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namespace Polyfony;

class Response {

    // set manually
    protected static $_content;                    // raw content before internal formatting
    protected static string $_type;                // type of the output (html/json/…)
    protected static array $_headers     = [];    // list of headers
    protected static int $_status         = 200;    // the HTTP status code to use
    protected static ?string $_redirect;        // url to redirect to
    protected static ?int $_delay;                // delay before redirection
    protected static ?string $_charset;            // charset of the response
    protected static ?int $_modification = null;// modification date of the content

    // stuff about caching
    protected static bool $_browserCache = true;// allow browser to cache the response
    protected static int $_outputCache     = 0;    // allow the framework to cache the response
    // computed by the class itself
    protected static string $_formatted;        // content after formatting
    protected static int $_length;                // length of the content
    protected static string $_checksum;            // checksum of the content

    // list of http status codes and messages
    const CODES = [
        // 100 status range
        100=>'Continue', 101=>'Switching Protocols', 102=>'Processing',
        // 200 status range
        200=>'OK', 201=>'Created', 202=>'Accepted', 203=>'Non-Authoritative Information', 204=>'No Content',
        205=>'Reset Content', 206=>'Partial Content', 207=>'Multi-Status', 208=>'Already Reported', 226=>'IM Used',
        // 300 status range
        300=>'Multiple Choices', 301=>'Moved Permanently', 302=>'Found', 303=>'See Other', 304=>'Not Modified',
        305=>'Use Proxy', 306=>'Switch Proxy', 307=>'Temporary Redirect', 308=>'Permanent Redirect',
        // 400 status range
        400=>'Bad Request', 401=>'Unauthorized', 402=>'Payment Required', 403=>'Forbidden', 404=>'Not Found',
        405=>'Method Not Allowed', 406=>'Not Acceptable', 407=>'Proxy Authentication Required',
        408=>'Request Timeout', 409=>'Conflict', 410=>'Gone', 411=>'Length Required', 412=>'Precondition Failed',
        413=>'Request Entity Too Large', 414=>'Request-URI Too Long', 415=>'Unsupported Media Type',
        416=>'Requested Range Not Satisfiable', 417=>'Expectation Failed', 418=>'I\'m a teapot', 451=>'Censored',
        // 500 status range
        500=>'Internal Server Error', 501=>'Not Implemented', 502=>'Bad Gateway', 503=>'Service Unavailable',
        504=>'Gateway Timeout', 505=>'HTTP Version Not Supported', 506=>'Variant Also Negotiates', 
        507=>'Insufficient Storage', 508=>'Loop Detected', 509=>'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded',

    // list of response types
    const TYPES = [
        'html-page'    =>'text/html',
        'html'        =>'text/html',
        'json'        =>'application/json',
        'file'        =>'application/octet-stream',
        'csv'        =>'text/csv',
        'xls'        =>'application/vnd.ms-excel',
        'xlsx'        =>'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet',
        'xml'        =>'text/xml',
        'js'        =>'text/javascript',
        'css'        =>'text/css',
        'text'        =>'text/plain'

    // init the response
    public static function init() :void {
        // marker
        Profiler::setMarker('Response.init', 'framework');
        // check if we can render a response from the cache
        self::isCached() === false ?: self::renderFromCache();
        // start the output buffer (collecting anything that is outputted anywhere, to output it later with our own Response formatting)
        // set default language
            // hide the php version
            'X-Powered-By'        => Config::get('response', 'header_x_powered_by'),
            // hide the web server
            'Server'            => Config::get('response', 'header_server')
        // set default charset
        self::setCharset(        Config::get('response', 'default_charset'));
        // set the default type
        self::setType(            Config::get('response', 'default_type'));
        // marker

    // setters shortcut
    public static function set(array $array) :void {

        // simple setters shortcuts
        !isset($array['js']) ?:         self::setAssets('js', $array['js']);
        !isset($array['css']) ?:         self::setAssets('css', $array['css']);
        !isset($array['type']) ?:         self::setType($array['type']);
        !isset($array['metas']) ?:         self::setMetas($array['metas']);
        !isset($array['status']) ?:     self::setStatus($array['status']);
        !isset($array['content']) ?:     self::setContent($array['content']);
        !isset($array['charset']) ?:     self::setCharset($array['charset']);
        !isset($array['headers']) ?:     self::setHeaders($array['headers']);
        !isset($array['redirect']) ?:     self::setRedirect($array['redirect'][0], $array['redirect'][1]);

