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// Copyright 2017-2024 @polkadot/types-create authors & contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import type { Codec, CodecClass, LookupString, Registry, U8aBitLength, UIntBitLength } from '@polkadot/types-codec/types';
import type { TypeDef } from '../types/index.js';

import { BTreeMap, BTreeSet, Bytes, CodecSet, Compact, DoNotConstruct, Enum, HashMap, Int, Null, Option, Range, RangeInclusive, Result, Struct, Tuple, U8aFixed, UInt, Vec, VecFixed, WrapperKeepOpaque, WrapperOpaque } from '@polkadot/types-codec';
import { isNumber, stringify } from '@polkadot/util';

import { TypeDefInfo } from '../types/index.js';
import { getTypeDef } from '../util/getTypeDef.js';

function getTypeDefType ({ lookupName, type }: TypeDef): string {
  return lookupName || type;

function getSubDefArray (value: TypeDef): TypeDef[] {
  if (!Array.isArray(value.sub)) {
    throw new Error(`Expected subtype as TypeDef[] in ${stringify(value)}`);

  return value.sub;

function getSubDef (value: TypeDef): TypeDef {
  if (!value.sub || Array.isArray(value.sub)) {
    throw new Error(`Expected subtype as TypeDef in ${stringify(value)}`);

  return value.sub;

function getSubType (value: TypeDef): string {
  return getTypeDefType(getSubDef(value));

// create a maps of type string CodecClasss from the input
function getTypeClassMap (value: TypeDef): Record<string, string> {
  const subs = getSubDefArray(value);
  const map: Record<string, string> = {};

  for (let i = 0, count = subs.length; i < count; i++) {
    const sub = subs[i];

    if (!sub.name) {
      throw new Error(`No name found in definition ${stringify(sub)}`);

    map[sub.name] = getTypeDefType(sub);

  return map;

// create an array of type string CodecClasss from the input
function getTypeClassArray (value: TypeDef): string[] {
  return getSubDefArray(value).map(getTypeDefType);

function createInt (Clazz: typeof Int | typeof UInt, { displayName, length }: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> {
  if (!isNumber(length)) {
    throw new Error(`Expected bitLength information for ${displayName || Clazz.constructor.name}<bitLength>`);

  return Clazz.with(length as UIntBitLength, displayName);

function createHashMap (Clazz: typeof BTreeMap | typeof HashMap, value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> {
  const [keyType, valueType] = getTypeClassArray(value);

  return Clazz.with(keyType, valueType);

function createWithSub (Clazz: { with: (t: string) => CodecClass<Codec> }, value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> {
  return Clazz.with(getSubType(value));

const infoMapping: Record<TypeDefInfo, (registry: Registry, value: TypeDef) => CodecClass<Codec>> = {
  [TypeDefInfo.BTreeMap]: (_registry: Registry, value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> =>
    createHashMap(BTreeMap, value),

  [TypeDefInfo.BTreeSet]: (_registry: Registry, value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> =>
    createWithSub(BTreeSet, value),

  [TypeDefInfo.Compact]: (_registry: Registry, value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> =>
    createWithSub(Compact, value),

  [TypeDefInfo.DoNotConstruct]: (_registry: Registry, value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> =>
    DoNotConstruct.with(value.displayName || value.type),

  [TypeDefInfo.Enum]: (_registry: Registry, value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> => {
    const subs = getSubDefArray(value);

    return Enum.with(
      subs.every(({ type }) => type === 'Null')
        ? subs.reduce<Record<string, number>>((out, { index, name }, count) => {
          if (!name) {
            throw new Error('No name found in sub definition');

          out[name] = index || count;

          return out;
        }, {})
        : getTypeClassMap(value)

  [TypeDefInfo.HashMap]: (_registry: Registry, value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> =>
    createHashMap(HashMap, value),

  [TypeDefInfo.Int]: (_registry: Registry, value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> =>
    createInt(Int, value),

  // We have circular deps between Linkage & Struct
  [TypeDefInfo.Linkage]: (_registry: Registry, value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> => {
    const type = `Option<${getSubType(value)}>`;
    // eslint-disable-next-line sort-keys
    const Clazz = Struct.with({ previous: type, next: type } as any);

