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<h2>✨ Features</h2>

- 👌 &nbsp;[Drag](#-demo) and place the menu anywhere on screen.
- 👓 The smart menu system detects the edges of the screen and flips the menu automatically.
- 👍 Support for nested menus.
- ⌨ Keyboard Accessible.
- 🌈 Support for custom [themes](#-theme).
- 💪 Built with [Typescript](
- 🧰 Intuitive [API](#props) with data driven behavior.
- 🌠 Built with the all new [Vue 3](

<h2>Table of Contents</h2>

- [⚡ Installation](#-installation)
- [🚀 Getting Started](#-getting-started)
- [Props](#props)
  - [Position](#position)
  - [Menu head dimension](#menu-head-dimension)
  - [Menu dimension](#menu-dimension)
  - [Menu Style](#menu-style)
  - [Populating the Menu](#populating-the-menu)
  - [on-select](#on-select)
  - [Flip on edges](#flip-on-edges)
  - [Fixed Menu](#fixed-menu)
  - [🎨 Custom icon](#-custom-icon)
  - [🎭 Icon support](#-icon-support)
  - [🌈 Theme](#-theme)
- [📦 Build Setup](#-build-setup)
- [🔨 Contributing](#-contributing)
- [🧱 Built with](#-built-with)
- [Notes](#notes)
- [Meta](#meta)

  - [Menu head dimension](#menu-head-dimension)
  - [Menu dimension](#menu-dimension)
  - [Menu Style](#menu-style)
  - [Populating the Menu](#populating-the-menu)
  - [on-select](#on-select)
  - [Flip on edges](#flip-on-edges)
  - [Fixed Menu](#fixed-menu)
  - [🎨 Custom icon](#-custom-icon)
  - [🌈 Theme](#-theme)

- [📦 Build Setup](#-build-setup)
- [🔨 Contributing](#-contributing)
- [Built with](#built-with)
- [Notes](#notes)
- [Meta](#meta)

## ⚡ Installation

pnpm install vue-float-menu

## 🚀 Getting Started

vue-float-menu has some great defaults. Please check the [props](#props) section for all available options.

`vue-float-menu` finds the optimal menu orientation depending on the position of the menu. for e.g if the menu is placed at the bottom edge and the orientation set to `bottom`, the component will automatically flip the orientation to `top`.

Here is a basic example that sets the default position of the menu as `top left`.

    :position="'top left'"

import { FloatMenu } from "vue-float-menu";
import "vue-float-menu/dist/vue-float-menu.css";

export default {
  components: {
  setup() {
    const handleSelection = (selectedItem) => {
    return {
  data() {
    return {
      items: [
        { name: "New" },
          name: "Edit",
          subMenu: {
            name: "edit-items",
            items: [{ name: "Copy" }, { name: "Paste" }],
          name: "Open Recent"
          name: "Save",

## Props

| Prop           | Type     | Description                                                                                                            |
| -------------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| dimension      | number   | dimension of the Menu Head `width x height` in pixels.                                                                 |
| position       | String   | initial position of the Menu Head. can be any one of the values `top left`, `top right`, `bottom left`, `bottom right` |
| fixed          | Boolean  | disables dragging and the menu will be fixed. use the `position` prop to fix the menu position                         |
| menu-dimension | Object   | sets the `width` and `minimum` height of the Menu.                                                                     |
| menu-data      | Object   | data to generate the menu. refer to [populating the menu](#populating-the-menu) for usage details.                     |
| on-selected    | Function | hook that is called on selection.                                                                                      |
| menu-style     | String   | can be `slide-out` or `accordion`.`slide-out` is the default menu style.                                               |
| flip-on-edges  | Boolean  | flips the menu content on the right edges of the screen.                                                               |
| theme          | Object   | prop to customize the color schemes. refer [theme](#theme) for usage.                                                  |

### Position

The `position` prop can be used to set the initial position of the Menu Head. The prop can accept any one of the following values.