    private static function isCached() :bool {
            // we are allowed to (use) cache(d) responses
            Config::get('response', 'cache') && 
            // the cache has a response for this request's signature
            Cache::has(Request::getSignature()) && 
            // the request has not explicitely asked for non-cached responses
    private static function isCachable() :bool {
            // we are allowed to cache responses
            Config::get('response', 'cache') && 
            // the response satus code is a success one
            self::$_status == 200 && 
            // we have been explicitely told to cache that specific response
            self::$_outputCache && 
            // the response is not a file
            self::$_type != 'file' && 
            // the request is a get
            Request::isGet() &&
            // the request is not comming from a command line interface

    public static function disableBrowserCache() :void {
        // disable the browser's cache
        self::$_browserCache = false;

    public static function enableOutputCache($hours = 24) :void {
        // enable the generated output to be cached BY THE FRAMEWORK for some time
        self::$_outputCache = round($hours * 3600);

    public static function disableOutputCache() :void {
        // disable the caching of generated output
        self::$_outputCache = 0;
    public static function setCharset(string $charset) :void {
        // set the charset in meta tags and http headers
        self::$_charset = $charset;
    public static function setRedirect(string $url, int $delay=0) :void {
        // if a delay is provided
        $delay ?
            // set the refresh header that support delays
            // BEWARE : it is not at all understood by Google Bot
            self::setHeaders(['Refresh' => "{$delay};url=$url"]) :     
            // or else, use standard redirect
            self::setHeaders(['Location' => $url]);

    public static function setAssets(string $type, $assets) :void {
        // if single element provided
        $assets = is_array($assets) ? $assets : [$assets];
        // for css assets
        if(strtolower($type) == 'css') {
            // pass to the class that now handles that
        // for js assets
        elseif(strtolower($type) == 'js') {
            // pass to the class that now handles that

    public static function setMetas(array $metas, $replace=false) :void {
        // pass to the class that now handles that
        Response\HTML::setMetas($metas, $replace);

    public static function setHeaders(array $headers) :void {    
        // merge current and new headers (replacing old ones)
        self::$_headers = array_merge(self::$_headers,$headers);

    public static function setType(string $type) :void {
        // remove previously output(ed?) data on change of type
        ob_get_contents() ? ob_clean() : '';
        // if the type is allowed we update the current type
        !array_key_exists($type, self::TYPES) ?: self::$_type = $type;
        // add the header
            'Content-type'=> self::TYPES[$type] . '; charset='.self::$_charset

    // register a status header for that response
    public static function setStatus(int $code) :void {
        // set the actual status or 500 if incorrect
        self::$_status = array_key_exists($code, self::CODES) ? $code : 500;

    // set raw content
    public static function setContent($content) :void {
        //  make sure that the file exists
        if(self::getType() == 'file' && !file_exists($content)) {
            // change back the response type
            // stop the execution
            Throw new Exception(
                "Response::setContent() The file [$content] does not exist", 
        // remove any bufferred output
        // replace direclty
        self::$_content = $content;

    // set the modification date of the reponse
    public static function setModification(int $timestamp) :void {
        // set as is
        self::$_modification = $timestamp;

    // get the status header
    public static function getStatus() :int {
        // get the currently set status
        return self::$_status;

    public static function getType() :string {
        // the current output type
        return self::$_type;

    public static function getCharset() :string {
        // the current charset
        return self::$_charset;

    // return current content
    private static function getContent() {
        // if response type is file, get the content of the file from the path, else return the normal content
        return self::$_type == 'file' ? file_get_contents(self::$_content) : self::$_content;

    private static function renderFromCache() :string {

        // get the body and headers from the cache
        list($headers, $body) = Cache::get(Request::getSignature());
        // if the profiler is enabled
        !Config::get('profiler', 'enable_headers') ?: 
            $headers['X-Cache-Footprint'] = Profiler::getFootprint();
        // tell that we are from the cache
        $headers['X-Cache'] = 'hit';
        // for each header associated with the cached request
        foreach($headers as $header => $value) {
            // output that header
            header("{$header}: {$value}");
        // output the content and stop here

