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package apikey

import (

    portainer "github.com/portainer/portainer/api"


const portainerAPIKeyPrefix = "ptr_"

var ErrInvalidAPIKey = errors.New("Invalid API key")

type apiKeyService struct {
    apiKeyRepository dataservices.APIKeyRepository
    userRepository   dataservices.UserService
    cache            *apiKeyCache

func NewAPIKeyService(apiKeyRepository dataservices.APIKeyRepository, userRepository dataservices.UserService) *apiKeyService {
    return &apiKeyService{
        apiKeyRepository: apiKeyRepository,
        userRepository:   userRepository,
        cache:            NewAPIKeyCache(defaultAPIKeyCacheSize),

// HashRaw computes a hash digest of provided raw API key.
func (a *apiKeyService) HashRaw(rawKey string) string {
    hashDigest := sha256.Sum256([]byte(rawKey))
    return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(hashDigest[:])

// GenerateApiKey generates a raw API key for a user (for one-time display).
// The generated API key is stored in the cache and database.
func (a *apiKeyService) GenerateApiKey(user portainer.User, description string) (string, *portainer.APIKey, error) {
    randKey := securecookie.GenerateRandomKey(32)
    encodedRawAPIKey := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(randKey)
    prefixedAPIKey := portainerAPIKeyPrefix + encodedRawAPIKey

    hashDigest := a.HashRaw(prefixedAPIKey)

    apiKey := &portainer.APIKey{
        UserID:      user.ID,
        Description: description,
        Prefix:      prefixedAPIKey[:7],
        DateCreated: time.Now().Unix(),
        Digest:      hashDigest,

    err := a.apiKeyRepository.Create(apiKey)
    if err != nil {
        return "", nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Unable to create API key")

    // persist api-key to cache
    a.cache.Set(apiKey.Digest, user, *apiKey)

    return prefixedAPIKey, apiKey, nil

// GetAPIKey returns an API key by its ID.
func (a *apiKeyService) GetAPIKey(apiKeyID portainer.APIKeyID) (*portainer.APIKey, error) {
    return a.apiKeyRepository.Read(apiKeyID)

// GetAPIKeys returns all the API keys associated to a user.
func (a *apiKeyService) GetAPIKeys(userID portainer.UserID) ([]portainer.APIKey, error) {
    return a.apiKeyRepository.GetAPIKeysByUserID(userID)

// GetDigestUserAndKey returns the user and api-key associated to a specified hash digest.
// A cache lookup is performed first; if the user/api-key is not found in the cache, respective database lookups are performed.
func (a *apiKeyService) GetDigestUserAndKey(digest string) (portainer.User, portainer.APIKey, error) {
    // get api key from cache if possible
    cachedUser, cachedKey, ok := a.cache.Get(digest)
    if ok {
        return cachedUser, cachedKey, nil

    apiKey, err := a.apiKeyRepository.GetAPIKeyByDigest(digest)
    if err != nil {
        return portainer.User{}, portainer.APIKey{}, errors.Wrap(err, "Unable to retrieve API key")

    user, err := a.userRepository.Read(apiKey.UserID)
    if err != nil {
        return portainer.User{}, portainer.APIKey{}, errors.Wrap(err, "Unable to retrieve digest user")

    // persist api-key to cache - for quicker future lookups
    a.cache.Set(apiKey.Digest, *user, *apiKey)

    return *user, *apiKey, nil

// UpdateAPIKey updates an API key and in cache and database.
func (a *apiKeyService) UpdateAPIKey(apiKey *portainer.APIKey) error {
    user, _, err := a.GetDigestUserAndKey(apiKey.Digest)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, "Unable to retrieve API key")
    a.cache.Set(apiKey.Digest, user, *apiKey)
    return a.apiKeyRepository.Update(apiKey.ID, apiKey)

// DeleteAPIKey deletes an API key and removes the digest/api-key entry from the cache.
func (a *apiKeyService) DeleteAPIKey(apiKeyID portainer.APIKeyID) error {
    // get api-key digest to remove from cache
    apiKey, err := a.apiKeyRepository.Read(apiKeyID)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("Unable to retrieve API key: %d", apiKeyID))

    // delete the user/api-key from cache
    return a.apiKeyRepository.Delete(apiKeyID)

func (a *apiKeyService) InvalidateUserKeyCache(userId portainer.UserID) bool {
    return a.cache.InvalidateUserKeyCache(userId)