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35 mins
Test Coverage
package edgestacks

import (

    portainer "github.com/portainer/portainer/api"
    edgestackutils "github.com/portainer/portainer/api/internal/edge/edgestacks"

func (handler *Handler) updateStackVersion(stack *portainer.EdgeStack, deploymentType portainer.EdgeStackDeploymentType, config []byte, oldGitHash string, relatedEnvironmentsIDs []portainer.EndpointID) error {

    stack.Version = stack.Version + 1
    stack.Status = edgestackutils.NewStatus(stack.Status, relatedEnvironmentsIDs)

    return handler.storeStackFile(stack, deploymentType, config)

func (handler *Handler) storeStackFile(stack *portainer.EdgeStack, deploymentType portainer.EdgeStackDeploymentType, config []byte) error {

    if deploymentType != stack.DeploymentType {
        // deployment type was changed - need to delete all old files
        err := handler.FileService.RemoveDirectory(stack.ProjectPath)
        if err != nil {
            log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Unable to clear old files")

        stack.EntryPoint = ""
        stack.ManifestPath = ""
        stack.DeploymentType = deploymentType

    stackFolder := strconv.Itoa(int(stack.ID))
    entryPoint := ""
    if deploymentType == portainer.EdgeStackDeploymentCompose {
        if stack.EntryPoint == "" {
            stack.EntryPoint = filesystem.ComposeFileDefaultName

        entryPoint = stack.EntryPoint

    if deploymentType == portainer.EdgeStackDeploymentKubernetes {
        if stack.ManifestPath == "" {
            stack.ManifestPath = filesystem.ManifestFileDefaultName

        entryPoint = stack.ManifestPath

    _, err := handler.FileService.StoreEdgeStackFileFromBytes(stackFolder, entryPoint, config)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("unable to persist updated Compose file with version on disk: %w", err)

    return nil