- `top left` (default)
- `top right`
- `bottom left`
- `bottom right`

  <float-menu :dimension=50 position="bottom right">
    <template #icon>
      <BoxIcon />

### Menu head dimension

`dimension` prop can be used to set the width and height of the menu head. The prop takes a single number value to set the height and width of the Menu Head.

  <float-menu :dimension=50>
    <template #icon>
      <BoxIcon />

### Menu dimension

prop to set the `height` and `width` of the menu.

    :menu-dimension="{height: 400, width: 300}"
    position="bottom right"
    <template #icon>
      <BoxIcon />

### Menu Style

The component supports two modes `slide-out`(default) and `accordion`. The `accordion` style is more suitable for mobile devices.

    position="bottom right"
    <template #icon>
      <BoxIcon />


### Populating the Menu

Use the `menu-data` prop to create simple or nested menus of your liking. `menu-data` takes an array of `MenuItem` type

`MenuItem` properties

| property | description                    |
| -------- | ------------------------------ |
| name     | display name of the menu item. |
| subMenu  | data for the sub-menu          |
| disabled | disables the menu item         |
| divider  | makes the item as a divider    |

Here we create a simple Menu structure with 3 Menu items with no sub menus.

const menuData = [
  { name: "New" },
    name: "Edit",
    subMenu: {
      name: "edit-items",
      items: [{ name: "Copy" }, { name: "Paste", disabled: true }],
  {divider: true},
    name: "Open Recent",
    subMenu: {
      name: "recent-items",
      items: [{ name: "Document 1" }, {divider: true}, { name: "Document 2" }],

    :menu-dimension="{height: 400, width: 300}"
    position="bottom right"
    <BoxIcon />

### on-select

hook for the menu item selection event.

    position="bottom right"
    :menu-dimension="{height: 400, width: 300}"
    :menu-data="{items: [{name: 'File'}, {name: 'Open'}]}"
    <BoxIcon />

### Flip on edges

setting this prop `flips` the menu content on the right edges of the screen.

    position="bottom right"
    <BoxIcon />


### Fixed Menu

To disable dragging and to fix the position statically, set `fixed` to `true`. This prop is disabled by default. Use this prop along with the `position` prop to set the desired position.

  <float-menu :dimension=50 position="bottom right" fixed>
    <template #icon>
      <BoxIcon />

### 🎨 Custom icon

To customize the Menu Icon, simply pass any content in between the `float-menu` tags. Here we render a custom icon.

    <template #icon>
      <BoxIcon />

and here we render a text `Click` inside the Menu handle



### 🎭 Icon support

Each menu item can be iconified and the component uses slots to inject the icons.

Pass individual icons (or images) as templates marked with a unique `slot id`. please make sure the `ids` match the `iconSlot` property in the items array.

  <template #new>
  <template #edit>

export default defineComponent({
  name: "MenuExample",
  data()  {
    return {
      items: [
        { name: "New File", iconSlot: "new" },
        { name: "New Window", iconSlot: "edit" },


This works seamlessly even for `nested` menu structure. Make sure the `slot ids` match and the component will render the icons appropriately.

  <template #cut>

export default defineComponent({
  name: "MenuExample",
  data()  {
    return {
      items: [
        { name: "edit",
        subMenu: [{ name: "cut", iconSlot: "cut" }]},

### 🌈 Theme

Customize the color schemes with the `theme` prop.

      primary: '#00539C',
      textColor: '#000',
      menuBgColor: '#fff',
      textSelectedColor: '#fff',

## 📦 Build Setup

# install dependencies
pnpm install

# start dev
pnpm run dev

# run css linting
pnpm run lint:css

# lint everything
pnpm run lint:all

# package lib
npm run rollup

## 🔨 Contributing

1. Fork it ( []( )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request

## 🧱 Built with

- [Vue.JS](vue) - The Component is written in Vue + [Typescript](typescript).

## Notes

- The project uses [vite](vite) instead of @vue/cli. I choose vite for speed and i also believe [vite](vite) will be the future.

## Meta

Prabhu Murthy – [@prabhumurthy2]( –


Distributed under the MIT license. See `LICENSE` for more information.


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