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 -  Copyright (C) 2001 Leptonica.  All rights reserved.
 -  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 -  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
 -  are met:
 -  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 -     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 -  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
 -     copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
 -     disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
 -     provided with the distribution.

 *  pdfio2.c
 *    Lower-level operations for generating pdf.
 *     Intermediate function for single page, multi-image conversion
 *          l_int32              pixConvertToPdfData()
 *     Intermediate function for generating multipage pdf output
 *          l_int32              ptraConcatenatePdfToData()
 *     Low-level CID-based operations
 *       Without transcoding
 *          l_int32              l_generateCIDataForPdf()
 *          L_COMP_DATA         *l_generateFlateDataPdf()
 *          L_COMP_DATA         *l_generateJpegData()
 *          static L_COMP_DATA  *l_generateJp2kData()
 *       With transcoding
 *          l_int32              l_generateCIData()
 *          static l_int32       pixGenerateCIData()
 *          L_COMP_DATA         *l_generateFlateData()
 *          static L_COMP_DATA  *pixGenerateFlateData()
 *          static L_COMP_DATA  *pixGenerateJpegData()
 *          static L_COMP_DATA  *pixGenerateG4Data()
 *          L_COMP_DATA         *l_generateG4Data()
 *       Other
 *          l_int32              cidConvertToPdfData()
 *          void                 l_CIDataDestroy()
 *     Helper functions for generating the output pdf string
 *          static l_int32       l_generatePdf()
 *          static void          generateFixedStringsPdf()
 *          static void          generateMediaboxPdf()
 *          static l_int32       generatePageStringPdf()
 *          static l_int32       generateContentStringPdf()
 *          static l_int32       generatePreXStringsPdf()
 *          static l_int32       generateColormapStringsPdf()
 *          static void          generateTrailerPdf()
 *          static l_int32       makeTrailerStringPdf()
 *          static l_int32       generateOutputDataPdf()
 *     Helper functions for generating multipage pdf output
 *          static l_int32       parseTrailerPdf()
 *          static char         *generatePagesObjStringPdf()
 *          static L_BYTEA      *substituteObjectNumbers()
 *     Create/destroy/access pdf data
 *          static L_PDF_DATA   *pdfdataCreate()
 *          static void          pdfdataDestroy()
 *          static L_COMP_DATA  *pdfdataGetCid()
 *     Set flags for special modes
 *          void                 l_pdfSetG4ImageMask()
 *          void                 l_pdfSetDateAndVersion()

#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "allheaders.h"

/* --------------------------------------------*/
#if  USE_PDFIO   /* defined in environ.h */
 /* --------------------------------------------*/

    /* Typical scan resolution in ppi (pixels/inch) */
static const l_int32  DEFAULT_INPUT_RES = 300;

    /* Static helpers */
static L_COMP_DATA  *l_generateJp2kData(const char *fname);
static L_COMP_DATA  *pixGenerateFlateData(PIX *pixs, l_int32 ascii85flag);
static L_COMP_DATA  *pixGenerateJpegData(PIX *pixs, l_int32 ascii85flag,
                                         l_int32 quality);
static L_COMP_DATA  *pixGenerateG4Data(PIX *pixs, l_int32 ascii85flag);

static l_int32       l_generatePdf(l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *pnbytes,
                                   L_PDF_DATA  *lpd);
static void          generateFixedStringsPdf(L_PDF_DATA *lpd);
static void          generateMediaboxPdf(L_PDF_DATA *lpd);
static l_int32       generatePageStringPdf(L_PDF_DATA *lpd);
static l_int32       generateContentStringPdf(L_PDF_DATA *lpd);
static l_int32       generatePreXStringsPdf(L_PDF_DATA *lpd);
static l_int32       generateColormapStringsPdf(L_PDF_DATA *lpd);
static void          generateTrailerPdf(L_PDF_DATA *lpd);
static char         *makeTrailerStringPdf(L_DNA *daloc);
static l_int32       generateOutputDataPdf(l_uint8 **pdata, size_t *pnbytes,
                                       L_PDF_DATA *lpd);

static l_int32       parseTrailerPdf(L_BYTEA *bas, L_DNA **pda);
static char         *generatePagesObjStringPdf(NUMA *napage);
static L_BYTEA      *substituteObjectNumbers(L_BYTEA *bas, NUMA *na_objs);

static L_PDF_DATA   *pdfdataCreate(const char *title);
static void          pdfdataDestroy(L_PDF_DATA **plpd);
static L_COMP_DATA  *pdfdataGetCid(L_PDF_DATA *lpd, l_int32 index);

/* ---------------- Defaults for rendering options ----------------- */
    /* Output G4 as writing through image mask; this is the default */
static l_int32   var_WRITE_G4_IMAGE_MASK = 1;
    /* Write date/time and lib version into pdf; this is the default */
static l_int32   var_WRITE_DATE_AND_VERSION = 1;

#define L_SMALLBUF   256
#define L_BIGBUF    2048   /* must be able to hold hex colormap */

#ifndef  NO_CONSOLE_IO
#define  DEBUG_MULTIPAGE      0
#endif  /* ~NO_CONSOLE_IO */

 *       Intermediate function for generating multipage pdf output     *
 *  pixConvertToPdfData()
 *      Input:  pix (all depths; cmap OK)
 *              type (L_G4_ENCODE, L_JPEG_ENCODE, L_FLATE_ENCODE)
 *              quality (used for JPEG only; 0 for default (75))
 *              &data (<return> pdf array)
 *              &nbytes (<return> number of bytes in pdf array)
 *              x, y (location of lower-left corner of image, in pixels,
 *                    relative to the PostScript origin (0,0) at
 *                    the lower-left corner of the page)
 *              res (override the resolution of the input image, in ppi;
 *                   use 0 to respect the resolution embedded in the input)
 *              title (<optional> pdf title)
 *              &lpd (ptr to lpd, which is created on the first invocation
 *                    and returned until last image is processed)
 *              position (in image sequence: L_FIRST_IMAGE, L_NEXT_IMAGE,
 *                       L_LAST_IMAGE)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) If @res == 0 and the input resolution field is 0,
 *          this will use DEFAULT_INPUT_RES.
 *      (2) This only writes @data if it is the last image to be
 *          written on the page.
 *      (3) See comments in convertToPdf().
pixConvertToPdfData(PIX          *pix,
                    l_int32       type,
                    l_int32       quality,
                    l_uint8     **pdata,
                    size_t       *pnbytes,
                    l_int32       x,
                    l_int32       y,
                    l_int32       res,
                    const char   *title,
                    L_PDF_DATA  **plpd,
                    l_int32       position)
l_int32       pixres, w, h, ret;
l_float32     xpt, ypt, wpt, hpt;
L_PDF_DATA   *lpd = NULL;


    if (!pdata)
        return ERROR_INT("&data not defined", procName, 1);
    *pdata = NULL;
    if (!pnbytes)
        return ERROR_INT("&nbytes not defined", procName, 1);
    *pnbytes = 0;
    if (!pix)
        return ERROR_INT("pix not defined", procName, 1);
    if (plpd) {  /* part of multi-page invocation */
        if (position == L_FIRST_IMAGE)
            *plpd = NULL;

        /* Generate the compressed image data.  It must NOT
         * be ascii85 encoded. */
    pixGenerateCIData(pix, type, quality, 0, &cid);
    if (!cid)
        return ERROR_INT("cid not made", procName, 1);

        /* Get media box in pts.  Guess the input image resolution
         * based on the input parameter @res, the resolution data in
         * the pix, and the size of the image. */
    pixres = cid->res;
    w = cid->w;
    h = cid->h;
    if (res <= 0.0) {
        if (pixres > 0)
            res = pixres;
            res = DEFAULT_INPUT_RES;
    xpt = x * 72. / res;
    ypt = y * 72. / res;
    wpt = w * 72. / res;
    hpt = h * 72. / res;

        /* Set up lpd */
    if (!plpd) {  /* single image */
        if ((lpd = pdfdataCreate(title)) == NULL)
            return ERROR_INT("lpd not made", procName, 1);
    } else if (position == L_FIRST_IMAGE) {  /* first of multiple images */
        if ((lpd = pdfdataCreate(title)) == NULL)
            return ERROR_INT("lpd not made", procName, 1);
        *plpd = lpd;
    } else {  /* not the first of multiple images */
        lpd = *plpd;

        /* Add the data to the lpd */
    ptraAdd(lpd->cida, cid);
    ptaAddPt(lpd->xy, xpt, ypt);
    ptaAddPt(lpd->wh, wpt, hpt);

        /* If a single image or the last of multiple images,
         * generate the pdf and destroy the lpd */
    if (!plpd || (position == L_LAST_IMAGE)) {
        ret = l_generatePdf(pdata, pnbytes, lpd);
        if (plpd) *plpd = NULL;
        if (ret)
            return ERROR_INT("pdf output not made", procName, 1);

    return 0;

