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// Copyright 2017-2024 @polkadot/types authors & contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import type { AnyJson, AnyTuple, AnyU8a, ArgsDef, Codec, IMethod, Registry } from '@polkadot/types-codec/types';
import type { FunctionMetadataLatest } from '../interfaces/metadata/index.js';
import type { CallBase, CallFunction, InterfaceTypes } from '../types/index.js';

import { Struct, U8aFixed } from '@polkadot/types-codec';
import { isHex, isObject, isU8a, objectSpread, u8aToU8a } from '@polkadot/util';

interface DecodeMethodInput {
  args: unknown;
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
  callIndex: GenericCallIndex | Uint8Array;

interface DecodedMethod extends DecodeMethodInput {
  argsDef: ArgsDef;
  meta: FunctionMetadataLatest;

 * Get a mapping of `argument name -> argument type` for the function, from
 * its metadata.
 * @param meta - The function metadata used to get the definition.
 * @internal
function getArgsDef (registry: Registry, meta: FunctionMetadataLatest): ArgsDef {
  return meta.fields.reduce((result, { name, type }, index): ArgsDef => {
    result[name.unwrapOr(`param${index}`).toString()] = registry.createLookupType(type) as keyof InterfaceTypes;

    return result;
  }, {} as ArgsDef);

/** @internal */
function decodeCallViaObject (registry: Registry, value: DecodedMethod, _meta?: FunctionMetadataLatest): DecodedMethod {
  // we only pass args/methodsIndex out
  const { args, callIndex } = value;

  // Get the correct lookupIndex
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define
  const lookupIndex = callIndex instanceof GenericCallIndex
    ? callIndex.toU8a()
    : callIndex;

  // Find metadata with callIndex
  const meta = _meta || registry.findMetaCall(lookupIndex).meta;

  return {
    argsDef: getArgsDef(registry, meta),

/** @internal */
function decodeCallViaU8a (registry: Registry, value: Uint8Array, _meta?: FunctionMetadataLatest): DecodedMethod {
  // We need 2 bytes for the callIndex
  const callIndex = registry.firstCallIndex.slice();

  callIndex.set(value.subarray(0, 2), 0);

  // Find metadata with callIndex
  const meta = _meta || registry.findMetaCall(callIndex).meta;

  return {
    args: value.subarray(2),
    argsDef: getArgsDef(registry, meta),

 * Decode input to pass into constructor.
 * @param value - Value to decode, one of:
 * - hex
 * - Uint8Array
 * - {@see DecodeMethodInput}
 * @param _meta - Metadata to use, so that `injectMethods` lookup is not
 * necessary.
 * @internal
function decodeCall (registry: Registry, value: unknown = new Uint8Array(), _meta?: FunctionMetadataLatest): DecodedMethod {
  if (isU8a(value) || isHex(value)) {
    return decodeCallViaU8a(registry, u8aToU8a(value), _meta);
  } else if (isObject<DecodedMethod>(value) && value.callIndex && value.args) {
    return decodeCallViaObject(registry, value, _meta);

  throw new Error(`Call: Cannot decode value '${value as string}' of type ${typeof value}`);

 * @name GenericCallIndex
 * @description
 * A wrapper around the `[sectionIndex, methodIndex]` value that uniquely identifies a method
export class GenericCallIndex extends U8aFixed {
  constructor (registry: Registry, value?: AnyU8a) {
    super(registry, value, 16);

   * @description Converts the value in a best-fit primitive form
  public override toPrimitive (): string {
    return this.toHex();

 * @name GenericCall
 * @description
 * Extrinsic function descriptor
export class GenericCall<A extends AnyTuple = AnyTuple> extends Struct implements CallBase<A> {
  protected _meta: FunctionMetadataLatest;

  constructor (registry: Registry, value: unknown, meta?: FunctionMetadataLatest) {
    const decoded = decodeCall(registry, value, meta);

    try {
      super(registry, {
        callIndex: GenericCallIndex,
        // eslint-disable-next-line sort-keys
        args: Struct.with(decoded.argsDef)
      }, decoded);
    } catch (error) {
      let method = 'unknown.unknown';

      try {
        const c = registry.findMetaCall(decoded.callIndex);

        method = `${c.section}.${c.method}`;
      } catch {
        // ignore

      throw new Error(`Call: failed decoding ${method}:: ${(error as Error).message}`);

    this._meta = decoded.meta;

   * @description The arguments for the function call
  public get args (): A {
    return [...this.getT<Struct>('args').values()] as A;

   * @description The argument definitions
  public get argsDef (): ArgsDef {
    return getArgsDef(this.registry, this.meta);

   * @description The argument entries
  public get argsEntries (): [string, Codec][] {
    return [...this.getT<Struct>('args').entries()];

   * @description The encoded `[sectionIndex, methodIndex]` identifier
  public get callIndex (): Uint8Array {
    return this.getT<GenericCallIndex>('callIndex').toU8a();

   * @description The encoded data
  public get data (): Uint8Array {
    return this.getT<Struct>('args').toU8a();

   * @description The [[FunctionMetadata]]
  public get meta (): FunctionMetadataLatest {
    return this._meta;

   * @description Returns the name of the method
  public get method (): string {
    return this.registry.findMetaCall(this.callIndex).method;

   * @description Returns the module containing the method
  public get section (): string {
    return this.registry.findMetaCall(this.callIndex).section;

   * @description Checks if the source matches this in type
  public is (other: IMethod<AnyTuple>): other is IMethod<A> {
    return other.callIndex[0] === this.callIndex[0] && other.callIndex[1] === this.callIndex[1];

   * @description Converts the Object to to a human-friendly JSON, with additional fields, expansion and formatting of information
  public override toHuman (isExpanded?: boolean, disableAscii?: boolean): Record<string, AnyJson> {
    let call: CallFunction | undefined;

    try {
      call = this.registry.findMetaCall(this.callIndex);
    } catch {
      // swallow

    return objectSpread(
        args: this.argsEntries.reduce<Record<string, AnyJson>>((args, [n, a]) =>
          objectSpread(args, { [n]: a.toHuman(isExpanded, disableAscii) }), {}),
        method: call?.method,
        section: call?.section
      isExpanded && call
        ? { docs: call.meta.docs.map((d) => d.toString()) }
        : null

   * @description Returns the base runtime type name for this instance
  public override toRawType (): string {
    return 'Call';