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0 mins
Test Coverage
// Copyright 2017-2024 @polkadot/util-crypto authors & contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

/// <reference types="@polkadot/dev-test/globals.d.ts" />

import { arrayRange, u8aEq } from '@polkadot/util';

import { cryptoWaitReady, ed25519PairFromSeed, mnemonicGenerate, mnemonicToMiniSecret, sr25519PairFromSeed } from '../index.js';

// NOTE: This basically controls how long stuff runs for, YMMV
// - 100 runs with 5 checks, takes 2mins on _my_ machine
// - 10_000 runs with 5 checks should be ~3hrs
const NUM_RUNS = 100;
const NUM_CHECKS = 5;

await cryptoWaitReady();

// generate either a JS or WASM mnemonic
for (const onlyJsMnemonic of [false, true]) {
  describe(`mnemonicToMiniSecret (conpare), onlyJs${(onlyJsMnemonic && 'true') || 'false'}`, (): void => {
    for (const i of arrayRange(NUM_RUNS)) {
      // loop through lots of mnemonics
      describe(`run=${i + 1}`, (): void => {
        // compare both JS and WASM outputs against original
        for (const onlyJsMini of [false, true]) {
          describe(`onlyJsMini=${(onlyJsMini && 'true') || 'false'}`, (): void => {
            // NOTE we cannot actually use the onlyJsMnemonic flag here
            const mnemonic = mnemonicGenerate(12);

            describe(`${mnemonic}`, (): void => {
              // do iterations to check and re-check that all matches
              for (const count of arrayRange(NUM_CHECKS)) {
                it(`check=${count + 1}`, (): void => {
                  const minisecret = mnemonicToMiniSecret(mnemonic, count ? `${count}` : '', undefined, onlyJsMnemonic);
                  const edpub = ed25519PairFromSeed(minisecret).publicKey;
                  const srpub = sr25519PairFromSeed(minisecret).publicKey;
                  const testmini = mnemonicToMiniSecret(mnemonic, count ? `${count}` : '', undefined, onlyJsMini);

                  // explicit minisecret compare
                    u8aEq(minisecret, testmini)

                  // compare the sr25519 keypair generated
                    u8aEq(srpub, sr25519PairFromSeed(testmini).publicKey)

                  // compare ed both in WASM and JS
                  [true, false].forEach((onlyJsEd): void => {
                      u8aEq(edpub, ed25519PairFromSeed(testmini, onlyJsEd).publicKey)