 *      Intermediate function for generating multipage pdf output      *
 *  ptraConcatenatePdfToData()
 *      Input:  ptra (array of pdf strings, each for a single-page pdf file)
 *              sarray (<optional> of pathnames for input pdf files)
 *              &data (<return> concatenated pdf data in memory)
 *              &nbytes (<return> number of bytes in pdf data)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This only works with leptonica-formatted single-page pdf files.
 *          pdf files generated by other programs will have unpredictable
 *          (and usually bad) results.  The requirements for each pdf file:
 *            (a) The Catalog and Info objects are the first two.
 *            (b) Object 3 is Pages
 *            (c) Object 4 is Page
 *            (d) The remaining objects are Contents, XObjects, and ColorSpace
 *      (2) We remove trailers from each page, and append the full trailer
 *          for all pages at the end.
 *      (3) For all but the first file, remove the ID and the first 3
 *          objects (catalog, info, pages), so that each subsequent
 *          file has only objects of these classes:
 *              Page, Contents, XObject, ColorSpace (Indexed RGB).
 *          For those objects, we substitute these refs to objects
 *          in the local file:
 *              Page:  Parent(object 3), Contents, XObject(typically multiple)
 *              XObject:  [ColorSpace if indexed]
 *          The Pages object on the first page (object 3) has a Kids array
 *          of references to all the Page objects, with a Count equal
 *          to the number of pages.  Each Page object refers back to
 *          this parent.
ptraConcatenatePdfToData(L_PTRA    *pa_data,
                         SARRAY    *sa,
                         l_uint8  **pdata,
                         size_t    *pnbytes)
char     *fname, *str_pages, *str_trailer;
l_uint8  *pdfdata, *data;
l_int32   i, j, index, nobj, npages;
l_int32  *sizes, *locs;
size_t    size;
L_BYTEA  *bas, *bad, *bat1, *bat2;
L_DNA    *da_locs, *da_sizes, *da_outlocs, *da;
L_DNAA   *daa_locs;  /* object locations on each page */
NUMA     *na_objs, *napage;
NUMAA    *naa_objs;  /* object mapping numbers to new values */


    if (!pdata)
        return ERROR_INT("&data not defined", procName, 1);
    *pdata = NULL;
    if (!pnbytes)
        return ERROR_INT("&nbytes not defined", procName, 1);
    *pnbytes = 0;
    if (!pa_data)
        return ERROR_INT("pa_data not defined", procName, 1);

        /* Parse the files and find the object locations.
         * Remove file data that cannot be parsed. */
    ptraGetActualCount(pa_data, &npages);
    daa_locs = l_dnaaCreate(npages);
    for (i = 0; i < npages; i++) {
        bas = (L_BYTEA *)ptraGetPtrToItem(pa_data, i);
        if (parseTrailerPdf(bas, &da_locs) != 0) {
            bas = (L_BYTEA *)ptraRemove(pa_data, i, L_NO_COMPACTION);
            if (sa) {
                fname = sarrayGetString(sa, i, L_NOCOPY);
                L_ERROR("can't parse file %s; skipping\n", procName, fname);
            } else {
                L_ERROR("can't parse file %d; skipping\n", procName, i);
        } else {
            l_dnaaAddDna(daa_locs, da_locs, L_INSERT);

        /* Recompute npages in case some of the files were not pdf */
    ptraGetActualCount(pa_data, &npages);
    if (npages == 0) {
        return ERROR_INT("no parsable pdf files found", procName, 1);

        /* Find the mapping from initial to final object numbers */
    naa_objs = numaaCreate(npages);  /* stores final object numbers */
    napage = numaCreate(npages);  /* stores "Page" object numbers */
    index = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < npages; i++) {
        da = l_dnaaGetDna(daa_locs, i, L_CLONE);
        nobj = l_dnaGetCount(da);
        if (i == 0) {
            numaAddNumber(napage, 4);  /* object 4 on first page */
            na_objs = numaMakeSequence(0.0, 1.0, nobj - 1);
            index = nobj - 1;
        } else {  /* skip the first 3 objects in each file */
            numaAddNumber(napage, index);  /* Page object is first we add */
            na_objs = numaMakeConstant(0.0, nobj - 1);
            numaReplaceNumber(na_objs, 3, 3);  /* refers to parent of all */
            for (j = 4; j < nobj - 1; j++)
                numaSetValue(na_objs, j, index++);
        numaaAddNuma(naa_objs, na_objs, L_INSERT);

        /* Make the Pages object (#3) */
    str_pages = generatePagesObjStringPdf(napage);

        /* Build the output */
    bad = l_byteaCreate(5000);
    da_outlocs = l_dnaCreate(0);  /* locations of all output objects */
    for (i = 0; i < npages; i++) {
        bas = (L_BYTEA *)ptraGetPtrToItem(pa_data, i);
        pdfdata = l_byteaGetData(bas, &size);
        da_locs = l_dnaaGetDna(daa_locs, i, L_CLONE);  /* locs on this page */
        na_objs = numaaGetNuma(naa_objs, i, L_CLONE);  /* obj # on this page */
        nobj = l_dnaGetCount(da_locs) - 1;
        da_sizes = l_dnaMakeDelta(da_locs);  /* object sizes on this page */
        sizes = l_dnaGetIArray(da_sizes);
        locs = l_dnaGetIArray(da_locs);
        if (i == 0) {
            l_byteaAppendData(bad, pdfdata, sizes[0]);
            l_byteaAppendData(bad, pdfdata + locs[1], sizes[1]);
            l_byteaAppendData(bad, pdfdata + locs[2], sizes[2]);
            l_byteaAppendString(bad, str_pages);
            for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                l_dnaAddNumber(da_outlocs, locs[j]);
        for (j = 4; j < nobj; j++) {
            l_dnaAddNumber(da_outlocs, l_byteaGetSize(bad));
            bat1 = l_byteaInitFromMem(pdfdata + locs[j], sizes[j]);
            bat2 = substituteObjectNumbers(bat1, na_objs);
            data = l_byteaGetData(bat2, &size);
            l_byteaAppendData(bad, data, size);
        if (i == npages - 1)  /* last one */
            l_dnaAddNumber(da_outlocs, l_byteaGetSize(bad));

        /* Add the trailer */
    str_trailer = makeTrailerStringPdf(da_outlocs);
    l_byteaAppendString(bad, str_trailer);

        /* Transfer the output data */
    *pdata = l_byteaCopyData(bad, pnbytes);

    fprintf(stderr, "******** object mapper **********");
    numaaWriteStream(stderr, naa_objs);

    fprintf(stderr, "******** Page object numbers ***********");
    numaWriteStream(stderr, napage);

    fprintf(stderr, "******** Pages object ***********\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", str_pages);
#endif  /* DEBUG_MULTIPAGE */

    return 0;

 *                     Low-level CID-based operations                  *
 *  l_generateCIDataForPdf()
 *      Input:  fname
 *              pix (<optional>; can be null)
 *              quality (for jpeg if transcoded; 75 is standard)
 *              &cid (<return> compressed data)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) Given an image file and optionally a pix raster of that data,
 *          this provides a CID that is compatible with PDF, preferably
 *          without transcoding.
 *      (2) The pix is included for efficiency, in case transcoding
 *          is required and the pix is available to the caller.
l_generateCIDataForPdf(const char    *fname,
                       PIX           *pix,
                       l_int32        quality,
                       L_COMP_DATA  **pcid)
l_int32       format, type;
L_COMP_DATA  *cid;
PIX          *pixt;


    if (!pcid)
        return ERROR_INT("&cid not defined", procName, 1);
    *pcid = NULL;
    if (!fname)
        return ERROR_INT("fname not defined", procName, 1);

    findFileFormat(fname, &format);
    if (format == IFF_UNKNOWN)
        L_WARNING("file %s format is unknown\n", procName, fname);
    if (format == IFF_PS || format == IFF_LPDF) {
        L_ERROR("file %s is unsupported format %d\n", procName, fname, format);
        return 1;

    if (format == IFF_JFIF_JPEG) {
        cid = l_generateJpegData(fname, 0);
    } else if (format == IFF_JP2) {
        cid = l_generateJp2kData(fname);
    } else if (format == IFF_PNG) {  /* use Jeff's special function for png */
        cid = l_generateFlateDataPdf(fname, pix);
    } else {  /* any other format ... */
        if (!pix)
            pixt = pixRead(fname);
            pixt = pixClone(pix);
        if (!pixt)
            return ERROR_INT("pixt not made", procName, 1);
        selectDefaultPdfEncoding(pixt, &type);
        pixGenerateCIData(pixt, type, quality, 0, &cid);
    if (!cid) {
        L_ERROR("file %s format is %d; unreadable\n", procName, fname, format);
        return 1;
    *pcid = cid;
    return 0;

