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# PROJECT 'Generate difference'

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gendiff compares two configuration files and shows difference.
The package can be used as CLI utility or Node.js package that can be used in your project.

gendiff supports file extensions such as json, yaml, yml, ini. It can output the result in 'tree' and 'plain' formats. It's also possible to output in json format for data exchange using the json option. You can select the output format by setting the option flag -f (--format). By default output format 'tree'.

For example:

$ gendiff --format plain project/configurations/before.json project/configurations/after.json


$ gendiff project/configurations/before.ini project/configurations/after.ini


## Setup

$ git clone https://github.com/portal-x/cli-gen_diff.git
$ make install
$ npm link

## gendiff module for node.js

$ npm install cli-gen_diff

## API

gendiff supports file extensions such as json, yaml, yml, ini. It can output the result in 'tree' and 'plain' formats. It's also possible to output in json format for data exchange. Set the json in parameter. By default output format 'tree'.

For example:

import gendiff from 'gendiff';

const diff = gendiff('./forExample/before.json', '/user/documents/after.json', 'json');
