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2 days
Test Coverage
// Copyright 2019-2024 @polkadot/extension-ui authors & contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

/// <reference types="@polkadot/dev-test/globals" />

import '@polkadot/extension-mocks/chrome';

import type { ReactWrapper } from 'enzyme';
import type { AccountJson } from '@polkadot/extension-base/background/types';
import type { IconTheme } from '@polkadot/react-identicon/types';
import type { HexString } from '@polkadot/util/types';
import type { Props as AddressComponentProps } from './Address.js';

import Adapter from '@wojtekmaj/enzyme-adapter-react-17';
import enzyme from 'enzyme';
import React from 'react';
import { act } from 'react-dom/test-utils';

import * as messaging from '../messaging.js';
import * as MetadataCache from '../MetadataCache.js';
import { westendMetadata } from '../Popup/Signing/metadataMock.js';
import { flushAllPromises } from '../testHelpers.js';
import { buildHierarchy } from '../util/buildHierarchy.js';
import { DEFAULT_TYPE } from '../util/defaultType.js';
import getParentNameSuri from '../util/getParentNameSuri.js';
import { AccountContext, Address } from './index.js';

const { configure, mount } = enzyme;

// NOTE Required for spyOn when using @swc/jest
// https://github.com/swc-project/swc/issues/3843
// jest.mock('../messaging', (): Record<string, unknown> => ({
//   __esModule: true,
//   ...jest.requireActual('../messaging')
// }));

// jest.mock('../MetadataCache', (): Record<string, unknown> => ({
//   __esModule: true,
//   ...jest.requireActual('../MetadataCache')
// }));

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment,@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call
configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });

interface AccountTestJson extends AccountJson {
  expectedIconTheme: IconTheme

interface AccountTestGenesisJson extends AccountTestJson {
  expectedEncodedAddress: string;
  expectedNetworkLabel: string;
  genesisHash: HexString;

const externalAccount = { address: '5EeaoDj4VDk8V6yQngKBaCD5MpJUCHrhYjVhBjgMHXoYon1s', expectedIconTheme: 'polkadot', isExternal: true, name: 'External Account', type: 'sr25519' } as AccountJson;
const hardwareAccount = {
  address: 'HDE6uFdw53SwUyfKSsjwZNmS2sziWMPuY6uJhGHcFzLYRaJ',
  expectedIconTheme: 'polkadot',
  // Kusama genesis hash
  genesisHash: '0xb0a8d493285c2df73290dfb7e61f870f17b41801197a149ca93654499ea3dafe',
  isExternal: true,
  isHardware: true,
  name: 'Hardware Account',
  type: 'sr25519'
} as AccountJson;

const accounts = [
  { address: '5HSDXAC3qEMkSzZK377sTD1zJhjaPiX5tNWppHx2RQMYkjaJ', expectedIconTheme: 'polkadot', name: 'ECDSA Account', type: 'ecdsa' },
  { address: '5FjgD3Ns2UpnHJPVeRViMhCttuemaRXEqaD8V5z4vxcsUByA', expectedIconTheme: 'polkadot', name: 'Ed Account', type: 'ed25519' },
  { address: '5Ggap6soAPaP5UeNaiJsgqQwdVhhNnm6ez7Ba1w9jJ62LM2Q', expectedIconTheme: 'polkadot', name: 'Parent Sr Account', type: 'sr25519' },
  { address: '0xd5D81CD4236a43F48A983fc5B895975c511f634D', expectedIconTheme: 'ethereum', name: 'Ethereum', type: 'ethereum' },
  { ...externalAccount },
  { ...hardwareAccount }
] as AccountTestJson[];