 *  l_generateFlateDataPdf()
 *      Input:  fname (preferably png)
 *              pix (<optional>; can be null)
 *      Return: cid (containing png data), or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) If you hand this a png file, you are going to get
 *          png predictors embedded in the flate data. So it has
 *          come to this.
 *      (2) Exception: if the png is interlaced or if it is RGBA,
 *          it will be transcoded.
 *      (3) If transcoding is required, this will not have to read from
 *          file if you also input a pix.
l_generateFlateDataPdf(const char  *fname,
                       PIX         *pixs)
l_uint8      *pngcomp = NULL;  /* entire PNG compressed file */
l_uint8      *datacomp = NULL;  /* gzipped raster data */
l_uint8      *cmapdata = NULL;  /* uncompressed colormap */
char         *cmapdatahex = NULL;  /* hex ascii uncompressed colormap */
l_uint32      i, j, n;
l_int32       format, interlaced;
l_int32       ncolors;  /* in colormap */
l_int32       bps;  /* bits/sample: usually 8 */
l_int32       spp;  /* samples/pixel: 1-grayscale/cmap); 3-rgb; 4-rgba */
l_int32       w, h, cmapflag;
l_int32       xres, yres;
size_t        nbytescomp = 0, nbytespng = 0;
FILE         *fp;
L_COMP_DATA  *cid;
PIX          *pix;
PIXCMAP      *cmap = NULL;


    if (!fname)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("fname not defined", procName, NULL);

    findFileFormat(fname, &format);
    spp = 0;  /* init to spp != 4 if not png */
    interlaced = 0;  /* initialize to no interlacing */
    if (format == IFF_PNG) {
        isPngInterlaced(fname, &interlaced);
        readHeaderPng(fname, NULL, NULL, NULL, &spp, NULL);

        /* PDF is capable of inlining some types of PNG files, but not all
           of them. We need to transcode anything with interlacing or an
           alpha channel.

           Be careful with spp. Any PNG image file with an alpha
           channel is converted on reading to RGBA (spp == 4). This
           includes the (gray + alpha) format with spp == 2. You
           will get different results if you look at spp via
           readHeaderPng() versus pixGetSpp() */
    if (format != IFF_PNG || interlaced || spp == 4 || spp == 2) {
        if (!pixs)
            pix = pixRead(fname);
            pix = pixClone(pixs);
        if (!pix)
            return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("pix not made", procName, NULL);
        cid = pixGenerateFlateData(pix, 0);
        return cid;

        /* It's png.  Generate the pdf data without transcoding.
         * Implementation by Jeff Breidenbach.
         * First, read the metadata */
    if ((fp = fopenReadStream(fname)) == NULL)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("stream not opened", procName, NULL);
    freadHeaderPng(fp, &w, &h, &bps, &spp, &cmapflag);
    fgetPngResolution(fp, &xres, &yres);

        /* We get pdf corruption when inlining the data from 16 bpp png. */
    if (bps == 16)
        return l_generateFlateData(fname, 0);

        /* Read the entire png file */
    if ((pngcomp = l_binaryRead(fname, &nbytespng)) == NULL)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("unable to read file",
                                        procName, NULL);

        /* Extract flate data, copying portions of it to memory, including
         * the predictor information in a byte at the beginning of each
         * raster line.  The flate data makes up the vast majority of
         * the png file, so after extraction we expect datacomp to
         * be nearly full (i.e., nbytescomp will be only slightly less
         * than nbytespng).  Also extract the colormap if present. */
    if ((datacomp = (l_uint8 *)CALLOC(1, nbytespng)) == NULL)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("unable to allocate memory",
                                        procName, NULL);

        /* Parse the png file.  Each chunk consists of:
         *    length: 4 bytes
         *    name:   4 bytes (e.g., "IDAT")
         *    data:   n bytes
         *    CRC:    4 bytes
         * Start at the beginning of the data section of the first chunk,
         * byte 16, because the png file begins with 8 bytes of header,
         * followed by the first 8 bytes of the first chunk
         * (length and name).  On each loop, increment by 12 bytes to
         * skip over the CRC, length and name of the next chunk. */
    for (i = 16; i < nbytespng; i += 12) {  /* do each successive chunk */
            /* Get the chunk length */
        n  = pngcomp[i - 8] << 24;
        n += pngcomp[i - 7] << 16;
        n += pngcomp[i - 6] << 8;
        n += pngcomp[i - 5] << 0;
        if (i + n >= nbytespng) {
            L_ERROR("invalid png: i = %d, n = %d, nbytes = %lu\n", procName,
                    i, n, (unsigned long)nbytespng);
            return NULL;

            /* Is it a data chunk? */
        if (strncmp((const char *)(pngcomp + i - 4), "IDAT", 4) == 0) {
            memcpy(datacomp + nbytescomp, pngcomp + i, n);
            nbytescomp += n;

            /* Is it a palette chunk? */
        if (cmapflag && !cmap &&
            strncmp((const char *)(pngcomp + i - 4), "PLTE", 4) == 0) {
            if ((n / 3) > (1 << bps)) {
                L_ERROR("invalid png: i = %d, n = %d, cmapsize = %d\n",
                        procName, i, n, (1 << bps));
                return NULL;
            cmap = pixcmapCreate(bps);
            for (j = i; j < i + n; j += 3) {
                pixcmapAddColor(cmap, pngcomp[j], pngcomp[j + 1],
                                pngcomp[j + 2]);
        i += n;  /* move to the end of the data chunk */

    if (nbytescomp == 0) {
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("invalid PNG file", procName, NULL);

        /* Extract and encode the colormap data as hexascii  */
    ncolors = 0;
    if (cmap) {
        pixcmapSerializeToMemory(cmap, 3, &ncolors, &cmapdata);
        if (!cmapdata) {
            return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("cmapdata not made",
                                            procName, NULL);
        cmapdatahex = pixcmapConvertToHex(cmapdata, ncolors);

        /* Note that this is the only situation where the predictor
         * field of the CID is set to 1.  Adobe's predictor values on
         * p. 76 of pdf_reference_1-7.pdf give 1 for no predictor and
         * 10-14 for inline predictors, the specifics of which are
         * ignored by the pdf interpreter, which just needs to know that
         * the first byte on each compressed scanline is some predictor
         * whose type can be inferred from the byte itself.  */
    cid = (L_COMP_DATA *)CALLOC(1, sizeof(L_COMP_DATA));
    cid->datacomp = datacomp;
    cid->type = L_FLATE_ENCODE;
    cid->cmapdatahex = cmapdatahex;
    cid->nbytescomp = nbytescomp;
    cid->ncolors = ncolors;
    cid->predictor = TRUE;
    cid->w = w;
    cid->h = h;
    cid->bps = bps;
    cid->spp = spp;
    cid->res = xres;
    return cid;

 *  l_generateJpegData()
 *      Input:  fname (of jpeg file)
 *              ascii85flag (0 for jpeg; 1 for ascii85-encoded jpeg)
 *      Return: cid (containing jpeg data), or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) Set ascii85flag:
 *           - 0 for binary data (not permitted in PostScript)
 *           - 1 for ascii85 (5 for 4) encoded binary data
 *               (not permitted in pdf)
l_generateJpegData(const char  *fname,
                   l_int32      ascii85flag)
l_uint8      *datacomp = NULL;  /* entire jpeg compressed file */
char         *data85 = NULL;  /* ascii85 encoded jpeg compressed file */
l_int32       w, h, xres, yres, bps, spp;
l_int32       nbytes85;
size_t        nbytescomp;
FILE         *fp;
L_COMP_DATA  *cid;


    if (!fname)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("fname not defined", procName, NULL);

        /* The returned jpeg data in memory is the entire jpeg file,
         * which starts with ffd8 and ends with ffd9 */
    if ((datacomp = l_binaryRead(fname, &nbytescomp)) == NULL)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("datacomp not extracted",
                                        procName, NULL);

        /* Read the metadata */
    if ((fp = fopenReadStream(fname)) == NULL)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("stream not opened", procName, NULL);
    freadHeaderJpeg(fp, &w, &h, &spp, NULL, NULL);
    bps = 8;
    fgetJpegResolution(fp, &xres, &yres);

        /* Optionally, encode the compressed data */
    if (ascii85flag == 1) {
        data85 = encodeAscii85(datacomp, nbytescomp, &nbytes85);
        if (!data85)
            return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("data85 not made", procName, NULL);
            data85[nbytes85 - 1] = '\0';  /* remove the newline */

    cid = (L_COMP_DATA *)CALLOC(1, sizeof(L_COMP_DATA));
    if (!cid)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("cid not made", procName, NULL);
    if (ascii85flag == 0) {
        cid->datacomp = datacomp;
    } else {  /* ascii85 */
        cid->data85 = data85;
        cid->nbytes85 = nbytes85;
    cid->type = L_JPEG_ENCODE;
    cid->nbytescomp = nbytescomp;
    cid->w = w;
    cid->h = h;
    cid->bps = bps;
    cid->spp = spp;
    cid->res = xres;
    return cid;

