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# v3.0.0

* Updated Autoprefixer to 10.
* Dropped support for Middleman v3.
* Ruby 2.2.0 is now oldest supported version.

# v2.10.0

* Updated Autoprefixer to 9.1.
* Add config for `grid`, `supports` and `flexbox` options.

# v2.9.0

* Updated Autoprefixer to 8.0.

# v2.8.0

* Updated Autoprefixer to 7.0.

# v2.7.1

* Bug fixes ([#26](https://github.com/middleman/middleman-autoprefixer/issues/26)).
* Updated Autoprefixer.

# v2.7.0

* Updated Autoprefixer.
* Loosely defined the dependency version—`bundle update` should do the trick next time.

# v2.6.3

* Updated Autoprefixer.

# v2.6.2

* Updated Autoprefixer.

# v2.6.1

* Bug fixes ([#21](https://github.com/middleman/middleman-autoprefixer/issues/21)).

# v2.6.0

* Updated Autoprefixer to 6.0.
* Added support for the `add` option.

# v2.5.0

* Added support for the `remove` option.
* Performance improvements and better error handling ([#19](https://github.com/middleman/middleman-autoprefixer/issues/19)).

# v2.4.4

* Updated Autoprefixer.

# v2.4.3

* Bug fixes ([#15](https://github.com/middleman/middleman-autoprefixer/issues/15)).

# v2.4.2

* Added support for stylesheets served behind defined proxy paths ([#13](https://github.com/middleman/middleman-autoprefixer/issues/13)).

# v2.4.1

* Updated Autoprefixer.

# v2.4.0

* Updated Autoprefixer to 5.0.

# v2.3.0

* Updated Autoprefixer to 4.0.

# v2.2.2

* Bug fixes ([#11](https://github.com/middleman/middleman-autoprefixer/issues/11), [#12](https://github.com/middleman/middleman-autoprefixer/issues/12)).

# v2.2.1

* Updated Autoprefixer.

# v2.2.0

* Updated Autoprefixer to 3.0.

# v2.1.2

* Bug fixes ([#9](https://github.com/middleman/middleman-autoprefixer/issues/9)).
* If you’re still experiencing random `500` errors when serving stylesheets, make sure you’re using `middleman-sprockets` in version `>= 3.3.9`.

# v2.1.1

* Updated Autoprefixer.

# v2.1.0

* Added two new options: `inline` and `ignore`.

# v2.0.1

* Updated Autoprefixer.

# v2.0.0

* The extension is now based on [Autoprefixer 2](https://github.com/ai/autoprefixer/releases/tag/2.0.0) and has been rewritten in the format that’s also compatible with both Middleman 3 and the upcoming version 4 ([#6](https://github.com/middleman/middleman-autoprefixer/issues/6)).

# v1.1.3

* Updated Autoprefixer to the most recent stable version.

# v1.1.2

* Cut down on dependencies ([#5](https://github.com/middleman/middleman-autoprefixer/issues/5)).

# v1.1.1

* Fixed the bug where the gem could not be installed with newer Middleman versions.

# v1.1.0

* Added visual `cascade` option. See [Autoprefixer’s documentation](https://github.com/ai/autoprefixer#visual-cascade).

# v1.0.1

* Bug fixes.

# v1.0.0

* Middleman Autoprefixer has now a test suite and supports up-to-date Autoprefixer versions.

# v0.2.2

* Fixed the auto-discovery issue ([#1](https://github.com/middleman/middleman-autoprefixer/issues/1), [middleman/middleman#1059](https://github.com/middleman/middleman/issues/1059)).

# v0.2.1

* Added a post-install message that warns about the changed default `browsers` option in Autoprefixer.

# v0.2

* Added `browsers` option. See [Autoprefixer’s documentation](https://github.com/ai/autoprefixer#browsers).

# v0.1

* The initial version of the extension.