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namespace Polyfony\Entity;
use Polyfony\Format as Format;

class Filter {

        'ucfirst'    =>'toFirstUppercase',
        'ucwords'    =>'toAllFirstUppercase',
        'trim'        =>'toTrimmedEnds',
        'numeric'    =>'toNumeric',
        'integer'    =>'toInteger',
        'email'        =>'toEmail',
        'phone'        =>'toPhone',
        'text'        =>'toText',
        'name'        =>'toName',
        'slug'        =>'toSlug',
        'length4'    =>'length4',
        'length8'    =>'length8',
        'length16'    =>'length16',
        'length32'    =>'length32',
        'length64'    =>'length64',
        'length128'    =>'length128',
        'length256'    =>'length256',
        'length512'    =>'length512',

        'email'        =>['type'=>'email'],
        'phone'        =>['type'=>'tel'],
        'integer'    =>['type'=>'number'],
        'numeric'    =>['type'=>'number'],
        'length4'    =>['maxlength'=>'4'],
        'length8'    =>['maxlength'=>'8'],
        'length16'    =>['maxlength'=>'16'],
        'length32'    =>['maxlength'=>'32'],
        'length64'    =>['maxlength'=>'64'],
        'length128'    =>['maxlength'=>'128'],
        'length256'    =>['maxlength'=>'256'],
        'length512'    =>['maxlength'=>'512'],

    public static function sanitizeThisValue(
        string $column,  
        string $class_name, 
    ) {
        // get the filter
        $filters = self::getFiltersForColumn($column, $class_name);
        // if a filter has been defined for that column
        if($filters) {
            // for each filter, apply them
            foreach($filters as $filter) {
                // get the method name for that filter
                $method = self::getMethodForFilter($filter);
                // apply that specific filter to the value
                $value = self::$method($value);
        // return the potentially sanitized value
        return $value;

    public static function getFiltersForColumn(
        string $column, 
        string $class_name
    ) {

        // get the filters if any
        $filters = isset($class_name::FILTERS[$column]) ? $class_name::FILTERS[$column] : null;
        // if filters were found, convert them to an array, or return null
        return $filters ? 
            is_array($filters) ? $filters : [$filters] : 
            null ;


    private static function getMethodForFilter($filter) :string {

        // check if said filter exists
        if(!array_key_exists($filter, self::FILTERS_TO_METHODS_MAP)) {
            // tell the developer that it doesn't exist
            Throw new \Polyfony\Exception(
                'Filter '.$filter.' does not exist in Record/Filter', 500

        // name of the method to call the filter
        return self::FILTERS_TO_METHODS_MAP[$filter];


    private static function toUpperCase($value) {
        return mb_strtoupper($value);

    private static function toLowerCase($value) {
        return mb_strtolower($value);

    private static function toFirstUppercase($value) {
        return ucfirst($value);

    private static function toAllFirstUppercase($value) {
        return ucwords($value);

    private static function toTrimmedEnds($value) {
        return trim($value);

    private static function toNumeric($value) {
        // keep only digit, +/- and dot
        return filter_var(
            str_replace(',','.',$value ?? ''), 

    private static function toInteger($value) {
        return filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);

    private static function toEmail($value) {
        return filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);

    private static function toPhone($value) {
        // keep only 0-9 + ( )
        return preg_replace('/[^0-9\+\(\)]+/i', '', $value);

    private static function toText($value) {
        // remove dangerous symbols
        return str_replace(
            ['<','>','"','&','\\','/', '`'], 
                $value ?? ''

    private static function toName($value) {
        return preg_replace('/[^\p{L}’ ]/u','',self::toText($value));

    private static function toSlug($value) {
        return Format::slug($value);

    private static function toUppercaseSafe30Percent(
    ) :string {
        return Format::uppercaseSafe(

    private static function toUppercaseSafe50Percent(
    ) :string {
        return Format::uppercaseSafe(

    private static function toUppercaseSafe70Percent(
    ) :string {
        return Format::uppercaseSafe(

    private static function length($value, int $length) {
        return mb_substr($value, 0, $length);

    private static function length4($value) {
        return self::length($value, 4);

    private static function length8($value) {
        return self::length($value, 8);

    private static function length16($value) {
        return self::length($value, 16);

    private static function length32($value) {
        return self::length($value, 32);

    private static function length64($value) {
        return self::length($value, 64);

    private static function length128($value) {
        return self::length($value, 128);

    private static function length256($value) {
        return self::length($value, 256);

    private static function length512($value) {
        return self::length($value, 512);

    private static function length1024($value) {
        return self::length($value, 1024);

    private static function length2048($value) {
        return self::length($value, 2048);

    private static function length4096($value) {
        return self::length($value, 4096);

