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namespace Polyfony;

use Laminas\Escaper\Escaper;

class Format {

    // file or folder name that is safe for the filesystem
    public static function fsSafe(
        string $string, 
        $replacement_symbol = '-'
    ) :string {
        // remove any symbol that does not belong in a file name of folder name
        return preg_replace(

    // string that is safe for javascript variable
    public static function jsSafe(
        string $string
    ) :string {
        return $string ? (new Escaper(Config::get('response','charset')))
            ->escapeJs($string) : '';

    // string that is safe for css code
    public static function cssSafe(
        string $string
    ) :string {
        return $string ? (new Escaper(Config::get('response','charset')))
            ->escapeCss($string) : '';

    // string that is safe for css code
    public static function urlSafe(
        string $string
    ) :string {
        return $string ? (new Escaper(Config::get('response','charset')))
            ->escapeUrl($string) : '';
    // safe for outputing in html tag or html attribute
    public static function htmlSafe(
    ) {
        // protect against XSS
        return $string ? (new Escaper(Config::get('response','charset')))
            ->escapeHtml($string) : $string;

    // safe for outputing in html tag or html attribute
    public static function htmlAttributeSafe(
    ) {
        // protect against XSS
        return $string ? 
            filter_var($string, FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS) : 

    // safe from uppercase abuse
    public static function uppercaseSafe(
        ?string $string = '',
        float $maximum_tolerated_uppercare_ratio = 0.33
    ) :string {

        // if we have no length, don't even bother (to prevent division by 0)
        if(!strlen($string)) {
            // return an empty string
            return '';

        // count the length of the whole original string
        $total_letters = strlen($string);

        // convert the whole string to lowercase
        $lowercase_string = mb_strtolower($string);

        // count the number of uppercase letters
        $uppercase_letters = 
            strlen($lowercase_string) - similar_text(

        // compute the uppercase ratio
        $uppercase_ratio = round(
            $uppercase_letters / $total_letters , 

            // if the maximum tolerated uppercase ratio is exceeded
            $uppercase_ratio > $maximum_tolerated_uppercare_ratio ? 
                // clean it up
                ucfirst(mb_strtolower($string)) : 
                // of return it as is


    // human size
    public static function size(
        int $integer, 
        int $precision=1
    ) :string {
        // declare units
        $unit = ['b','Ko','Mo','Go','To','Po'];
        // make human readable
        return round($integer/pow(1024, ($i=floor(log($integer, 1024)))), $precision) . ' ' . $unit[(int)$i];
    // relative date
    public static function date(
        int $timestamp = null
    ) :string {

        // if no timestamp is provided
        if(!$timestamp) {
            // there is no conversion to do at all
            return '';
        // compute the delta between now and then
        $delta         = intval($timestamp - time());
        // get the relative duration
        $duration    = Format::duration(abs($delta));
        // use the right keyword for a future or past date
        $keyword     = $delta > 0 ? Locales::get('dans _delta_') : Locales::get('il y\'a _delta_');
        // replace from the locale placeholder
        return str_replace('_delta_', $duration, $keyword);

    // neutral duration
    public static function duration(
        int $seconds = null, 
        int $precision = 0
    ) :string {

        // if no timestamp is provided
        if(!$seconds) {
            // there is no conversion to do at all
            return '';
        elseif($seconds < 60) {
            return  Locales::get('quelques instants');
        // list of deltas by period
        $deltas[1] = array(60, Locales::get('minute'));
        $deltas[2] = array(3600, Locales::get('heure'));
        $deltas[3] = array(86400, Locales::get('jour'));
        $deltas[4] = array(604800, Locales::get('semaine'));
        $deltas[5] = array(2592000, Locales::get('mois'));
        $deltas[6] = array(31104000, Locales::get('an'));
        // for very short periods
        $seconds = $seconds < 60 ? Locales::get('quelques instants') : $seconds;
        // for each time period available
        for($i = 6; $i > 0; $i--) {
            // if if we is the largest period available
            if($seconds >= $deltas[$i][0]) {
                // compute the remaining time in the current period's unit
                $duration = round($seconds/$deltas[$i][0], $precision);
                // format the relative date
                $duration = $duration . ' ' . Locales::get(
                    // add a trailing plural "s"
                    intval($duration) == 1 ? $deltas[$i][1] : rtrim($deltas[$i][1], 's') . 's'
                // break out of the loop
        // return the duration
        return isset($duration) ? $duration : $seconds;