    private static function formatContent() :void {
        // base headers
        $headers = [];
        // case of html page
        if(self::$_type == 'html-page') {
            // build and get an html page
            self::$_content = Response\HTML::buildAndGetPage(self::$_content);
            // automatically push assets if allowed to
            !Config::get('response', 'push_assets') ?: Response\HTML::pushAssets();
        // elseif the type is json
        elseif(self::$_type == 'json') {
            // add the profiler if required
            self::$_content = Config::get('profiler', 'enable') && is_array(self::$_content) ? 
                array_replace(self::$_content, Profiler::getArray()) : 
            // encode the content to json
            self::$_content = json_encode(self::$_content);
        // elseif the type is file
        elseif(self::$_type == 'file') {
            // get a new fileinfo object
            $info = new \finfo(FILEINFO_MIME);
            // get the mimetype
            $vague_type = $info->file(self::$_content);
            // deduce the mimetype of the file
            list($content_type) = strpos($vague_type,';') !== false ? explode(';',$vague_type) : [$vague_type];
            // detect the mimetype to set the proper header
            $headers['Content-Type'] = $content_type;
            // detect the modification time of the file
            self::$_modification = filemtime(self::$_content);
        // elseif the type is a csv (from an array)
        elseif(self::$_type == 'csv') {
            // transform into a proper csv file (we could get the vnd... as returned argument)
            ) = Response\CSV::buildAndGetDocument(self::$_content);
        elseif(self::$_type == 'xlsx') {
            // transform into a proper xlsx file
            self::$_content = Response\XLSX::buildAndGetDocument(self::$_content);
        elseif(self::$_type == 'xls') {
            // transform into a proper xls file
            self::$_content = Response\XLS::buildAndGetDocument(self::$_content);
        // in case we are outputing html in any form and obfucation is enabled
        if(Config::get('response', 'minify') && in_array(self::$_type, array('html', 'html-page'))) {
            // minify
            self::$_content = Format::minify(self::$_content);
        // if the type is not a file and compression is allowed
        if(self::$_type != 'file' && Config::get('response', 'compress') && !Request::isCli()) {
            // compress
            self::$_content = gzencode(self::$_content);
            // add header
            $headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip';
        // if checksum is enabled
        if(Config::get('response', 'checksum')) {
            // generate that checksum
            $headers['Content-MD5'] = self::$_type == 'file' ? md5_file(self::$_content) : md5(self::$_content);
        // the content length (after any compression or obfuscation occured)
        $headers['Content-Length']     = self::$_type == 'file' ? filesize(self::$_content) : strlen(self::$_content);
        // always show the current environment
        $headers['X-Environment']     = Config::isDev() ? 'Dev' : 'Prod';
        // if we have a modification date
        if(self::$_modification) {
            // output the proper modification date
            $headers['Last-Modified'] = date('r', self::$_modification);
        // if browser cache is disabled or we are outputing an error
        if(!self::$_browserCache || self::$_status != 200) {
            // output specific headers to excplicitely disable browser cache
            $headers['Cache-Control'] = 'must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0';    
        // if the profiler is enabled
        if(Config::get('profiler','enable_headers')) {
            // memory usage    and execution time
            $headers['X-Footprint'] = Profiler::getFootprint();
        // if the request is cachable by the framework
        if(self::isCachable()) {
            // add the caching time
            $headers['Date']     = date('r');
            // tell that we are not from the cache yet
            $headers['X-Cache'] = 'miss';
            // if the browser is alowed allowed to cache the response on its side too
            if(self::$_browserCache) {
                // we tell him when the cached file will expire on the server side
                $headers['Expires'] = date('r', time() + self::$_outputCache);
        // set some headers


    // push an asset using HTTP/2
    public static function push(
        array $assets_uris_and_types
    ) :void {
        $pushable_assets = [];
        // for each asset to push
            $assets_uris_and_types as 
            $uri => $type
        ) {
            // add the proper header to push that asset
            $pushable_assets[] = '<'.$uri.'>; rel=preload; as='.$type.'; crossorigin';
        // actually set the proper header with all links
            'Link'=> implode(', ', $pushable_assets)

    public static function clean() :string {
        // clean the reponse
        return ob_get_clean();

    public static function render() :void {
        // trigger the beforeRender event
        // if no content is set yet we garbage collect
        self::$_content = self::$_content ?: self::clean();
        // set the current protocol of fallback to HTTP 1.1 and set the status code plus message
            Request::server('SERVER_PROTOCOL', 'HTTP/1.1') . ' ' . 
            self::$_status . ' ' . self::CODES[self::$_status]
        // format the content
        // for each header
        foreach(self::$_headers as $header_key => $header_value) {
            // output the header
            header("{$header_key}: {$header_value}");        
        // if the type is file output from the file indicated as content else just output
        echo self::getContent();
        // if cache is enabled and page is cachable
        self::isCachable() === false ?: self::cache(); 
        // flush the cache to release the output an allow events processing
        // release any ongoing session so that onTerminate event aren't locking
        // trigger the associated event
        // it ends here
    private static function cache() :void {
        // store the content and the header of this response
            // with the key being a signature of that request
            // replace any already existing cache file
            // set the cache for some time
    public static function download(string $file_name) :void {
        // set download headers
            'Content-Description'    =>'File Transfer',
            'Content-Disposition'    =>'attachment; filename="' . Format::fsSafe($file_name) . '"'
        // render

    public static function previous(?int $redirection_after_delay = 0) :void {
        // set the redirection to the previous page
        self::setRedirect(Request::server('HTTP_REFERER'), $redirection_after_delay);
        // prevent further instruction processing

