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Test Coverage

For general support, howto, coding and bundling questions, please
use the Substrate & Polkadot StackExchange at


and get other ecosystem developers involved. This issues in this
repository are meant for the tracking of feature requests and bug

While all issues are looked at non-bug and non-features would take
quite a bit longer to get to and may yield less than satisfactory
responses in this format.

Additionally, please ensure you have done a search on the existing
and closed issues before logging a new request. This saves time on
all sides.


* **I'm submitting a ...**



Classify the type of report your are submitting


  - [ ] Bug report
  - [ ] Feature request
  - [ ] Support request
  - [ ] Other

* **What is the current behavior and expected behavior?**



If you're describing a bug, tell us what should happen. If you're
suggesting a change/improvement, tell us how it should work.


* **What is the motivation for changing the behavior?**



Suggest a motivation for the request or ideas how to implement the
addition or change


* **Please tell us about your environment:**



Include as many relevant details about the environment in which you
experienced the issue. Also ensure that you have tested against the
latest stable releases if you believe this to be a bug


  - Version:
  - Environment:

    - [ ] Node.js
    - [ ] Browser
    - [ ] Other (limited support for other environments)

  - Language:

    - [ ] JavaScript
    - [ ] TypeScript (include tsc --version)
    - [ ] Other