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package cli

import (

    models "github.com/portainer/portainer/api/http/models/kubernetes"
    v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
    metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
    labels "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/labels"

// GetServices gets all the services for a given namespace in a k8s endpoint.
func (kcl *KubeClient) GetServices(namespace string, lookupApplications bool) ([]models.K8sServiceInfo, error) {
    client := kcl.cli.CoreV1().Services(namespace)

    services, err := client.List(context.Background(), metav1.ListOptions{})
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    var result []models.K8sServiceInfo

    for _, service := range services.Items {
        servicePorts := make([]models.K8sServicePort, 0)
        for _, port := range service.Spec.Ports {
            servicePorts = append(servicePorts, models.K8sServicePort{
                Name:       port.Name,
                NodePort:   int(port.NodePort),
                Port:       int(port.Port),
                Protocol:   string(port.Protocol),
                TargetPort: port.TargetPort.String(),

        ingressStatus := make([]models.K8sServiceIngress, 0)
        for _, status := range service.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress {
            ingressStatus = append(ingressStatus, models.K8sServiceIngress{
                IP:   status.IP,
                Host: status.Hostname,

        var applications []models.K8sApplication
        if lookupApplications {
            applications, _ = kcl.getOwningApplication(namespace, service.Spec.Selector)

        result = append(result, models.K8sServiceInfo{
            Name:                          service.Name,
            UID:                           string(service.GetUID()),
            Type:                          string(service.Spec.Type),
            Namespace:                     service.Namespace,
            CreationTimestamp:             service.GetCreationTimestamp().String(),
            AllocateLoadBalancerNodePorts: service.Spec.AllocateLoadBalancerNodePorts,
            Ports:                         servicePorts,
            IngressStatus:                 ingressStatus,
            Labels:                        service.GetLabels(),
            Annotations:                   service.GetAnnotations(),
            ClusterIPs:                    service.Spec.ClusterIPs,
            ExternalName:                  service.Spec.ExternalName,
            ExternalIPs:                   service.Spec.ExternalIPs,
            Applications:                  applications,

    return result, nil

// CreateService creates a new service in a given namespace in a k8s endpoint.
func (kcl *KubeClient) CreateService(namespace string, info models.K8sServiceInfo) error {
    ServiceClient := kcl.cli.CoreV1().Services(namespace)
    var service v1.Service

    service.Name = info.Name
    service.Spec.Type = v1.ServiceType(info.Type)
    service.Namespace = info.Namespace
    service.Annotations = info.Annotations
    service.Labels = info.Labels
    service.Spec.AllocateLoadBalancerNodePorts = info.AllocateLoadBalancerNodePorts
    service.Spec.Selector = info.Selector

    // Set ports.
    for _, p := range info.Ports {
        var port v1.ServicePort
        port.Name = p.Name
        port.NodePort = int32(p.NodePort)
        port.Port = int32(p.Port)
        port.Protocol = v1.Protocol(p.Protocol)
        port.TargetPort = intstr.FromString(p.TargetPort)
        service.Spec.Ports = append(service.Spec.Ports, port)

    // Set ingresses.
    for _, i := range info.IngressStatus {
        var ing v1.LoadBalancerIngress
        ing.IP = i.IP
        ing.Hostname = i.Host
        service.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress = append(

    _, err := ServiceClient.Create(context.Background(), &service, metav1.CreateOptions{})
    return err

// DeleteServices processes a K8sServiceDeleteRequest by deleting each service
// in its given namespace.
func (kcl *KubeClient) DeleteServices(reqs models.K8sServiceDeleteRequests) error {
    var err error
    for namespace := range reqs {
        for _, service := range reqs[namespace] {
            serviceClient := kcl.cli.CoreV1().Services(namespace)
            err = serviceClient.Delete(
    return err

// UpdateService updates service in a given namespace in a k8s endpoint.
func (kcl *KubeClient) UpdateService(namespace string, info models.K8sServiceInfo) error {
    ServiceClient := kcl.cli.CoreV1().Services(namespace)
    var service v1.Service

    service.Name = info.Name
    service.Spec.Type = v1.ServiceType(info.Type)
    service.Namespace = info.Namespace
    service.Annotations = info.Annotations
    service.Labels = info.Labels
    service.Spec.AllocateLoadBalancerNodePorts = info.AllocateLoadBalancerNodePorts
    service.Spec.Selector = info.Selector

    // Set ports.
    for _, p := range info.Ports {
        var port v1.ServicePort
        port.Name = p.Name
        port.NodePort = int32(p.NodePort)
        port.Port = int32(p.Port)
        port.Protocol = v1.Protocol(p.Protocol)
        port.TargetPort = intstr.FromString(p.TargetPort)
        service.Spec.Ports = append(service.Spec.Ports, port)

    // Set ingresses.
    for _, i := range info.IngressStatus {
        var ing v1.LoadBalancerIngress
        ing.IP = i.IP
        ing.Hostname = i.Host
        service.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress = append(

    _, err := ServiceClient.Update(context.Background(), &service, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
    return err

// getOwningApplication gets the application that owns the given service selector.
func (kcl *KubeClient) getOwningApplication(namespace string, selector map[string]string) ([]models.K8sApplication, error) {
    if len(selector) == 0 {
        return nil, nil

    selectorLabels := labels.SelectorFromSet(selector).String()

    // look for replicasets first, limit 1 (we only support one owner)
    replicasets, err := kcl.cli.AppsV1().ReplicaSets(namespace).List(context.TODO(), metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: selectorLabels, Limit: 1})
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    var meta metav1.Object
    if replicasets != nil && len(replicasets.Items) > 0 {
        meta = replicasets.Items[0].GetObjectMeta()
    } else {
        // otherwise look for matching pods, limit 1 (we only support one owner)
        pods, err := kcl.cli.CoreV1().Pods(namespace).List(context.TODO(), metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: selectorLabels, Limit: 1})
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        if pods == nil || len(pods.Items) == 0 {
            return nil, nil

        meta = pods.Items[0].GetObjectMeta()

    return makeApplication(meta), nil

func makeApplication(meta metav1.Object) []models.K8sApplication {
    ownerReferences := meta.GetOwnerReferences()
    if len(ownerReferences) == 0 {
        return nil

    // Currently, we only support one owner reference
    ownerReference := ownerReferences[0]
    return []models.K8sApplication{
            // Only the name is used right now, but we can add more fields in the future
            Name: ownerReference.Name,
