}${l}`;
      inc += 2;
    } else {
      if (l.endsWith('},') || l.endsWith('}')) {
        inc -= 2;

      r = index === 0
        ? l
        : `${' '.padStart(indent + inc)}${l}`;

    return r;

function getFilteredTypes (lookup: PortableRegistry, exclude: string[] = []): [PortableType, TypeDef][] {
  const named = lookup.types.filter(({ id }) => !!lookup.getTypeDef(id).lookupName);
  const names = named.map(({ id }) => lookup.getName(id));

  return named
    .filter((_, index) =>
      !names.some((n, iindex) =>
        index > iindex &&
        n === names[index]
    .map((p): [PortableType, TypeDef] => [p, lookup.getTypeDef(p.id)])
    .filter(([, typeDef]) => !exclude.includes(typeDef.lookupName || '<invalid>'));

function generateLookupDefs (registry: Registry, filtered: [PortableType, TypeDef][], destDir: string, subPath?: string): void {
  writeFile(path.join(destDir, `${subPath || 'definitions'}.ts`), (): string => {
    const all = filtered.map(([{ id, type: { params, path } }, typeDef]) => {
      const typeLookup = registry.createLookupType(id);
      const def = expandDefToString(typeDef, subPath ? 2 : 4);

      return {
        docs: [
          generateTypeDocs(registry, id, path, params),
            ? `@typeDef ${stringify(typeDef)}`
            : null
        ].filter((d): d is string => !!d),
        type: { def, typeLookup, typeName: typeDef.lookupName }
    const max = all.length - 1;

    return (subPath ? generateLookupDefsNamedTmpl : generateLookupDefsTmpl)({
      defs: all.map(({ docs, type }, i) => {
        const { def, typeLookup, typeName } = type;

        return {
          defs: [
            [typeName || typeLookup, `${def}${i !== max ? ',' : ''}`]
          ].map(([n, t]) => `${n}: ${t}`),
      headerType: 'defs'

function generateLookupTypes (registry: Registry, filtered: [PortableType, TypeDef][], destDir: string, subPath?: string): void {
  const imports = {
      { '@polkadot/types/interfaces': defaultDefinitions },
      { types: {} }
    interfaces: []
  const items = filtered
    .map(([, typeDef]) => {
      typeDef.name = typeDef.lookupName;

      return typeDef.lookupNameRoot && typeDef.lookupName
        ? exportInterface(typeDef.lookupIndex, typeDef.lookupName, typeDef.lookupNameRoot)
        : typeEncoders[typeDef.info](registry, imports.definitions, typeDef, imports);
    .filter((t): t is string => !!t)
    .map((t) => t.replace(/\nexport /, '\n'));

  writeFile(path.join(destDir, `types${subPath ? `-${subPath}` : ''}.ts`), () => generateLookupTypesTmpl({
    headerType: 'defs',
    items: items.map((l) =>
        .map((l) => l.length ? `  ${l}` : '')
    types: [
      ...Object.keys(imports.localTypes).sort().map((packagePath): { file: string; types: string[] } => ({
        file: packagePath,
        types: Object.keys(imports.localTypes[packagePath])
  }), true);
  writeFile(path.join(destDir, 'index.ts'), () => generateLookupIndexTmpl({ headerType: 'defs' }), true);

function generateRegistry (_registry: Registry, filtered: [PortableType, TypeDef][], destDir: string, subPath: string): void {
  writeFile(path.join(destDir, `${subPath}.ts`), (): string => {
    const items = filtered
      .map(([, { lookupName }]) => lookupName)
      .filter((n): n is string => !!n)
      .reduce((all: string[], n) => all.includes(n) ? all : all.concat(n), []);
    const imports = createImports({}, { types: {} });

    imports.lookupTypes = items.reduce((all, n) => ({ ...all, [n]: true }), {});

    return generateRegistryTmpl({
      headerType: 'defs',
      types: []
  }, true);

function generateLookup (destDir: string, entries: [string, HexString][]): void {
  entries.reduce<string[]>((exclude, [subPath, staticMeta]): string[] => {
    const { lookup, registry } = initMeta(staticMeta).metadata.asLatest;
    const filtered = getFilteredTypes(lookup, exclude);

    generateLookupDefs(registry, filtered, destDir, subPath);
    generateLookupTypes(registry, filtered, destDir, subPath);
    generateRegistry(registry, filtered, destDir, subPath === 'lookup' ? 'registry' : `../registry/${subPath}`);

    return exclude.concat(
        .map(([, typeDef]) => typeDef.lookupName)
        .filter((n): n is string => !!n)
  }, []);

// Generate `packages/types/src/lookup/*s`, the registry of all lookup types
export function generateDefaultLookup (destDir = 'packages/types-augment/src/lookup', staticData?: HexString): void {
      ? [['lookup', staticData]]
      : [
        ['substrate', staticSubstrate],
        ['polkadot', staticPolkadot],
        ['kusama', staticKusama]