// With Westend genesis Hash
// This account isn't part of the generic test because Westend isn't a built in network
// The network would only be displayed if the corresponding metadata are known
const westEndAccount = {
  address: 'Cs2LLqQ6DSRx8UPdVp6jny4DvwNqziBSowSu5Nb1u3R6Z7X',
  expectedEncodedAddress: '5CMQg2VXTrRWCUewro13qqc45Lf93KtzzS6hWR6dY6pvMZNF',
  expectedIconTheme: 'polkadot',
  expectedNetworkLabel: 'Westend',
  genesisHash: '0xe143f23803ac50e8f6f8e62695d1ce9e4e1d68aa36c1cd2cfd15340213f3423e',
  name: 'acc',
  type: 'ed25519'
} as AccountTestGenesisJson;

const accountsWithGenesisHash = [
  // with Polkadot genesis Hash
    address: '5Ggap6soAPaP5UeNaiJsgqQwdVhhNnm6ez7Ba1w9jJ62LM2Q',
    expectedEncodedAddress: '15csxS8s2AqrX1etYMMspzF6V7hM56KEjUqfjJvWHP7YWkoF',
    expectedIconTheme: 'polkadot',
    expectedNetworkLabel: 'Polkadot',
    genesisHash: '0x91b171bb158e2d3848fa23a9f1c25182fb8e20313b2c1eb49219da7a70ce90c3',
    type: 'sr25519'
  // with Kusama genesis Hash
    address: '5DoYawpxt6aBy1pKAt1beLMrakqtbWMtG3NF6jwRR8uKJGqD',
    expectedEncodedAddress: 'EKAFGAqWTb7ifdkwapeYHirjM88QBB4iRCzVQDNtw7p3bgF',
    expectedIconTheme: 'polkadot',
    expectedNetworkLabel: 'Kusama',
    genesisHash: '0xb0a8d493285c2df73290dfb7e61f870f17b41801197a149ca93654499ea3dafe',
    type: 'sr25519'
  // with Edgeware genesis Hash
    address: '5GYQRJj3NUznYDzCduENRcocMsyxmb6tjb5xW87ZMErBe9R7',
    expectedEncodedAddress: 'mzKNamvvJPM5ApxwGSYD5VjjtyfrB4g8fhMyCc29K37nuop',
    expectedIconTheme: 'substrate',
    expectedNetworkLabel: 'Edgeware',
    genesisHash: '0x742a2ca70c2fda6cee4f8df98d64c4c670a052d9568058982dad9d5a7a135c5b',
    type: 'sr25519'
] as AccountTestGenesisJson[];

const mountComponent = async (addressComponentProps: AddressComponentProps, contextAccounts: AccountJson[]): Promise<{
  wrapper: ReactWrapper;
}> => {
  const actionStub = jest.fn();
  const { actions = actionStub } = addressComponentProps;

  const wrapper = mount(
        accounts: contextAccounts,
        hierarchy: buildHierarchy(contextAccounts)

  await act(flushAllPromises);

  return { wrapper };

const getWrapper = async (account: AccountJson, contextAccounts: AccountJson[], withAccountsInContext: boolean) => {
  // the address component can query info about the account from the account context
  // in this case, the account's address (any encoding) should suffice
  // In case the account is not in the context, then more info are needed as props
  // to display accurately
  const mountedComponent = withAccountsInContext
  // only the address is passed as props, the full acount info are loaded in the context
    ? await mountComponent({ address: account.address }, contextAccounts)
  // the context is empty, all account's info are passed as props to the Address component
    : await mountComponent(account, []);

  return mountedComponent.wrapper;

const genericTestSuite = (account: AccountTestJson, withAccountsInContext = true) => {
  let wrapper: ReactWrapper;
  const { address, expectedIconTheme, name = '', type = DEFAULT_TYPE } = account;

  describe(`Account ${withAccountsInContext ? 'in context from address' : 'from props'} (${name}) - ${type}`, () => {
    beforeAll(async () => {
      wrapper = await getWrapper(account, accounts, withAccountsInContext);

    it('shows the account address and name', () => {
      expect(wrapper.find('Name span').text()).toEqual(name);

    it(`shows a ${expectedIconTheme} identicon`, () => {

    it('can copy its address', () => {
      // the first CopyToClipboard is from the identicon, the second from the copy button

    it('has the account visiblity icon', () => {

    it('can hide the account', () => {
      jest.spyOn(messaging, 'showAccount').mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(false));