 *  l_generateJp2kData()
 *      Input:  fname (of jp2k file)
 *      Return: cid (containing jp2k data), or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This is only called after the file is verified to be jp2k.
static L_COMP_DATA *
l_generateJp2kData(const char  *fname)
l_int32       w, h, bps, spp;
size_t        nbytes;
L_COMP_DATA  *cid;


    if (!fname)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("fname not defined", procName, NULL);

    if ((cid = (L_COMP_DATA *)CALLOC(1, sizeof(L_COMP_DATA))) == NULL)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("cid not made", procName, NULL);

        /* The returned jp2k data in memory is the entire jp2k file */
    if ((cid->datacomp = l_binaryRead(fname, &nbytes)) == NULL)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("data not extracted", procName, NULL);

    readHeaderJp2k(fname, &w, &h, &bps, &spp);
    cid->type = L_JP2K_ENCODE;
    cid->nbytescomp = nbytes;
    cid->w = w;
    cid->h = h;
    cid->bps = bps;
    cid->spp = spp;
    cid->res = 0;  /* don't know how to extract this */
    return cid;

 *  l_generateCIData()
 *      Input:  fname
 *              quality (used for jpeg only; 0 for default (75))
 *              ascii85 (0 for binary; 1 for ascii85-encoded)
 *              &cid (<return> compressed data)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This can be used for both PostScript and pdf.
 *      (1) Set ascii85:
 *           - 0 for binary data (not permitted in PostScript)
 *           - 1 for ascii85 (5 for 4) encoded binary data
 *      (2) This attempts to compress according to the requested type.
 *          If this can't be done, it falls back to ordinary flate encoding.
 *      (3) This differs from l_generateCIDataPdf(), which determines
 *          the format and attempts to generate the CID without transcoding.
l_generateCIData(const char    *fname,
                 l_int32        type,
                 l_int32        quality,
                 l_int32        ascii85,
                 L_COMP_DATA  **pcid)
l_int32       format, d, bps, spp, iscmap;
L_COMP_DATA  *cid;
PIX          *pix;


    if (!pcid)
        return ERROR_INT("&cid not defined", procName, 1);
    *pcid = NULL;
    if (!fname)
        return ERROR_INT("fname not defined", procName, 1);
    if (type != L_G4_ENCODE && type != L_JPEG_ENCODE &&
        type != L_FLATE_ENCODE && type != L_JP2K_ENCODE)
        return ERROR_INT("invalid conversion type", procName, 1);
    if (ascii85 != 0 && ascii85 != 1)
        return ERROR_INT("invalid ascii85", procName, 1);

        /* Sanity check on requested encoding */
    pixReadHeader(fname, &format, NULL, NULL, &bps, &spp, &iscmap);
    d = bps * spp;
    if (d == 24) d = 32;
    if (iscmap && type != L_FLATE_ENCODE) {
        L_WARNING("pixs has cmap; using flate encoding\n", procName);
        type = L_FLATE_ENCODE;
    } else if (d < 8 && type == L_JPEG_ENCODE) {
        L_WARNING("pixs has < 8 bpp; using flate encoding\n", procName);
        type = L_FLATE_ENCODE;
    } else if (d < 8 && type == L_JP2K_ENCODE) {
        L_WARNING("pixs has < 8 bpp; using flate encoding\n", procName);
        type = L_FLATE_ENCODE;
    } else if (d > 1 && type == L_G4_ENCODE) {
        L_WARNING("pixs has > 1 bpp; using flate encoding\n", procName);
        type = L_FLATE_ENCODE;

    if (type == L_JPEG_ENCODE) {
        if (format == IFF_JFIF_JPEG) {  /* do not transcode */
            cid = l_generateJpegData(fname, ascii85);
        } else {
            if ((pix = pixRead(fname)) == NULL)
                return ERROR_INT("pix not returned", procName, 1);
            cid = pixGenerateJpegData(pix, ascii85, quality);
        if (!cid)
            return ERROR_INT("jpeg data not made", procName, 1);
    } else if (type == L_JP2K_ENCODE) {
        if (format == IFF_JP2) {  /* do not transcode */
            cid = l_generateJp2kData(fname);
        } else {
            if ((pix = pixRead(fname)) == NULL)
                return ERROR_INT("pix not returned", procName, 1);
            cid = pixGenerateJpegData(pix, ascii85, quality);
        if (!cid)
            return ERROR_INT("jpeg data not made", procName, 1);
    } else if (type == L_G4_ENCODE) {
        if ((cid = l_generateG4Data(fname, ascii85)) == NULL)
            return ERROR_INT("g4 data not made", procName, 1);
    } else if (type == L_FLATE_ENCODE) {
        if ((cid = l_generateFlateData(fname, ascii85)) == NULL)
            return ERROR_INT("flate data not made", procName, 1);
    } else {
        return ERROR_INT("invalid conversion type", procName, 1);
    *pcid = cid;

    return 0;

 *  pixGenerateCIData()
 *      Input:  pixs (8 or 32 bpp, no colormap)
 *              type (L_G4_ENCODE, L_JPEG_ENCODE, L_FLATE_ENCODE)
 *              quality (used for jpeg only; 0 for default (75))
 *              ascii85 (0 for binary; 1 for ascii85-encoded)
 *              &cid (<return> compressed data)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) Set ascii85:
 *           - 0 for binary data (not permitted in PostScript)
 *           - 1 for ascii85 (5 for 4) encoded binary data
pixGenerateCIData(PIX           *pixs,
                  l_int32        type,
                  l_int32        quality,
                  l_int32        ascii85,
                  L_COMP_DATA  **pcid)
l_int32   d;
PIXCMAP  *cmap;


    if (!pcid)
        return ERROR_INT("&cid not defined", procName, 1);
    *pcid = NULL;
    if (!pixs)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined", procName, 1);
    if (type != L_G4_ENCODE && type != L_JPEG_ENCODE &&
        type != L_FLATE_ENCODE)
        return ERROR_INT("invalid conversion type", procName, 1);
    if (ascii85 != 0 && ascii85 != 1)
        return ERROR_INT("invalid ascii85", procName, 1);

        /* Sanity check on requested encoding */
    d = pixGetDepth(pixs);
    cmap = pixGetColormap(pixs);
    if (cmap && type != L_FLATE_ENCODE) {
        L_WARNING("pixs has cmap; using flate encoding\n", procName);
        type = L_FLATE_ENCODE;
    } else if (d < 8 && type == L_JPEG_ENCODE) {
        L_WARNING("pixs has < 8 bpp; using flate encoding\n", procName);
        type = L_FLATE_ENCODE;
    } else if (d > 1 && type == L_G4_ENCODE) {
        L_WARNING("pixs has > 1 bpp; using flate encoding\n", procName);
        type = L_FLATE_ENCODE;

    if (type == L_JPEG_ENCODE) {
        if ((*pcid = pixGenerateJpegData(pixs, ascii85, quality)) == NULL)
            return ERROR_INT("jpeg data not made", procName, 1);
    } else if (type == L_G4_ENCODE) {
        if ((*pcid = pixGenerateG4Data(pixs, ascii85)) == NULL)
            return ERROR_INT("g4 data not made", procName, 1);
    } else if (type == L_FLATE_ENCODE) {
        if ((*pcid = pixGenerateFlateData(pixs, ascii85)) == NULL)
            return ERROR_INT("flate data not made", procName, 1);
    } else {
        return ERROR_INT("invalid conversion type", procName, 1);

    return 0;

 *  l_generateFlateData()
 *      Input:  fname
 *              ascii85flag (0 for gzipped; 1 for ascii85-encoded gzipped)
 *      Return: cid (flate compressed image data), or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) The input image is converted to one of these 4 types:
 *           - 1 bpp
 *           - 8 bpp, no colormap
 *           - 8 bpp, colormap
 *           - 32 bpp rgb
 *      (2) Set ascii85flag:
 *           - 0 for binary data (not permitted in PostScript)
 *           - 1 for ascii85 (5 for 4) encoded binary data
l_generateFlateData(const char  *fname,
                    l_int32      ascii85flag)
L_COMP_DATA  *cid;
PIX          *pixs;


    if (!fname)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("fname not defined", procName, NULL);

    if ((pixs = pixRead(fname)) == NULL)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not made", procName, NULL);
    cid = pixGenerateFlateData(pixs, ascii85flag);
    return cid;

