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package gittypes

import "errors"

var (
    ErrIncorrectRepositoryURL = errors.New("git repository could not be found, please ensure that the URL is correct")
    ErrAuthenticationFailure  = errors.New("authentication failed, please ensure that the git credentials are correct")

// RepoConfig represents a configuration for a repo
type RepoConfig struct {
    // The repo url
    URL string `example:"https://github.com/portainer/portainer.git"`
    // The reference name
    ReferenceName string `example:"refs/heads/branch_name"`
    // Path to where the config file is in this url/refName
    ConfigFilePath string `example:"docker-compose.yml"`
    // Git credentials
    Authentication *GitAuthentication
    // Repository hash
    ConfigHash string `example:"bc4c183d756879ea4d173315338110b31004b8e0"`
    // TLSSkipVerify skips SSL verification when cloning the Git repository
    TLSSkipVerify bool `example:"false"`

type GitAuthentication struct {
    Username string
    Password string
    // Git credentials identifier when the value is not 0
    // When the value is 0, Username and Password are set without using saved credential
    // This is introduced since 2.15.0
    GitCredentialID int `example:"0"`