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package chisel

import (

    portainer "github.com/portainer/portainer/api"


const (
    minAvailablePort = 49152
    maxAvailablePort = 65535

// NOTE: it needs to be called with the lock acquired
// getUnusedPort is used to generate an unused random port in the dynamic port range.
// Dynamic ports (also called private ports) are 49152 to 65535.
func (service *Service) getUnusedPort() int {
    port := randomInt(minAvailablePort, maxAvailablePort)

    for _, tunnel := range service.tunnelDetailsMap {
        if tunnel.Port == port {
            return service.getUnusedPort()

    return port

func randomInt(min, max int) int {
    return min + rand.Intn(max-min)

// NOTE: it needs to be called with the lock acquired
func (service *Service) getTunnelDetails(endpointID portainer.EndpointID) *portainer.TunnelDetails {

    if tunnel, ok := service.tunnelDetailsMap[endpointID]; ok {
        return tunnel

    tunnel := &portainer.TunnelDetails{
        Status: portainer.EdgeAgentIdle,

    service.tunnelDetailsMap[endpointID] = tunnel


    return tunnel

// GetTunnelDetails returns information about the tunnel associated to an environment(endpoint).
func (service *Service) GetTunnelDetails(endpointID portainer.EndpointID) portainer.TunnelDetails {
    defer service.mu.Unlock()

    return *service.getTunnelDetails(endpointID)

// GetActiveTunnel retrieves an active tunnel which allows communicating with edge agent
func (service *Service) GetActiveTunnel(endpoint *portainer.Endpoint) (portainer.TunnelDetails, error) {
    if endpoint.Edge.AsyncMode {
        return portainer.TunnelDetails{}, errors.New("cannot open tunnel on async endpoint")

    tunnel := service.GetTunnelDetails(endpoint.ID)

    if tunnel.Status == portainer.EdgeAgentActive {
        // update the LastActivity

    if tunnel.Status == portainer.EdgeAgentIdle || tunnel.Status == portainer.EdgeAgentManagementRequired {
        err := service.SetTunnelStatusToRequired(endpoint.ID)
        if err != nil {
            return portainer.TunnelDetails{}, fmt.Errorf("failed opening tunnel to endpoint: %w", err)

        if endpoint.EdgeCheckinInterval == 0 {
            settings, err := service.dataStore.Settings().Settings()
            if err != nil {
                return portainer.TunnelDetails{}, fmt.Errorf("failed fetching settings from db: %w", err)

            endpoint.EdgeCheckinInterval = settings.EdgeAgentCheckinInterval

        time.Sleep(2 * time.Duration(endpoint.EdgeCheckinInterval) * time.Second)

    return service.GetTunnelDetails(endpoint.ID), nil

// SetTunnelStatusToActive update the status of the tunnel associated to the specified environment(endpoint).
// It sets the status to ACTIVE.
func (service *Service) SetTunnelStatusToActive(endpointID portainer.EndpointID) {
    tunnel := service.getTunnelDetails(endpointID)
    tunnel.Status = portainer.EdgeAgentActive
    tunnel.Credentials = ""
    tunnel.LastActivity = time.Now()


// SetTunnelStatusToIdle update the status of the tunnel associated to the specified environment(endpoint).
// It sets the status to IDLE.
// It removes any existing credentials associated to the tunnel.
func (service *Service) SetTunnelStatusToIdle(endpointID portainer.EndpointID) {

    tunnel := service.getTunnelDetails(endpointID)
    tunnel.Status = portainer.EdgeAgentIdle
    tunnel.Port = 0
    tunnel.LastActivity = time.Now()

    credentials := tunnel.Credentials
    if credentials != "" {
        tunnel.Credentials = ""

        if service.chiselServer != nil {
            service.chiselServer.DeleteUser(strings.Split(credentials, ":")[0])




// SetTunnelStatusToRequired update the status of the tunnel associated to the specified environment(endpoint).
// It sets the status to REQUIRED.
// If no port is currently associated to the tunnel, it will associate a random unused port to the tunnel
// and generate temporary credentials that can be used to establish a reverse tunnel on that port.
// Credentials are encrypted using the Edge ID associated to the environment(endpoint).
func (service *Service) SetTunnelStatusToRequired(endpointID portainer.EndpointID) error {
    defer cache.Del(endpointID)

    tunnel := service.getTunnelDetails(endpointID)

    defer service.mu.Unlock()

    if tunnel.Port == 0 {
        endpoint, err := service.dataStore.Endpoint().Endpoint(endpointID)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        tunnel.Status = portainer.EdgeAgentManagementRequired
        tunnel.Port = service.getUnusedPort()
        tunnel.LastActivity = time.Now()

        username, password := generateRandomCredentials()
        authorizedRemote := fmt.Sprintf("^R:$", tunnel.Port)

        if service.chiselServer != nil {
            err = service.chiselServer.AddUser(username, password, authorizedRemote)
            if err != nil {
                return err

        credentials, err := encryptCredentials(username, password, endpoint.EdgeID)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        tunnel.Credentials = credentials

    return nil

func generateRandomCredentials() (string, string) {
    username := uniuri.NewLen(8)
    password := uniuri.NewLen(8)
    return username, password

func encryptCredentials(username, password, key string) (string, error) {
    credentials := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", username, password)

    encryptedCredentials, err := libcrypto.Encrypt([]byte(credentials), []byte(key))
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    return base64.RawStdEncoding.EncodeToString(encryptedCredentials), nil