 *  pixGenerateFlateData()
 *      Input:  pixs
 *              ascii85flag (0 for gzipped; 1 for ascii85-encoded gzipped)
 *      Return: cid (flate compressed image data), or null on error
 *      Notes:
 *          (1) This should not be called with an RGBA pix (spp == 4); it
 *              will ignore the alpha channel.  Likewise, if called with a
 *              colormapped pix, the alpha component in the colormap will
 *              be ignored (as it is for all leptonica operations
 *              on colormapped pix).
static L_COMP_DATA *
pixGenerateFlateData(PIX     *pixs,
                     l_int32  ascii85flag)
l_uint8      *data = NULL;  /* uncompressed raster data in required format */
l_uint8      *datacomp = NULL;  /* gzipped raster data */
char         *data85 = NULL;  /* ascii85 encoded gzipped raster data */
l_uint8      *cmapdata = NULL;  /* uncompressed colormap */
char         *cmapdata85 = NULL;  /* ascii85 encoded uncompressed colormap */
char         *cmapdatahex = NULL;  /* hex ascii uncompressed colormap */
l_int32       ncolors;  /* in colormap; not used if cmapdata85 is null */
l_int32       bps;  /* bits/sample: usually 8 */
l_int32       spp;  /* samples/pixel: 1-grayscale/cmap); 3-rgb */
l_int32       w, h, d, cmapflag;
l_int32       ncmapbytes85 = 0;
l_int32       nbytes85 = 0;
size_t        nbytes, nbytescomp;
L_COMP_DATA  *cid;
PIX          *pixt;
PIXCMAP      *cmap;


    if (!pixs)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);

        /* Convert the image to one of these 4 types:
         *     1 bpp
         *     8 bpp, no colormap
         *     8 bpp, colormap
         *     32 bpp rgb    */
    pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
    cmap = pixGetColormap(pixs);
    cmapflag = (cmap) ? 1 : 0;
    if (d == 2 || d == 4 || d == 16) {
        pixt = pixConvertTo8(pixs, cmapflag);
        cmap = pixGetColormap(pixt);
        d = pixGetDepth(pixt);
    } else {
        pixt = pixClone(pixs);
    spp = (d == 32) ? 3 : 1;  /* ignores alpha */
    bps = (d == 32) ? 8 : d;

        /* Extract and encode the colormap data as both ascii85 and hexascii  */
    ncolors = 0;
    if (cmap) {
        pixcmapSerializeToMemory(cmap, 3, &ncolors, &cmapdata);
        if (!cmapdata)
            return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("cmapdata not made",
                                            procName, NULL);

        cmapdata85 = encodeAscii85(cmapdata, 3 * ncolors, &ncmapbytes85);
        cmapdatahex = pixcmapConvertToHex(cmapdata, ncolors);

        /* Extract and compress the raster data */
    pixGetRasterData(pixt, &data, &nbytes);
    datacomp = zlibCompress(data, nbytes, &nbytescomp);
    if (!datacomp) {
        if (cmapdata85) FREE(cmapdata85);
        if (cmapdatahex) FREE(cmapdatahex);
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("datacomp not made", procName, NULL);

        /* Optionally, encode the compressed data */
    if (ascii85flag == 1) {
        data85 = encodeAscii85(datacomp, nbytescomp, &nbytes85);
        if (!data85) {
            return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("data85 not made", procName, NULL);
        } else {
            data85[nbytes85 - 1] = '\0';  /* remove the newline */

    cid = (L_COMP_DATA *)CALLOC(1, sizeof(L_COMP_DATA));
    if (!cid)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("cid not made", procName, NULL);
    if (ascii85flag == 0) {
        cid->datacomp = datacomp;
    } else {  /* ascii85 */
        cid->data85 = data85;
        cid->nbytes85 = nbytes85;
    cid->type = L_FLATE_ENCODE;
    cid->cmapdatahex = cmapdatahex;
    cid->cmapdata85 = cmapdata85;
    cid->nbytescomp = nbytescomp;
    cid->ncolors = ncolors;
    cid->w = w;
    cid->h = h;
    cid->bps = bps;
    cid->spp = spp;
    cid->res = pixGetXRes(pixs);
    cid->nbytes = nbytes;  /* only for debugging */
    return cid;

 *  pixGenerateJpegData()
 *      Input:  pixs (8 or 32 bpp, no colormap)
 *              ascii85flag (0 for jpeg; 1 for ascii85-encoded jpeg)
 *              quality (0 for default, which is 75)
 *      Return: cid (jpeg compressed data), or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) Set ascii85flag:
 *           - 0 for binary data (not permitted in PostScript)
 *           - 1 for ascii85 (5 for 4) encoded binary data
static L_COMP_DATA *
pixGenerateJpegData(PIX     *pixs,
                    l_int32  ascii85flag,
                    l_int32  quality)
l_int32       d;
char         *fname;
L_COMP_DATA  *cid;


    if (!pixs)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (pixGetColormap(pixs))
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("pixs has colormap", procName, NULL);
    d = pixGetDepth(pixs);
    if (d != 8 && d != 32)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 8 or 32 bpp", procName, NULL);

        /* Compress to a temp jpeg file */
    fname = genTempFilename("/tmp/lept", "temp.jpg", 1, 1);
    pixWriteJpeg(fname, pixs, quality, 0);

    cid = l_generateJpegData(fname, ascii85flag);
    return cid;

 *  pixGenerateG4Data()
 *      Input:  pixs (1 bpp)
 *              ascii85flag (0 for gzipped; 1 for ascii85-encoded gzipped)
 *      Return: cid (g4 compressed image data), or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) Set ascii85flag:
 *           - 0 for binary data (not permitted in PostScript)
 *           - 1 for ascii85 (5 for 4) encoded binary data
static L_COMP_DATA *
pixGenerateG4Data(PIX     *pixs,
                  l_int32  ascii85flag)
char         *tname;
L_COMP_DATA  *cid;


    if (!pixs)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 1 bpp", procName, NULL);

        /* Compress to a temp tiff g4 file */
    tname = genTempFilename("/tmp/lept", "temp.tif", 1, 1);
    pixWrite(tname, pixs, IFF_TIFF_G4);

    cid = l_generateG4Data(tname, ascii85flag);
    return cid;

 *  l_generateG4Data()
 *      Input:  fname (of g4 compressed file)
 *              ascii85flag (0 for g4 compressed; 1 for ascii85-encoded g4)
 *      Return: cid (g4 compressed image data), or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) Set ascii85flag:
 *           - 0 for binary data (not permitted in PostScript)
 *           - 1 for ascii85 (5 for 4) encoded binary data
 *             (not permitted in pdf)
l_generateG4Data(const char  *fname,
                 l_int32      ascii85flag)
l_uint8      *datacomp = NULL;  /* g4 compressed raster data */
char         *data85 = NULL;  /* ascii85 encoded g4 compressed data */
l_int32       w, h, xres, yres;
l_int32       minisblack;  /* TRUE or FALSE */
l_int32       nbytes85;
size_t        nbytescomp;
L_COMP_DATA  *cid;
FILE         *fp;


    if (!fname)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("fname not defined", procName, NULL);

        /* The returned ccitt g4 data in memory is the block of
         * bytes in the tiff file, starting after 8 bytes and
         * ending before the directory. */
    if (extractG4DataFromFile(fname, &datacomp, &nbytescomp,
                              &w, &h, &minisblack)) {
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("datacomp not extracted",
                                        procName, NULL);

        /* Read the resolution */
    if ((fp = fopenReadStream(fname)) == NULL)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("stream not opened", procName, NULL);
    getTiffResolution(fp, &xres, &yres);

        /* Optionally, encode the compressed data */
    if (ascii85flag == 1) {
        data85 = encodeAscii85(datacomp, nbytescomp, &nbytes85);
        if (!data85)
            return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("data85 not made", procName, NULL);
            data85[nbytes85 - 1] = '\0';  /* remove the newline */

    cid = (L_COMP_DATA *)CALLOC(1, sizeof(L_COMP_DATA));
    if (!cid)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("cid not made", procName, NULL);
    if (ascii85flag == 0) {
        cid->datacomp = datacomp;
    } else {  /* ascii85 */
        cid->data85 = data85;
        cid->nbytes85 = nbytes85;
    cid->type = L_G4_ENCODE;
    cid->nbytescomp = nbytescomp;
    cid->w = w;
    cid->h = h;
    cid->bps = 1;
    cid->spp = 1;
    cid->minisblack = minisblack;
    cid->res = xres;
    return cid;

 *  cidConvertToPdfData()
 *      Input:  cid (compressed image data -- of jp2k image)
 *              title (<optional> pdf title; can be NULL)
 *              &data (<return> output pdf data for image)
 *              &nbytes (<return> size of output pdf data)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) Caller must not destroy the cid.  It is absorbed in the
 *          lpd and destroyed by this function.
cidConvertToPdfData(L_COMP_DATA  *cid,
                    const char   *title,
                    l_uint8     **pdata,
                    size_t       *pnbytes)
l_int32      res, ret;
l_float32    wpt, hpt;
L_PDF_DATA  *lpd = NULL;


    if (!pdata || !pnbytes)
        return ERROR_INT("&data and &nbytes not both defined", procName, 1);
    *pdata = NULL;
    *pnbytes = 0;
    if (!cid)
        return ERROR_INT("cid not defined", procName, 1);

