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namespace Polyfony;
class Element {

    // declare auto closing tags
    private static $_auto = array('input', 'img', 'hr', 'br', 'meta', 'link');

    // internal of the DOM element
    private string $type;
    private array $attributes;
    private string $content;

    // main constructor
    public function __construct(string $type='div', array $options=null) {
        // initialize variables
        $this->content         = '';
        $this->type         = $type;
        $this->attributes     = [];
        // set the options if any
        !$options ?: $this->set($options);

    // set the text in the tag
    public function setText(string $text=null, bool $append=true) :self {
        // append by default or replace text
        $this->content = $append ? $this->content . Format::htmlAttributeSafe($text) : Format::htmlAttributeSafe($text);
        // return self
        return $this;

    // set the html in the tag
    public function setHtml(string $html=null, bool $append=true) :self {
        // append by default or replace html
        $this->content = $append ? $this->content . $html : $html;
        // return self
        return $this;

    // set the style for the tag
    public function setStyle(array $css_properties=[]) :self {
        // init the style attribute is it didn't exist already
        isset($this->attributes['style']) ?: $this->attributes['style'] = '';
        // for each of the css properties
        foreach($css_properties as $css_property => $css_value) {
            // add them to the already existing ones
            $this->attributes['style'] .= Format::htmlAttributeSafe($css_property.':'.$css_value.';');
        // return self
        return $this;

    // set the value of a tag
    public function setValue($value=null) :self {
        // append by default or replace html
        $this->attributes['value'] = Format::htmlAttributeSafe($value);
        // return self
        return $this;

    // set everything, mostly attribute but also content
    public function set($attribute, $value=null) :self {
        // array is passed
        if(is_array($attribute)) {
            // for each associative value in the array
            foreach($attribute as $single_attribute => $single_value) {
                // recurse with a single pair or attribute/value
                $this->set($single_attribute, $single_value);
            // return self
            return $this;
        // specific case of text
        if($attribute == 'text') {
            // use the setter
        // specific case of html
        elseif($attribute == 'html') {
            // use the setter
        // specific case of style
        elseif($attribute == 'style' && is_array($value)) {
            // use the setter
        // specific case of value
        elseif($attribute == 'value') {
            // use the setter
        // any normal attribute
        else {
            // if the value is an array we assemble its content or we set directly
            $this->attributes[$attribute] = is_array($value) ? implode(' ', $value) : $value;
        // return self
        return $this;

    // adopt an element of the same kind
    public function adopt($child, $before=false) {
        // adopt, or adopt before
        $this->content = $before ? $child . $this->content : $this->content . $child;
        // return self

    // convert our object to an actual html tag
    public function __toString() :string {
        // first tag
        $html_element = '<' . $this->type;
        // for each attribute
        foreach($this->attributes as $attribute => $value) {
            // append it
            $html_element .= ' '.$attribute . '="' . $value . '"';
        // close the tag
        $html_element .= in_array($this->type, self::$_auto) ? ' />' : ">{$this->content}</{$this->type}>";
        // return the html element

