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package resourcecontrol

import (

    portainer "github.com/portainer/portainer/api"


type ServiceTx struct {
    dataservices.BaseDataServiceTx[portainer.ResourceControl, portainer.ResourceControlID]

// ResourceControlByResourceIDAndType returns a ResourceControl object by checking if the resourceID is equal
// to the main ResourceID or in SubResourceIDs. It also performs a check on the resource type. Return nil
// if no ResourceControl was found.
func (service ServiceTx) ResourceControlByResourceIDAndType(resourceID string, resourceType portainer.ResourceControlType) (*portainer.ResourceControl, error) {
    var resourceControl *portainer.ResourceControl
    stop := fmt.Errorf("ok")
    err := service.Tx.GetAll(
        func(obj interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
            rc, ok := obj.(*portainer.ResourceControl)
            if !ok {
                log.Debug().Str("obj", fmt.Sprintf("%#v", obj)).Msg("failed to convert to ResourceControl object")
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to convert to ResourceControl object: %s", obj)

            if rc.ResourceID == resourceID && rc.Type == resourceType {
                resourceControl = rc
                return nil, stop

            for _, subResourceID := range rc.SubResourceIDs {
                if subResourceID == resourceID {
                    resourceControl = rc
                    return nil, stop

            return &portainer.ResourceControl{}, nil
    if errors.Is(err, stop) {
        return resourceControl, nil

    return nil, err

// CreateResourceControl creates a new ResourceControl object
func (service ServiceTx) Create(resourceControl *portainer.ResourceControl) error {
    return service.Tx.CreateObject(
        func(id uint64) (int, interface{}) {
            resourceControl.ID = portainer.ResourceControlID(id)
            return int(resourceControl.ID), resourceControl