        /* Get media box parameters, in pts */
    res = cid->res;
    if (res <= 0)
        res = DEFAULT_INPUT_RES;
    wpt = cid->w * 72. / res;
    hpt = cid->h * 72. / res;

        /* Set up the pdf data struct (lpd) */
    if ((lpd = pdfdataCreate(title)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("lpd not made", procName, 1);
    ptraAdd(lpd->cida, cid);
    ptaAddPt(lpd->xy, 0, 0);   /* xpt = ypt = 0 */
    ptaAddPt(lpd->wh, wpt, hpt);

        /* Generate the pdf string and destroy the lpd */
    ret = l_generatePdf(pdata, pnbytes, lpd);
    if (ret)
        return ERROR_INT("pdf output not made", procName, 1);
    return 0;

 *  l_CIDataDestroy()
 *      Input:  &cid (<will be set to null before returning>)
 *      Return: void
l_CIDataDestroy(L_COMP_DATA  **pcid)
L_COMP_DATA  *cid;


    if (pcid == NULL) {
        L_WARNING("ptr address is null!\n", procName);
    if ((cid = *pcid) == NULL)

    if (cid->datacomp) FREE(cid->datacomp);
    if (cid->data85) FREE(cid->data85);
    if (cid->cmapdata85) FREE(cid->cmapdata85);
    if (cid->cmapdatahex) FREE(cid->cmapdatahex);
    *pcid = NULL;

 *         Helper functions for generating the output pdf string       *
 *  l_generatePdf()
 *      Input:  &data (<return> pdf array)
 *              &nbytes (<return> number of bytes in pdf array)
 *              lpd (all the required input image data)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) On error, no data is returned.
 *      (2) The objects are:
 *            1: Catalog
 *            2: Info
 *            3: Pages
 *            4: Page
 *            5: Contents  (rendering command)
 *            6 to 6+n-1: n XObjects
 *            6+n to 6+n+m-1: m colormaps
static l_int32
l_generatePdf(l_uint8    **pdata,
              size_t      *pnbytes,
              L_PDF_DATA  *lpd)

    if (!pdata)
        return ERROR_INT("&data not defined", procName, 1);
    *pdata = NULL;
    if (!pnbytes)
        return ERROR_INT("&nbytes not defined", procName, 1);
    *pnbytes = 0;
    if (!lpd)
        return ERROR_INT("lpd not defined", procName, 1);

    return generateOutputDataPdf(pdata, pnbytes, lpd);

static void
generateFixedStringsPdf(L_PDF_DATA  *lpd)
char     buf[L_SMALLBUF];
char    *version, *datestr;
SARRAY  *sa;

        /* Accumulate data for the header and objects 1-3 */
    lpd->id = stringNew("%PDF-1.5\n");
    l_dnaAddNumber(lpd->objsize, strlen(lpd->id));

    lpd->obj1 = stringNew("1 0 obj\n"
                          "/Type /Catalog\n"
                          "/Pages 3 0 R\n"
    l_dnaAddNumber(lpd->objsize, strlen(lpd->obj1));

    sa = sarrayCreate(0);
    sarrayAddString(sa, (char *)"2 0 obj\n"
                                 "<<\n", L_COPY);
        datestr = l_getFormattedDate();
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/CreationDate (D:%s)\n", datestr);
        sarrayAddString(sa, (char *)buf, L_COPY);
        version = getLeptonicaVersion();
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
                 "/Producer (leptonica: %s)\n", version);
    } else {
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/Producer (leptonica)\n");
    sarrayAddString(sa, (char *)buf, L_COPY);
    if (lpd->title) {
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/Title (%s)\n", lpd->title);
        sarrayAddString(sa, (char *)buf, L_COPY);
    sarrayAddString(sa, (char *)">>\n"
                                "endobj\n", L_COPY);
    lpd->obj2 = sarrayToString(sa, 0);
    l_dnaAddNumber(lpd->objsize, strlen(lpd->obj2));

    lpd->obj3 = stringNew("3 0 obj\n"
                          "/Type /Pages\n"
                          "/Kids [ 4 0 R ]\n"
                          "/Count 1\n"
    l_dnaAddNumber(lpd->objsize, strlen(lpd->obj3));

        /* Do the post-datastream string */
    lpd->poststream = stringNew("\n"

static void
generateMediaboxPdf(L_PDF_DATA  *lpd)
l_int32    i;
l_float32  xpt, ypt, wpt, hpt, maxx, maxy;

        /* First get the full extent of all the images.
         * This is the mediabox, in pts. */
    maxx = maxy = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < lpd->n; i++) {
        ptaGetPt(lpd->xy, i, &xpt, &ypt);
        ptaGetPt(lpd->wh, i, &wpt, &hpt);
        maxx = L_MAX(maxx, xpt + wpt);
        maxy = L_MAX(maxy, ypt + hpt);

    lpd->mediabox = boxCreate(0, 0, (l_int32)(maxx + 0.5),
                              (l_int32)(maxy + 0.5));

        /* ypt is in standard image coordinates: the location of
         * the UL image corner with respect to the UL media box corner.
         * Rewrite each ypt for PostScript coordinates: the location of
         * the LL image corner with respect to the LL media box corner. */
    for (i = 0; i < lpd->n; i++) {
        ptaGetPt(lpd->xy, i, &xpt, &ypt);
        ptaGetPt(lpd->wh, i, &wpt, &hpt);
        ptaSetPt(lpd->xy, i, xpt, maxy - ypt - hpt);


static l_int32
generatePageStringPdf(L_PDF_DATA  *lpd)
char    *buf;
char    *xstr;
l_int32  bufsize, i, wpt, hpt;
SARRAY  *sa;


        /* Allocate 1000 bytes for the boilerplate text, and
         * 50 bytes for each reference to an image in the
         * ProcSet array.  */
    bufsize = 1000 + 50 * lpd->n;
    if ((buf = (char *)CALLOC(bufsize, sizeof(char))) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("calloc fail for buf", procName, 1);

    boxGetGeometry(lpd->mediabox, NULL, NULL, &wpt, &hpt);
    sa = sarrayCreate(lpd->n);
    for (i = 0; i < lpd->n; i++) {
        snprintf(buf, bufsize, "/Im%d %d 0 R   ", i + 1, 6 + i);
        sarrayAddString(sa, buf, L_COPY);
    if ((xstr = sarrayToString(sa, 0)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("xstr not found", procName, 1);

    snprintf(buf, bufsize, "4 0 obj\n"
                           "/Type /Page\n"
                           "/Parent 3 0 R\n"
                           "/MediaBox [%d %d %d %d]\n"
                           "/Contents 5 0 R\n"
                           "/XObject << %s >>\n"
                           "/ProcSet [ /ImageB /ImageI /ImageC ]\n"
                           0, 0, wpt, hpt, xstr);

    lpd->obj4 = stringNew(buf);
    l_dnaAddNumber(lpd->objsize, strlen(lpd->obj4));
    return 0;

static l_int32
generateContentStringPdf(L_PDF_DATA  *lpd)
char      *buf;
char      *cstr;
l_int32    i, bufsize;
l_float32  xpt, ypt, wpt, hpt;
SARRAY    *sa;


    bufsize = 1000 + 200 * lpd->n;
    if ((buf = (char *)CALLOC(bufsize, sizeof(char))) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("calloc fail for buf", procName, 1);

    sa = sarrayCreate(lpd->n);
    for (i = 0; i < lpd->n; i++) {
        ptaGetPt(lpd->xy, i, &xpt, &ypt);
        ptaGetPt(lpd->wh, i, &wpt, &hpt);
        snprintf(buf, bufsize,
                 "q %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f cm /Im%d Do Q\n",
                 wpt, 0.0, 0.0, hpt, xpt, ypt, i + 1);
        sarrayAddString(sa, buf, L_COPY);
    if ((cstr = sarrayToString(sa, 0)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("cstr not found", procName, 1);

    snprintf(buf, bufsize, "5 0 obj\n"
                           "<< /Length %d >>\n"
                           (l_int32)strlen(cstr), cstr);

    lpd->obj5 = stringNew(buf);
    l_dnaAddNumber(lpd->objsize, strlen(lpd->obj5));
    return 0;

static l_int32
generatePreXStringsPdf(L_PDF_DATA  *lpd)
char          buff[256];
char          buf[L_BIGBUF];
char         *cstr, *bstr, *fstr, *pstr, *xstr;
l_int32       i, cmindex;
L_COMP_DATA  *cid;
SARRAY       *sa;


