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Test Coverage
 * transupp.h
 * Copyright (C) 1997, Thomas G. Lane.
 * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
 * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
 * This file contains declarations for image transformation routines and
 * other utility code used by the jpegtran sample application.  These are
 * NOT part of the core JPEG library.  But we keep these routines separate
 * from jpegtran.c to ease the task of maintaining jpegtran-like programs
 * that have other user interfaces.
 * NOTE: all the routines declared here have very specific requirements
 * about when they are to be executed during the reading and writing of the
 * source and destination files.  See the comments in transupp.c, or see
 * jpegtran.c for an example of correct usage.

/* If you happen not to want the image transform support, disable it here */
#define TRANSFORMS_SUPPORTED 1        /* 0 disables transform code */

/* Short forms of external names for systems with brain-damaged linkers. */

#define jtransform_request_workspace        jTrRequest
#define jtransform_adjust_parameters        jTrAdjust
#define jtransform_execute_transformation    jTrExec
#define jcopy_markers_setup            jCMrkSetup
#define jcopy_markers_execute            jCMrkExec

 * Codes for supported types of image transformations.

typedef enum {
    JXFORM_NONE,        /* no transformation */
    JXFORM_FLIP_H,        /* horizontal flip */
    JXFORM_FLIP_V,        /* vertical flip */
    JXFORM_TRANSPOSE,    /* transpose across UL-to-LR axis */
    JXFORM_TRANSVERSE,    /* transpose across UR-to-LL axis */
    JXFORM_ROT_90,        /* 90-degree clockwise rotation */
    JXFORM_ROT_180,        /* 180-degree rotation */
    JXFORM_ROT_270        /* 270-degree clockwise (or 90 ccw) */

 * Although rotating and flipping data expressed as DCT coefficients is not
 * hard, there is an asymmetry in the JPEG format specification for images
 * whose dimensions aren't multiples of the iMCU size.  The right and bottom
 * image edges are padded out to the next iMCU boundary with junk data; but
 * no padding is possible at the top and left edges.  If we were to flip
 * the whole image including the pad data, then pad garbage would become
 * visible at the top and/or left, and real pixels would disappear into the
 * pad margins --- perhaps permanently, since encoders & decoders may not
 * bother to preserve DCT blocks that appear to be completely outside the
 * nominal image area.  So, we have to exclude any partial iMCUs from the
 * basic transformation.
 * Transpose is the only transformation that can handle partial iMCUs at the
 * right and bottom edges completely cleanly.  flip_h can flip partial iMCUs
 * at the bottom, but leaves any partial iMCUs at the right edge untouched.
 * Similarly flip_v leaves any partial iMCUs at the bottom edge untouched.
 * The other transforms are defined as combinations of these basic transforms
 * and process edge blocks in a way that preserves the equivalence.
 * The "trim" option causes untransformable partial iMCUs to be dropped;
 * this is not strictly lossless, but it usually gives the best-looking
 * result for odd-size images.  Note that when this option is active,
 * the expected mathematical equivalences between the transforms may not hold.
 * (For example, -rot 270 -trim trims only the bottom edge, but -rot 90 -trim
 * followed by -rot 180 -trim trims both edges.)
 * We also offer a "force to grayscale" option, which simply discards the
 * chrominance channels of a YCbCr image.  This is lossless in the sense that
 * the luminance channel is preserved exactly.  It's not the same kind of
 * thing as the rotate/flip transformations, but it's convenient to handle it
 * as part of this package, mainly because the transformation routines have to
 * be aware of the option to know how many components to work on.

typedef struct {
  /* Options: set by caller */
  JXFORM_CODE transform;    /* image transform operator */
  boolean trim;            /* if TRUE, trim partial MCUs as needed */
  boolean force_grayscale;    /* if TRUE, convert color image to grayscale */

  /* Internal workspace: caller should not touch these */
  int num_components;        /* # of components in workspace */
  jvirt_barray_ptr * workspace_coef_arrays; /* workspace for transformations */
} jpeg_transform_info;


/* Request any required workspace */
EXTERN(void) jtransform_request_workspace
    JPP((j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, jpeg_transform_info *info));
/* Adjust output image parameters */
EXTERN(jvirt_barray_ptr *) jtransform_adjust_parameters
    JPP((j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
         jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
         jpeg_transform_info *info));
/* Execute the actual transformation, if any */
EXTERN(void) jtransform_execute_transformation
    JPP((j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
         jvirt_barray_ptr *src_coef_arrays,
         jpeg_transform_info *info));


 * Support for copying optional markers from source to destination file.

typedef enum {
    JCOPYOPT_NONE,        /* copy no optional markers */
    JCOPYOPT_COMMENTS,    /* copy only comment (COM) markers */
    JCOPYOPT_ALL        /* copy all optional markers */

#define JCOPYOPT_DEFAULT  JCOPYOPT_COMMENTS    /* recommended default */

/* Setup decompression object to save desired markers in memory */
EXTERN(void) jcopy_markers_setup
    JPP((j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, JCOPY_OPTION option));
/* Copy markers saved in the given source object to the destination object */
EXTERN(void) jcopy_markers_execute
    JPP((j_decompress_ptr srcinfo, j_compress_ptr dstinfo,
         JCOPY_OPTION option));