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// Copyright 2017-2019 @polkadot/client-p2p authors & contributors
// This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
// of the Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.

import { Logger } from '@polkadot/util/types';
import { Config } from '@polkadot/client/types';
import { ChainInterface } from '@polkadot/client-chains/types';
import { MessageInterface } from '@polkadot/client-types/messages/types';
import { SyncState } from '@polkadot/client-sync/types';

import BN from 'bn.js';
// import { LibP2pConnection } from 'interface-connection';
import LibP2p from 'libp2p';
import EventEmitter from 'eventemitter3';
import Sync from '@polkadot/client-sync';

export type EnvType = 'browser' | 'nodejs';

export type P2pNodes = string[];

export interface RawMessage {
  message: Record<string, any>;
  type: number;

export interface P2pNode {
  address: string;
  port: number;

export interface P2pConfig {
  active: boolean;
  address: string;
  discoverBoot?: boolean;
  discoverStar?: boolean;
  maxPeers: number;
  nodes?: P2pNodes;
  port: number;
  type?: EnvType;
  wrtc?: any;

export type PeerInterface$Events = 'active' | 'message' | 'disconnected';

export interface PeerInterface {
  readonly bestHash: Uint8Array;
  readonly bestNumber: BN;
  readonly id: string;
  readonly peerInfo: PeerInfo;
  readonly shortId: string;

  addConnection: (connection: LibP2pConnection, isWritable: boolean) => number;
  disconnect (): void;
  isActive: () => boolean;
  isWritable: () => boolean;
  getNextId: () => number;
  on (type: PeerInterface$Events, cb: (message: MessageInterface) => any): any;
  send: (message: MessageInterface) => boolean;
  setBest: (blockNumber: BN, hash: Uint8Array) => void;

export type PeersInterface$Events = 'active' | 'connected' | 'dialled' | 'disconnected' | 'discovered' | 'message' | 'protocol';

export interface KnownPeer {
  peer: PeerInterface;
  isActive: boolean;
  isConnected: boolean;

export interface PeersInterface {
  add: (peerInfo: PeerInfo) => PeerInterface;
  count: () => number;
  get: (peerInfo: PeerInfo) => KnownPeer | undefined;
  log: (event: PeersInterface$Events, peer: PeerInterface, withDebug?: boolean) => void;
  on: (type: PeersInterface$Events, cb: (peer: any) => any) => any;
  peers: () => PeerInterface[];

export type P2pInterface$Events = 'started' | 'stopped';

export interface P2pInterface {
  readonly l: Logger;
  readonly sync: Sync;

  // _announceBlock: (hash: Uint8Array, header: Uint8Array, body: Uint8Array) => void;
  isStarted: () => boolean;
  on: (type: P2pInterface$Events, cb: () => any) => any;
  getNumPeers: () => number;
  start: () => Promise<boolean>;
  stop: () => Promise<boolean>;

export interface P2pState {
  chain: ChainInterface;
  config: Config;
  emitter: EventEmitter;
  l: Logger;
  node: LibP2p;
  peers: PeersInterface;
  sync: SyncState;