    sa = lpd->saprex;
    cmindex = 6 + lpd->n;  /* starting value */
    for (i = 0; i < lpd->n; i++) {
        pstr = cstr = NULL;
        if ((cid = pdfdataGetCid(lpd, i)) == NULL)
            return ERROR_INT("cid not found", procName, 1);

        if (cid->type == L_G4_ENCODE) {
            if (var_WRITE_G4_IMAGE_MASK) {
                cstr = stringNew("/ImageMask true\n"
                                 "/ColorSpace /DeviceGray");
            } else {
                cstr = stringNew("/ColorSpace /DeviceGray");
            bstr = stringNew("/BitsPerComponent 1\n"
                             "/Interpolate true");
            snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff),
                     "/Filter /CCITTFaxDecode\n"
                     "/K -1\n"
                     "/Columns %d\n"
                     ">>", cid->w);
            fstr = stringNew(buff);
        } else if (cid->type == L_JPEG_ENCODE) {
            if (cid->spp == 1)
                cstr = stringNew("/ColorSpace /DeviceGray");
            else if (cid->spp == 3)
                cstr = stringNew("/ColorSpace /DeviceRGB");
                L_ERROR("in jpeg: spp != 1 && spp != 3\n", procName);
            bstr = stringNew("/BitsPerComponent 8");
            fstr = stringNew("/Filter /DCTDecode");
        } else if (cid->type == L_JP2K_ENCODE) {
            if (cid->spp == 1)
                cstr = stringNew("/ColorSpace /DeviceGray");
            else if (cid->spp == 3)
                cstr = stringNew("/ColorSpace /DeviceRGB");
                L_ERROR("in jp2k: spp != 1 && spp != 3\n", procName);
            bstr = stringNew("/BitsPerComponent 8");
            fstr = stringNew("/Filter /JPXDecode");
        } else {  /* type == L_FLATE_ENCODE */
            if (cid->ncolors > 0) {  /* cmapped */
                snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "/ColorSpace %d 0 R", cmindex++);
                cstr = stringNew(buff);
            } else {
                if (cid->spp == 1 && cid->bps == 1)
                    cstr = stringNew("/ColorSpace /DeviceGray\n"
                                     "/Decode [1 0]");
                else if (cid->spp == 1)  /* 8 bpp */
                    cstr = stringNew("/ColorSpace /DeviceGray");
                else if (cid->spp == 3)
                    cstr = stringNew("/ColorSpace /DeviceRGB");
                    L_ERROR("unknown colorspace: spp = %d\n",
                            procName, cid->spp);
            snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "/BitsPerComponent %d", cid->bps);
            bstr = stringNew(buff);
            fstr = stringNew("/Filter /FlateDecode");
            if (cid->predictor == TRUE) {
                snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff),
                         "  /Columns %d\n"
                         "  /Predictor 14\n"
                         "  /Colors %d\n"
                         "  /BitsPerComponent %d\n"
                         ">>\n", cid->w, cid->spp, cid->bps);
                pstr = stringNew(buff);
        if (!pstr)  /* no decode parameters */
            pstr = stringNew("");

        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
                 "%d 0 obj\n"
                 "/Length %lu\n"
                 "/Subtype /Image\n"
                 "%s\n"  /* colorspace */
                 "/Width %d\n"
                 "/Height %d\n"
                 "%s\n"  /* bits/component */
                 "%s\n"  /* filter */
                 "%s"   /* decode parms; can be empty */
                 6 + i, (unsigned long)cid->nbytescomp, cstr,
                 cid->w, cid->h, bstr, fstr, pstr);
        xstr = stringNew(buf);
        sarrayAddString(sa, xstr, L_INSERT);
                      strlen(xstr) + cid->nbytescomp + strlen(lpd->poststream));

    return 0;

static l_int32
generateColormapStringsPdf(L_PDF_DATA  *lpd)
char          buf[L_BIGBUF];
char         *cmstr;
l_int32       i, cmindex, ncmap;
L_COMP_DATA  *cid;
SARRAY       *sa;


        /* In our canonical format, we have 5 objects, followed
         * by n XObjects, followed by m colormaps, so the index of
         * the first colormap object is 6 + n. */
    sa = lpd->sacmap;
    cmindex = 6 + lpd->n;  /* starting value */
    ncmap = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < lpd->n; i++) {
        if ((cid = pdfdataGetCid(lpd, i)) == NULL)
            return ERROR_INT("cid not found", procName, 1);
        if (cid->ncolors == 0) continue;

        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d 0 obj\n"
                                   "[ /Indexed /DeviceRGB\n"
                                   cmindex, cid->ncolors - 1, cid->cmapdatahex);
        cmstr = stringNew(buf);
        l_dnaAddNumber(lpd->objsize, strlen(cmstr));
        sarrayAddString(sa, cmstr, L_INSERT);

    lpd->ncmap = ncmap;
    return 0;

static void
generateTrailerPdf(L_PDF_DATA  *lpd)
l_int32  i, n, size, linestart;
L_DNA   *daloc, *dasize;

        /* Let nobj be the number of numbered objects.  These numbered
         * objects are indexed by their pdf number in arrays naloc[]
         * and nasize[].  The 0th object is the 9 byte header.  Then
         * the number of objects in nasize, which includes the header,
         * is n = nobj + 1.  The array naloc[] has n + 1 elements,
         * because it includes as the last element the starting
         * location of xref.  The indexing of these objects, their
         * starting locations and sizes are:
         *     Object number         Starting location         Size
         *     -------------         -----------------     --------------
         *          0                   daloc[0] = 0       dasize[0] = 9
         *          1                   daloc[1] = 9       dasize[1] = 49
         *          n                   daloc[n]           dasize[n]
         *          xref                daloc[n+1]
         * We first generate daloc.
    dasize = lpd->objsize;
    daloc = lpd->objloc;
    linestart = 0;
    l_dnaAddNumber(daloc, linestart);  /* header */
    n = l_dnaGetCount(dasize);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        l_dnaGetIValue(dasize, i, &size);
        linestart += size;
        l_dnaAddNumber(daloc, linestart);
    l_dnaGetIValue(daloc, n, &lpd->xrefloc);  /* save it */

        /* Now make the actual trailer string */
    lpd->trailer = makeTrailerStringPdf(daloc);

static char *
makeTrailerStringPdf(L_DNA  *daloc)
char    *outstr;
char     buf[L_BIGBUF];
l_int32  i, n, linestart, xrefloc;
SARRAY  *sa;


    if (!daloc)
        return (char *)ERROR_PTR("daloc not defined", procName, NULL);
    n = l_dnaGetCount(daloc) - 1;  /* numbered objects + 1 (yes, +1) */

    sa = sarrayCreate(0);
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "xref\n"
                               "0 %d\n"
                               "0000000000 65535 f \n", n);
    sarrayAddString(sa, (char *)buf, L_COPY);
    for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        l_dnaGetIValue(daloc, i, &linestart);
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%010d 00000 n \n", linestart);
        sarrayAddString(sa, (char *)buf, L_COPY);

    l_dnaGetIValue(daloc, n, &xrefloc);
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "trailer\n"
                               "/Size %d\n"
                               "/Root 1 0 R\n"
                               "/Info 2 0 R\n"
                               "%%%%EOF\n", n, xrefloc);
    sarrayAddString(sa, (char *)buf, L_COPY);
    outstr = sarrayToString(sa, 0);
    return outstr;

 *  generateOutputDataPdf()
 *      Input:  &data (<return> pdf data array)
 *              &nbytes (<return> size of pdf data array)
 *              lpd (input data used to make pdf)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) Only called from l_generatePdf().  On error, no data is returned.
static l_int32
generateOutputDataPdf(l_uint8    **pdata,
                      size_t      *pnbytes,
                      L_PDF_DATA  *lpd)
char         *str;
l_uint8      *data;
l_int32       nimages, i, len;
l_int32      *sizes, *locs;
size_t        nbytes;
L_COMP_DATA  *cid;


    if (!pdata)
        return ERROR_INT("&data not defined", procName, 1);
    *pdata = NULL;
    if (!pnbytes)
        return ERROR_INT("&nbytes not defined", procName, 1);
    nbytes = lpd->xrefloc + strlen(lpd->trailer);
    *pnbytes = nbytes;
    if ((data = (l_uint8 *)CALLOC(nbytes, sizeof(l_uint8))) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("calloc fail for data", procName, 1);
    *pdata = data;

    sizes = l_dnaGetIArray(lpd->objsize);
    locs = l_dnaGetIArray(lpd->objloc);
    memcpy((char *)data, lpd->id, sizes[0]);
    memcpy((char *)(data + locs[1]), lpd->obj1, sizes[1]);
    memcpy((char *)(data + locs[2]), lpd->obj2, sizes[2]);
    memcpy((char *)(data + locs[3]), lpd->obj3, sizes[3]);
    memcpy((char *)(data + locs[4]), lpd->obj4, sizes[4]);
    memcpy((char *)(data + locs[5]), lpd->obj5, sizes[5]);

