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namespace Polyfony;

class Locales {
    protected static ?array $_locales     = null;
    protected static ?string $_language = null;
    protected static float $_load_time = 0;

    public static function init() {

        // if the language is not set already we detect it
        self::$_language !== null ?: self::detect();        
        // load from the cache if available
        Config::isProd() && Cache::has('Locales') ? self::$_locales = Cache::get('Locales') : self::load();
    public static function getStatistics() :array {
        return [
            'locales_count'    =>self::$_locales ? count(self::$_locales[Config::get('locales','default')]) : 0,
            'load_time'        =>self::$_load_time

    private static function detect() {
        // if the store has a language cookie and that language is valid
            // if the store has a language cookie
            Store\Cookie::has(Config::get('locales','cookie')) && 
            // if that language is authorized
                Config::get('locales', 'available')
        ) {
            // use that language
            self::$_language = Store\Cookie::get(Config::get('locales','cookie'));

        // if we didn't find the correct language yet but we have something to work with in the headers
        if(self::$_language === null && Request::header('Accept-Language')) {

            // if the browser language is acceptable
            $browser_language = substr(Request::header('Accept-Language'), 0, 2);

            // use it or use default instead
            self::$_language = in_array($browser_language, Config::get('locales', 'available')) ? 
                $browser_language :
                Config::get('locales', 'default');

        // we cannot find anything useful in the headers
        elseif(self::$_language === null) {

            // use the default language
            self::$_language = Config::get('locales', 'default');


    private static function load() {
        // only if profiler enabled
        if(Config::get('profiler', 'enable')) {
            $start = microtime(true);
        // load locales
        self::$_locales = array();
        // for each locale file available
        foreach(Bundles::getAvailable() as $bundle) {
            // for each locale in that bundle
            foreach(Bundles::getLocales($bundle) as $locale_file) {
                // import it
        // save the freshly loaded locales to the cache
        // only if profiler enabled
        if(Config::get('profiler', 'enable')) {
            self::$_load_time = microtime(true) - $start;
    private static function import($file) {
        // import the locales from provided file
        $lines    = explode("\n",file_get_contents($file));
        // use the first line as an index of languages codes
        $index    = explode("\t",$lines[0]);
        // for each language declared in the first line
        foreach($index as $position => $language) { 
            // trim and save it
            $index[$position] = trim($language,'"\''); 
        // remove the first indexes line
        // for each line of translations
        foreach($lines as $line) {
            // get each available translation
            $tabs = explode("\t",$line);
            // get the key for that translation
            $keyword = trim($tabs[0],'"\'');
            // remove the key
            // for each language of that string
            foreach($tabs as $position => $locale) {
                // language
                $language = $index[$position];
                // push this locale
                self::$_locales[$language][$keyword] = trim($locale,'"\'');
    public static function setLanguage($language) {
        // set language if available, or fallback to default
        self::$_language = in_array($language,Config::get('locales','available')) ? $language : Config::get('locales','default');
        // memorize the language for a month
        Store\Cookie::put(Config::get('locales','cookie'), self::$_language, true, 24 * 30);
    public static function getLanguage() {
        // if not set, we detect
        self::$_language ?: self::detect();
        // return the language
    public static function get(
        string $key, 
        ?array $variables=[]
    ) :?string {
        // if locales are not loaded yet
        self::$_locales !== null ?: self::init();
        // if forced language is set
        $language = $language !== null ? $language : self::$_language;
        // return the key in the right local or turn the key if the locale does not exist
        $localized_string = isset(self::$_locales[$language][$key]) ? 
            self::$_locales[$language][$key] : $key;
        // replace each variables
        foreach($variables as $variable_key => $variable_value) {
            $localized_string = str_replace(
                self::get($variable_value, $language), 
        // returned the consolidated locale 
        return $localized_string;