    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
    Clazz.prototype.toRawType = function (): string {
      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions,@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access,@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call
      return `Linkage<${this.next.toRawType(true)}>`;

    return Clazz;

  [TypeDefInfo.Null]: (_registry: Registry, _value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> =>

  [TypeDefInfo.Option]: (_registry: Registry, value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> => {
    if (!value.sub || Array.isArray(value.sub)) {
      throw new Error('Expected type information for Option');

    // NOTE This is opt-in (unhandled), not by default
    // if (value.sub.type === 'bool') {
    //   return OptionBool;
    // }

    return createWithSub(Option, value);

  [TypeDefInfo.Plain]: (registry: Registry, value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> =>

  [TypeDefInfo.Range]: (_registry: Registry, value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> =>
    createWithSub(Range, value),

  [TypeDefInfo.RangeInclusive]: (_registry: Registry, value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> =>
    createWithSub(RangeInclusive, value),

  [TypeDefInfo.Result]: (_registry: Registry, value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> => {
    const [Ok, Err] = getTypeClassArray(value);

    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define
    return Result.with({ Err, Ok });

  [TypeDefInfo.Set]: (_registry: Registry, value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> =>
      getSubDefArray(value).reduce<Record<string, number>>((result, { index, name }) => {
        if (!name || !isNumber(index)) {
          throw new Error('No name found in sub definition');

        result[name] = index;

        return result;
      }, {}),

  [TypeDefInfo.Si]: (registry: Registry, value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> =>
    getTypeClass(registry, registry.lookup.getTypeDef(value.type as LookupString)),

  [TypeDefInfo.Struct]: (_registry: Registry, value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> =>
    Struct.with(getTypeClassMap(value), value.alias),

  [TypeDefInfo.Tuple]: (_registry: Registry, value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> =>

  [TypeDefInfo.UInt]: (_registry: Registry, value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> =>
    createInt(UInt, value),

  [TypeDefInfo.Vec]: (_registry: Registry, { sub }: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> => {
    if (!sub || Array.isArray(sub)) {
      throw new Error('Expected type information for vector');

    return (
      sub.type === 'u8'
        ? Bytes
        : Vec.with(getTypeDefType(sub))

  [TypeDefInfo.VecFixed]: (_registry: Registry, { displayName, length, sub }: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> => {
    if (!isNumber(length) || !sub || Array.isArray(sub)) {
      throw new Error('Expected length & type information for fixed vector');

    return (
      sub.type === 'u8'
        ? U8aFixed.with((length * 8) as U8aBitLength, displayName)
        : VecFixed.with(getTypeDefType(sub), length)

  [TypeDefInfo.WrapperKeepOpaque]: (_registry: Registry, value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> =>
    createWithSub(WrapperKeepOpaque, value),

  [TypeDefInfo.WrapperOpaque]: (_registry: Registry, value: TypeDef): CodecClass<Codec> =>
    createWithSub(WrapperOpaque, value)

export function constructTypeClass<T extends Codec = Codec> (registry: Registry, typeDef: TypeDef): CodecClass<T> {
  try {
    const Type = infoMapping[typeDef.info](registry, typeDef);

    if (!Type) {
      throw new Error('No class created');

    // don't clobber any existing
    if (!Type.__fallbackType && typeDef.fallbackType) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
      // @ts-ignore ...this is the only place we we actually assign this...
      Type.__fallbackType = typeDef.fallbackType;

    return Type as CodecClass<T>;
  } catch (error) {
    throw new Error(`Unable to construct class from ${stringify(typeDef)}: ${(error as Error).message}`);

// Returns the type Class for construction
export function getTypeClass<T extends Codec = Codec> (registry: Registry, typeDef: TypeDef): CodecClass<T> {
  return registry.getUnsafe(typeDef.type, false, typeDef) as unknown as CodecClass<T>;

export function createClassUnsafe<T extends Codec = Codec, K extends string = string> (registry: Registry, type: K): CodecClass<T> {
  return (
    // just retrieve via name, no creation via typeDef
    registry.getUnsafe(type) ||
    // we don't have an existing type, create the class via typeDef
        ? registry.lookup.getTypeDef(type)
        : getTypeDef(type)