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package git

import (

    lru "github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru"

const (
    repositoryCacheSize = 4
    repositoryCacheTTL  = 5 * time.Minute

// baseOption provides a minimum group of information to operate a git repository, like git-remote
type baseOption struct {
    repositoryUrl string
    username      string
    password      string
    tlsSkipVerify bool

// fetchOption allows to specify the reference name of the target repository
type fetchOption struct {
    referenceName string
    dirOnly       bool

// cloneOption allows to add a history truncated to the specified number of commits
type cloneOption struct {
    depth int

type repoManager interface {
    download(ctx context.Context, dst string, opt cloneOption) error
    latestCommitID(ctx context.Context, opt fetchOption) (string, error)
    listRefs(ctx context.Context, opt baseOption) ([]string, error)
    listFiles(ctx context.Context, opt fetchOption) ([]string, error)

// Service represents a service for managing Git.
type Service struct {
    shutdownCtx  context.Context
    azure        repoManager
    git          repoManager
    timerStopped bool
    mut          sync.Mutex

    cacheEnabled bool
    // Cache the result of repository refs, key is repository URL
    repoRefCache *lru.Cache
    // Cache the result of repository file tree, key is the concatenated string of repository URL and ref value
    repoFileCache *lru.Cache

// NewService initializes a new service.
func NewService(ctx context.Context) *Service {
    return newService(ctx, repositoryCacheSize, repositoryCacheTTL)

func newService(ctx context.Context, cacheSize int, cacheTTL time.Duration) *Service {
    service := &Service{
        shutdownCtx:  ctx,
        azure:        NewAzureClient(),
        git:          NewGitClient(false),
        timerStopped: false,
        cacheEnabled: cacheSize > 0,

    if service.cacheEnabled {
        var err error
        service.repoRefCache, err = lru.New(cacheSize)
        if err != nil {
            log.Debug().Err(err).Msg("failed to create ref cache")

        service.repoFileCache, err = lru.New(cacheSize)
        if err != nil {
            log.Debug().Err(err).Msg("failed to create file cache")

        if cacheTTL > 0 {
            go service.startCacheCleanTimer(cacheTTL)

    return service

// startCacheCleanTimer starts a timer to purge caches periodically
func (service *Service) startCacheCleanTimer(d time.Duration) {
    ticker := time.NewTicker(d)

    for {
        select {
        case <-ticker.C:

        case <-service.shutdownCtx.Done():
            service.timerStopped = true

// timerHasStopped shows the CacheClean timer state with thread-safe way
func (service *Service) timerHasStopped() bool {
    defer service.mut.Unlock()
    ret := service.timerStopped
    return ret

// CloneRepository clones a git repository using the specified URL in the specified
// destination folder.
func (service *Service) CloneRepository(destination, repositoryURL, referenceName, username, password string, tlsSkipVerify bool) error {
    options := cloneOption{
        fetchOption: fetchOption{
            baseOption: baseOption{
                repositoryUrl: repositoryURL,
                username:      username,
                password:      password,
                tlsSkipVerify: tlsSkipVerify,
            referenceName: referenceName,
        depth: 1,

    return service.cloneRepository(destination, options)

func (service *Service) cloneRepository(destination string, options cloneOption) error {
    if isAzureUrl(options.repositoryUrl) {
        return service.azure.download(context.TODO(), destination, options)

    return service.git.download(context.TODO(), destination, options)

// LatestCommitID returns SHA1 of the latest commit of the specified reference
func (service *Service) LatestCommitID(repositoryURL, referenceName, username, password string, tlsSkipVerify bool) (string, error) {
    options := fetchOption{
        baseOption: baseOption{
            repositoryUrl: repositoryURL,
            username:      username,
            password:      password,
            tlsSkipVerify: tlsSkipVerify,
        referenceName: referenceName,

    if isAzureUrl(options.repositoryUrl) {
        return service.azure.latestCommitID(context.TODO(), options)

    return service.git.latestCommitID(context.TODO(), options)