      const visibleIcon = wrapper.find('FontAwesomeIcon.visibleIcon');
      const hiddenIcon = wrapper.find('FontAwesomeIcon.hiddenIcon');


      expect(messaging.showAccount).toHaveBeenCalledWith(address, false);

    it('can show the account if hidden', async () => {
      const additionalProps = { isHidden: true };

      const mountedHiddenComponent = withAccountsInContext
        ? await mountComponent({ address, ...additionalProps }, accounts)
        : await mountComponent({ ...account, ...additionalProps }, []);

      const wrapperHidden = mountedHiddenComponent.wrapper;

      jest.spyOn(messaging, 'showAccount').mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(true));

      const visibleIcon = wrapperHidden.find('FontAwesomeIcon.visibleIcon');
      const hiddenIcon = wrapperHidden.find('FontAwesomeIcon.hiddenIcon');


      expect(messaging.showAccount).toHaveBeenCalledWith(address, true);

    it('has settings button', () => {

    it('has no account hidding and settings button if no action is provided', async () => {
      const additionalProps = { actions: null };

      const mountedComponentWithoutAction = withAccountsInContext
        ? await mountComponent({ address, ...additionalProps }, accounts)
        : await mountComponent({ ...account, ...additionalProps }, []);

      wrapper = mountedComponentWithoutAction.wrapper;


const genesisHashTestSuite = (account: AccountTestGenesisJson, withAccountsInContext = true) => {
  const { expectedEncodedAddress, expectedIconTheme, expectedNetworkLabel } = account;

  describe(`Account ${withAccountsInContext ? 'in context from address' : 'from props'} with ${expectedNetworkLabel} genesiHash`, () => {
    let wrapper: ReactWrapper;

    beforeAll(async () => {
      wrapper = await getWrapper(account, accountsWithGenesisHash, withAccountsInContext);

    it('shows the account address correctly encoded', () => {

    it(`shows a ${expectedIconTheme} identicon`, () => {

    it('Copy buttons contain the encoded address', () => {
      // the first CopyToClipboard is from the identicon, the second from the copy button

    it('Network label shows the correct network', () => {

describe('Address', () => {
  accounts.forEach((account) => {
    genericTestSuite(account, false);

  accountsWithGenesisHash.forEach((account) => {
    genesisHashTestSuite(account, false);

  describe('External account', () => {
    let wrapper: ReactWrapper;

    beforeAll(async () => {
      wrapper = await getWrapper(externalAccount, [], false);

    it('has an icon in front of its name', () => {
      expect(wrapper.find('Name').find('FontAwesomeIcon [data-icon="qrcode"]').exists()).toBe(true);

  describe('Hardware wallet account', () => {
    let wrapper: ReactWrapper;

    beforeAll(async () => {
      wrapper = await getWrapper(hardwareAccount, [], false);

    it('has a usb icon in front of its name', () => {
      expect(wrapper.find('Name').find('FontAwesomeIcon [data-icon="usb"]').exists()).toBe(true);

  describe('Encoding and label based on Metadata', () => {
    let wrapper: ReactWrapper;

    beforeAll(async () => {
      jest.spyOn(MetadataCache, 'getSavedMeta').mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(westendMetadata));

      wrapper = await getWrapper(westEndAccount, [], false);

    it('shows westend label with the correct color', () => {
      const bannerChain = wrapper.find('[data-field="chain"]');


    it('shows the account correctly reencoded', () => {

  describe('Derived accounts', () => {
    let wrapper: ReactWrapper;
    const childAccount = {
      address: '5Ggap6soAPaP5UeNaiJsgqQwdVhhNnm6ez7Ba1w9jJ62LM2Q',
      name: 'Luke',
      parentName: 'Dark Vador',
      suri: '//42',
      type: 'sr25519'
    } as AccountJson;

    beforeAll(async () => {
      wrapper = await getWrapper(childAccount, [], false);

    it('shows the child\'s account address and name', () => {
      expect(wrapper.find('Name span').text()).toEqual(childAccount.name);

    it('shows the parent account and suri', () => {
      const expectedParentNameSuri = getParentNameSuri(childAccount.parentName, childAccount.suri);