    // phone number
    public static function phone(
    ) :string {
        // remove all spaces from the number
        $phone = str_replace(' ', '', $phone ?? '');
        // remove all symbols except + and ()
        $phone = preg_replace('/[^0-9\+()]/', '', $phone);
        // reformat special symbols
        $phone = str_replace('(', ' (', $phone);
        // if the phone is of normal local format
            strlen($phone) === 10 && strpos($phone, '+') === false && 
            strpos($phone, '(') === false && strpos($phone, ')') === false
        ) {
            // format the phone number by blocks of two numbers
                substr($phone, 0, 2) . ' ' . substr($phone, 2, 2) . ' ' .
                substr($phone, 4, 2) . ' ' . substr($phone, 6, 2) . ' ' . substr($phone, 8, 2));
        // the phone is in international format
        else {
            // return the phone number, truncate at 31 chars (the world longest possible phone number)
            return self::truncate($phone, 31);
    // human amount
    public static function amount(
        int $precision=1
    ) {
        // declare units
        $unit = array('','K','M','Md','Bn','Bd');
        // make human readable
        return($integer ? trim(round($integer/pow(1000, ($i=floor(log(abs($integer), 1000)))), $precision) . ' ' . $unit[$i]) : 0);

    // classic slug
    public static function slug(
    ) :string {
        // accentuated characters
        $with = preg_split(
            "àáâãäçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöùúûüýÿÀÁÂÃÄÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÕÖÙÚÛÜÝ _'", 
        // equivalent characters without accents
        $without = preg_split(
        // replace accents and lowercase the string
        $string = strtolower(
        // replace all but 0-9 a-z remove triples/doubles and trim the edges
        return trim(
                    preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9\-]#', '-', $string)
    // create a link
    public static function link(
        string $string, 
        string $url='#', 
        array $attributes=[]
    ) :Element {
        // build the actual link
        return new Element('a', array_merge(['href'=>$url, 'text'=>$string], $attributes));
    // truncate to a certain length
    public static function truncate(
        int $length=16
    ) {
        // if string is longer than authorized truncate, else do nothing
            strlen((string)$string) > $length ? 
            trim(mb_substr(strip_tags((string)$string), 0, $length - 2, Response::getCharset())).'…' : 
    // remove all formatting and invisible symbols to get the shortest possible string
    public static function minify(
    ) {
        // remove all formatting symbols and double spaces    
        return str_replace('  ', ' ', str_replace(array("\t", "\n", "\r"), '', $string));

    // will clean the value of anything but 0-9 and minus preserve sign return integer
    public static function integer(
    ) :int {
        if(strrpos($value, '.')) {
            $value = str_replace(',', '' , $value);
        elseif(strrpos($value, ',')) {
            $value = str_replace('.', '' , $value);
        return intval(preg_replace('/[^0-9.\-]/', '', str_replace(',', '.' , $value)));
    // will clean the value of anything but 0-9\.- preserve sign return float
    public static function float(
        int $precision = 2
    ) :float {
        if(strrpos($value, '.')) {
            $value = str_replace(',', '' , $value);
        elseif(strrpos($value, ',')) {
            $value = str_replace('.', '' , $value);
        return floatval(
            round(preg_replace('/[^0-9.\-]/', '', str_replace(',', '.' , $value)), $precision)

    // convert an array to a csv
    public static function csv(
        array $array, 
        string $separator = "\t", 
        string $encapsulate_cells = '"'
    ) :string {

        // declare our csv
        $csv = '';
        // for each line of the array
        foreach($array as $cells) {
            // for each cell of that line
            foreach($cells as $cell) {
                // protect the cell's value, encapsulate it, and separate it,
                $csv .= 
                    $encapsulate_cells . 
                    str_replace($encapsulate_cells, '\\'.$encapsulate_cells, $cell) . 
                    $encapsulate_cells . 
            // skip to the next line
            $csv .= "\n";
        // return the formatted csv
        return $csv;

