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35 mins
Test Coverage
package git

import (

    githttp "github.com/go-git/go-git/v5/plumbing/transport/http"
    gittypes "github.com/portainer/portainer/api/git/types"

type gitClient struct {
    preserveGitDirectory bool

func NewGitClient(preserveGitDir bool) *gitClient {
    return &gitClient{
        preserveGitDirectory: preserveGitDir,

func (c *gitClient) download(ctx context.Context, dst string, opt cloneOption) error {
    gitOptions := git.CloneOptions{
        URL:             opt.repositoryUrl,
        Depth:           opt.depth,
        InsecureSkipTLS: opt.tlsSkipVerify,
        Auth:            getAuth(opt.username, opt.password),

    if opt.referenceName != "" {
        gitOptions.ReferenceName = plumbing.ReferenceName(opt.referenceName)

    _, err := git.PlainCloneContext(ctx, dst, false, &gitOptions)

    if err != nil {
        if err.Error() == "authentication required" {
            return gittypes.ErrAuthenticationFailure
        return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to clone git repository")

    if !c.preserveGitDirectory {
        os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(dst, ".git"))

    return nil

func (c *gitClient) latestCommitID(ctx context.Context, opt fetchOption) (string, error) {
    remote := git.NewRemote(memory.NewStorage(), &config.RemoteConfig{
        Name: "origin",
        URLs: []string{opt.repositoryUrl},

    listOptions := &git.ListOptions{
        Auth:            getAuth(opt.username, opt.password),
        InsecureSkipTLS: opt.tlsSkipVerify,

    refs, err := remote.List(listOptions)
    if err != nil {
        if err.Error() == "authentication required" {
            return "", gittypes.ErrAuthenticationFailure
        return "", errors.Wrap(err, "failed to list repository refs")

    referenceName := opt.referenceName
    if referenceName == "" {
        for _, ref := range refs {
            if strings.EqualFold(ref.Name().String(), "HEAD") {
                referenceName = ref.Target().String()

    for _, ref := range refs {
        if strings.EqualFold(ref.Name().String(), referenceName) {
            return ref.Hash().String(), nil

    return "", errors.Errorf("could not find ref %q in the repository", opt.referenceName)

func getAuth(username, password string) *githttp.BasicAuth {
    if password != "" {
        if username == "" {
            username = "token"

        return &githttp.BasicAuth{
            Username: username,
            Password: password,
    return nil

func (c *gitClient) listRefs(ctx context.Context, opt baseOption) ([]string, error) {
    rem := git.NewRemote(memory.NewStorage(), &config.RemoteConfig{
        Name: "origin",
        URLs: []string{opt.repositoryUrl},

    listOptions := &git.ListOptions{
        Auth:            getAuth(opt.username, opt.password),
        InsecureSkipTLS: opt.tlsSkipVerify,

    refs, err := rem.List(listOptions)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, checkGitError(err)

    var ret []string
    for _, ref := range refs {
        if ref.Name().String() == "HEAD" {
        ret = append(ret, ref.Name().String())

    return ret, nil

// listFiles list all filenames under the specific repository
func (c *gitClient) listFiles(ctx context.Context, opt fetchOption) ([]string, error) {
    cloneOption := &git.CloneOptions{
        URL:             opt.repositoryUrl,
        NoCheckout:      true,
        Depth:           1,
        SingleBranch:    true,
        ReferenceName:   plumbing.ReferenceName(opt.referenceName),
        Auth:            getAuth(opt.username, opt.password),
        InsecureSkipTLS: opt.tlsSkipVerify,

    repo, err := git.Clone(memory.NewStorage(), nil, cloneOption)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, checkGitError(err)

    head, err := repo.Head()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    commit, err := repo.CommitObject(head.Hash())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    tree, err := commit.Tree()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    var allPaths []string
    w := object.NewTreeWalker(tree, true, nil)
    for {
        name, entry, err := w.Next()
        if err != nil {

        isDir := entry.Mode == filemode.Dir
        if opt.dirOnly == isDir {
            allPaths = append(allPaths, name)

    return allPaths, nil

func checkGitError(err error) error {
    errMsg := err.Error()
    if errMsg == "repository not found" {
        return gittypes.ErrIncorrectRepositoryURL
    } else if errMsg == "authentication required" {
        return gittypes.ErrAuthenticationFailure
    return err