

0 mins
Test Coverage
package ndgo

import (

// --------------------------------------- exported ---------------------------------------

// Unsafe collects helpers, which require knowledge of how they work to operate correctly
type Unsafe struct{}

// FlattenRespToObject flattens resp.GetJson() to only contain a single object, without array or query block.
// i.e. transforms `{"q":[{...}]}` to `{...}`.
// QueryBlockID must be single letter. One QueryBlock supported.
// Response array should only have 0 or 1 object, otherwise will return gibberish and unmarshal will error.
func (Unsafe) FlattenRespToObject(toFlatten []byte) []byte {
    switch {
    case toFlatten[6] == '{': // if results, will look like `{"q":[{`
        return toFlatten[6 : len(toFlatten)-2]
    case toFlatten[6] == ']': // if empty, will look like `{"q":[]`
        return []byte{'{', '}'}
        panic(`ndgo.Unsafe{}.FlattenRespToObject: query block name must be of length 1, i.e. {"q":[{"field":"42"}]}`)

// FlattenRespToArray flattens resp.GetJson() to only contain array without query block.
// i.e. transforms `{"q":[...]}` to `[...]`.
// QueryBlockID must be single letter. One QueryBlock supported, otherwise will return gibberish and unmarshal will error.
func (Unsafe) FlattenRespToArray(bytes []byte) []byte {
    if bytes[5] == '[' {
        return bytes[5 : len(bytes)-1]
    panic(`ndgo.Unsafe{}.FlattenRespToArray: query block name must be of length 1, i.e. {"q":[{"field":"42"}]}`)

// --------------------------------------- unexported ---------------------------------------

func interfaces2Bytes(jsonMutations ...interface{}) []byte {
    allBytes := make([][]byte, len(jsonMutations))
    for i := 0; i < len(jsonMutations); i++ {
        jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(jsonMutations[i])
        if err != nil {
            panic(err.Error()) // should never happen
        allBytes[i] = jsonBytes
    return byteJoinByCommaAndPutInBrackets(allBytes...)

func byteJoinByCommaAndPutInBrackets(vars ...[]byte) []byte {
    items := len(vars)
    varsLen := 0
    for _, v := range vars {
        varsLen += len(v)

    current := 0
    res := make([]byte, varsLen+items+1)
    res[current] = '['

    i := 0
    copy(res[current:], vars[i])
    current += len(vars[i])
    for ; i < items; i++ {
        res[current] = ','
        copy(res[current:], vars[i])
        current += len(vars[i])

    res[current] = ']'
    return res