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namespace Polyfony;

class Config {
    protected static string $_environment;
    protected static array $_config;
    public static function init() :void {
        // marker
        Profiler::setMarker('Config.init', 'framework', [], true);

        // get all configurations available
        self::$_config = [
            'Current'    => parse_ini_file('../Private/Config/Config.ini', true),
            'Dev'        => parse_ini_file('../Private/Config/Dev.ini', true),
            'Prod'        => parse_ini_file('../Private/Config/Prod.ini', true)
        // depending on the context, detect environment differently
        Request::isCli() ? self::detectFromCLI() : self::detectFromHTTP();
        // merge the base configuration with the environment specific one

        // set the project root path
        self::$_config['config']['root_path'] = realpath(__DIR__.'/../../') . '/';

        // set the proper timezone
        !self::get('config', 'timezone') ?: date_default_timezone_set(self::get('config', 'timezone'));

        // marker
        Profiler::releaseMarker('Config.init', true);

    public static function includeBundlesConfigs(
        array $bundles_configuration_files = []
    ) :void {
        // for each of those files
        foreach($bundles_configuration_files as $file) {
            // include it

    private static function detectFromCLI() :void {
        // use the first command line argument as environment name
        self::$_environment = Request::argv(1) == 'Dev' ? 'Dev' : 'Prod';
    private static function detectFromHTTP() :void {
        // if the detection method is the port
        if(self::$_config['Current']['config']['detection_method'] == 'port') {
            // if we are matching the development port
            self::$_environment = Request::server('SERVER_PORT') == self::$_config['Dev']['router']['port'] ? 
                'Dev' : 'Prod';
        // else the detection method is the domain
        elseif(self::$_config['Current']['config']['detection_method'] == 'domain') {
            // if we are matching the development domain
            self::$_environment = (
                // if there seem to be an exotic port in the http host, use the server name instead
                stripos(Request::server('HTTP_HOST'),':') !== false ? 
                    Request::server('SERVER_NAME') : 
                // detect environment using the most suitable domain variable available
                ) == self::$_config['Dev']['router']['domain'] ? 
                    'Dev' : 
        // the detection method is unknown
        else {
            // throw an exception
            Throw new \Exception('Config::detectFromHTTP() Environment detection method is unkown');


    private static function merge() :void {

        // if in production a an aggregated cache is already available, load it
        if(Config::isProd() && Cache::has('Config')) {
            // load from the cache file
            self::$_config['Current'] = Cache::get('Config');
            // stop the function
        // no cache available or enabled, we have to merge ourselves
        else {
            // for each configuration block that is specific
                self::$_config[self::$_environment] as 
                $group => $group_config
            ) {
                // merge the current configuration
                self::$_config['Current'][$group] = array_merge(
            // if we are in production, cache the merged file
            !Config::isProd() ?: Cache::put('Config', self::$_config['Current'], true);

    public static function set(
        string $group, 
    ) :void {
        // if only group + one parameters, set the whole group, else set a key of the group
        $value !== null ? self::$_config['Current'][$group][$key] = $value : self::$_config['Current'][$group] = $key;
    public static function get(
        string $group, 
    ) {
        // return the proper config
        return $key ? 
            // make sure the group's key exists before trying to access it
            (isset(self::$_config['Current'][$group][$key]) ? self::$_config['Current'][$group][$key] : null) : 
            // make sure the group exists before trying to access it
            (isset(self::$_config['Current'][$group]) ? self::$_config['Current'][$group] : null);

    public static function isDev() :bool {
        // return boolean
        return self::$_environment == 'Dev';
    public static function isProd() :bool {
        // return boolean
        return self::$_environment == 'Prod';

    // will convert a relative path to the application's root folder, into an absolute path
    public static function absolutizePath(
        string $relative_path
    ) :string {
        return realpath(
            Request::server('DOCUMENT_ROOT') . 
            '/../' . 