// ListRefs will list target repository's references without cloning the repository
func (service *Service) ListRefs(repositoryURL, username, password string, hardRefresh bool, tlsSkipVerify bool) ([]string, error) {
    refCacheKey := generateCacheKey(repositoryURL, username, password, strconv.FormatBool(tlsSkipVerify))
    if service.cacheEnabled && hardRefresh {
        // Should remove the cache explicitly, so that the following normal list can show the correct result
        // Remove file caches pointed to the same repository
        for _, fileCacheKey := range service.repoFileCache.Keys() {
            key, ok := fileCacheKey.(string)
            if ok {
                if strings.HasPrefix(key, repositoryURL) {

    if service.repoRefCache != nil {
        // Lookup the refs cache first
        cache, ok := service.repoRefCache.Get(refCacheKey)
        if ok {
            refs, success := cache.([]string)
            if success {
                return refs, nil

    options := baseOption{
        repositoryUrl: repositoryURL,
        username:      username,
        password:      password,
        tlsSkipVerify: tlsSkipVerify,

    var (
        refs []string
        err  error
    if isAzureUrl(options.repositoryUrl) {
        refs, err = service.azure.listRefs(context.TODO(), options)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
    } else {
        refs, err = service.git.listRefs(context.TODO(), options)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

    if service.cacheEnabled && service.repoRefCache != nil {
        service.repoRefCache.Add(refCacheKey, refs)
    return refs, nil

// ListFiles will list all the files of the target repository with specific extensions.
// If extension is not provided, it will list all the files under the target repository
func (service *Service) ListFiles(repositoryURL, referenceName, username, password string, dirOnly, hardRefresh bool, includedExts []string, tlsSkipVerify bool) ([]string, error) {
    repoKey := generateCacheKey(repositoryURL, referenceName, username, password, strconv.FormatBool(tlsSkipVerify), strconv.FormatBool(dirOnly))

    if service.cacheEnabled && hardRefresh {
        // Should remove the cache explicitly, so that the following normal list can show the correct result

    if service.repoFileCache != nil {
        // lookup the files cache first
        cache, ok := service.repoFileCache.Get(repoKey)
        if ok {
            files, success := cache.([]string)
            if success {
                // For the case while searching files in a repository without include extensions for the first time,
                // but with include extensions for the second time
                includedFiles := filterFiles(files, includedExts)
                return includedFiles, nil

    options := fetchOption{
        baseOption: baseOption{
            repositoryUrl: repositoryURL,
            username:      username,
            password:      password,
            tlsSkipVerify: tlsSkipVerify,
        referenceName: referenceName,
        dirOnly:       dirOnly,

    var (
        files []string
        err   error
    if isAzureUrl(options.repositoryUrl) {
        files, err = service.azure.listFiles(context.TODO(), options)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
    } else {
        files, err = service.git.listFiles(context.TODO(), options)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

    includedFiles := filterFiles(files, includedExts)
    if service.cacheEnabled && service.repoFileCache != nil {
        service.repoFileCache.Add(repoKey, includedFiles)
        return includedFiles, nil
    return includedFiles, nil

func (service *Service) purgeCache() {
    if service.repoRefCache != nil {

    if service.repoFileCache != nil {

func generateCacheKey(names ...string) string {
    return strings.Join(names, "-")

func matchExtensions(target string, exts []string) bool {
    if len(exts) == 0 {
        return true

    for _, ext := range exts {
        if strings.HasSuffix(target, ext) {
            return true
    return false

func filterFiles(paths []string, includedExts []string) []string {
    if len(includedExts) == 0 {
        return paths

    var includedFiles []string
    for _, filename := range paths {
        // filter out the filenames with non-included extension
        if matchExtensions(filename, includedExts) {
            includedFiles = append(includedFiles, filename)
    return includedFiles