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// Copyright 2017-2024 @polkadot/types authors & contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import type { ExtDef, ExtInfo, ExtTypes } from './types.js';

import { objectSpread } from '@polkadot/util';

import { polkadot } from './polkadot.js';
import { shell } from './shell.js';
import { statemint } from './statemint.js';
import { substrate } from './substrate.js';

// A mapping of the known signed extensions to the extra fields that they
// contain. Unlike in the actual extensions, we define the extra fields not
// as a Tuple, but rather as a struct so they can be named. These will be
// expanded into the various fields when added to the payload (we only
// support V4 onwards with these, V3 and earlier are deemed fixed))
export const allExtensions: ExtDef = objectSpread({}, substrate, polkadot, shell, statemint);

// the v4 signed extensions prior to the point of exposing these to the
// metadata. This may not match 100% with the current defaults and are used
// when not specified in the metadata (which is for very old chains). The
// order is important here, as applied by default
export const fallbackExtensions = [

export function findUnknownExtensions (extensions: string[], userExtensions: ExtDef = {}): string[] {
  const names = [...Object.keys(allExtensions), ...Object.keys(userExtensions)];

  return extensions.filter((k) => !names.includes(k));

export function expandExtensionTypes (extensions: string[], type: keyof ExtInfo, userExtensions: ExtDef = {}): ExtTypes {
  return extensions
    // Always allow user extensions first - these should provide overrides
    .map((k) => userExtensions[k] || allExtensions[k])
    .filter((info): info is ExtInfo => !!info)
    .reduce((result, info): ExtTypes => objectSpread(result, info[type]), {});