        /* Each image has 3 parts: variable preamble, the compressed
         * data stream, and the fixed poststream. */
    nimages = lpd->n;
    for (i = 0; i < nimages; i++) {
        if ((cid = pdfdataGetCid(lpd, i)) == NULL)  /* this should not happen */
            return ERROR_INT("cid not found", procName, 1);
        str = sarrayGetString(lpd->saprex, i, L_NOCOPY);
        len = strlen(str);
        memcpy((char *)(data + locs[6 + i]), str, len);
        memcpy((char *)(data + locs[6 + i] + len),
               (char *)cid->datacomp, cid->nbytescomp);
        memcpy((char *)(data + locs[6 + i] + len + cid->nbytescomp),
               lpd->poststream, strlen(lpd->poststream));

        /* Each colormap is simply a stored string */
    for (i = 0; i < lpd->ncmap; i++) {
        str = sarrayGetString(lpd->sacmap, i, L_NOCOPY);
        memcpy((char *)(data + locs[6 + nimages + i]), str, strlen(str));

        /* And finally the trailer */
    memcpy((char *)(data + lpd->xrefloc), lpd->trailer, strlen(lpd->trailer));
    return 0;

 *          Helper functions for generating multipage pdf output       *
 *  parseTrailerPdf()
 *  Input:  bas (lba of a pdf file)
 *          da (<return> byte locations of the beginning of each object)
 *  Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
static l_int32
parseTrailerPdf(L_BYTEA  *bas,
                L_DNA   **pda)
char     *str;
l_uint8   nl = '\n';
l_uint8  *data;
l_int32   i, j, start, startloc, xrefloc, found, loc, nobj, objno, trailer_ok;
size_t    size;
L_DNA    *da, *daobj, *daxref;
SARRAY   *sa;


    if (!pda)
        return ERROR_INT("&da not defined", procName, 1);
    *pda = NULL;
    if (!bas)
        return ERROR_INT("bas not defined", procName, 1);
    data = l_byteaGetData(bas, &size);
    if (strncmp((char *)data, "%PDF-1.", 7) != 0)
        return ERROR_INT("PDF header signature not found", procName, 1);

        /* Search for "startxref" starting 50 bytes from the EOF */
    start = 0;
    if (size > 50)
        start = size - 50;
    arrayFindSequence(data + start, size - start,
                      (l_uint8 *)"startxref\n", 10, &loc, &found);
    if (!found)
        return ERROR_INT("startxref not found!", procName, 1);
    if (sscanf((char *)(data + start + loc + 10), "%d\n", &xrefloc) != 1)
        return ERROR_INT("xrefloc not found!", procName, 1);
    if (xrefloc < 0 || xrefloc >= size)
        return ERROR_INT("invalid xrefloc!", procName, 1);
    sa = sarrayCreateLinesFromString((char *)(data + xrefloc), 0);
    str = sarrayGetString(sa, 1, L_NOCOPY);
    if ((sscanf(str, "0 %d", &nobj)) != 1)
        return ERROR_INT("nobj not found", procName, 1);

        /* Get starting locations.  The numa index is the
         * object number.  loc[0] is the ID; loc[nobj + 1] is xrefloc.  */
    da = l_dnaCreate(nobj + 1);
    *pda = da;
    for (i = 0; i < nobj; i++) {
        str = sarrayGetString(sa, i + 2, L_NOCOPY);
        sscanf(str, "%d", &startloc);
        l_dnaAddNumber(da, startloc);
    l_dnaAddNumber(da, xrefloc);

    fprintf(stderr, "************** Trailer string ************\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "xrefloc = %d", xrefloc);
    sarrayWriteStream(stderr, sa);

    fprintf(stderr, "************** Object locations ************");
    l_dnaWriteStream(stderr, da);
#endif  /* DEBUG_MULTIPAGE */

        /* Verify correct parsing */
    trailer_ok = TRUE;
    for (i = 1; i < nobj; i++) {
        l_dnaGetIValue(da, i, &startloc);
        if ((sscanf((char *)(data + startloc), "%d 0 obj", &objno)) != 1) {
            L_ERROR("bad trailer for object %d\n", procName, i);
            trailer_ok = FALSE;

        /* If the trailer is broken, reconstruct the correct obj locations */
    if (!trailer_ok) {
        L_INFO("rebuilding pdf trailer\n", procName);
        l_dnaAddNumber(da, 0);
        l_byteaFindEachSequence(bas, (l_uint8 *)" 0 obj\n", 7, &daobj);
        nobj = l_dnaGetCount(daobj);
        for (i = 0; i < nobj; i++) {
            l_dnaGetIValue(daobj, i, &loc);
            for (j = loc - 1; j > 0; j--) {
                if (data[j] == nl)
            l_dnaAddNumber(da, j + 1);
        l_byteaFindEachSequence(bas, (l_uint8 *)"xref", 4, &daxref);
        l_dnaGetIValue(daxref, 0, &loc);
        l_dnaAddNumber(da, loc);

    return 0;

static char *
generatePagesObjStringPdf(NUMA  *napage)
char    *str;
char    *buf;
l_int32  i, n, index, bufsize;
SARRAY  *sa;


    if (!napage)
        return (char *)ERROR_PTR("napage not defined", procName, NULL);

    n = numaGetCount(napage);
    bufsize = 100 + 16 * n;  /* large enough to hold the output string */
    buf = (char *)CALLOC(bufsize, sizeof(char));
    sa = sarrayCreate(n);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        numaGetIValue(napage, i, &index);
        snprintf(buf, bufsize, " %d 0 R ", index);
        sarrayAddString(sa, buf, L_COPY);

    str = sarrayToString(sa, 0);
    snprintf(buf, bufsize - 1, "3 0 obj\n"
                               "/Type /Pages\n"
                               "/Kids [%s]\n"
                               "/Count %d\n"
                               ">>\n", str, n);
    return buf;

 *  substituteObjectNumbers()
 *  Input:  bas (lba of a pdf object)
 *          na_objs (object number mapping array)
 *  Return: bad (lba of rewritten pdf for the object)
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) Interpret the first set of bytes as the object number,
 *          map to the new number, and write it out.
 *      (2) Find all occurrences of this 4-byte sequence: " 0 R"
 *      (3) Find the location and value of the integer preceeding this,
 *          and map it to the new value.
 *      (4) Rewrite the object with new object numbers.
static L_BYTEA *
substituteObjectNumbers(L_BYTEA  *bas,
                        NUMA     *na_objs)
l_uint8   space = ' ';
l_uint8  *datas;
l_uint8   buf[32];  /* only needs to hold one integer in ascii format */
l_int32   start, nrepl, i, j, objin, objout, found;
l_int32  *objs, *matches;
size_t    size;
L_BYTEA  *bad;
L_DNA    *da_match;

    datas = l_byteaGetData(bas, &size);
    bad = l_byteaCreate(100);
    objs = numaGetIArray(na_objs);  /* object number mapper */

        /* Substitute the object number on the first line */
    sscanf((char *)datas, "%d", &objin);
    objout = objs[objin];
    snprintf((char *)buf, 32, "%d", objout);
    l_byteaAppendString(bad, (char *)buf);

        /* Find the set of matching locations for object references */
    arrayFindSequence(datas, size, &space, 1, &start, &found);
    da_match = arrayFindEachSequence(datas, size, (l_uint8 *)" 0 R", 4);
    if (!da_match) {
        l_byteaAppendData(bad, datas + start, size - start);
        return bad;

        /* Substitute all the object reference numbers */
    nrepl = l_dnaGetCount(da_match);
    matches = l_dnaGetIArray(da_match);
    for (i = 0; i < nrepl; i++) {
            /* Find the first space before the object number */
        for (j = matches[i] - 1; j > 0; j--) {
            if (datas[j] == space)
            /* Copy bytes from 'start' up to the object number */
        l_byteaAppendData(bad, datas + start, j - start + 1);
        sscanf((char *)(datas + j + 1), "%d", &objin);
        objout = objs[objin];
        snprintf((char *)buf, 32, "%d", objout);
        l_byteaAppendString(bad, (char *)buf);
        start = matches[i];
    l_byteaAppendData(bad, datas + start, size - start);

    return bad;

 *                     Create/destroy/access pdf data                  *
static L_PDF_DATA *
pdfdataCreate(const char  *title)
L_PDF_DATA *lpd;

    lpd = (L_PDF_DATA *)CALLOC(1, sizeof(L_PDF_DATA));
    if (title) lpd->title = stringNew(title);
    lpd->cida = ptraCreate(10);
    lpd->xy = ptaCreate(10);
    lpd->wh = ptaCreate(10);
    lpd->saprex = sarrayCreate(10);
    lpd->sacmap = sarrayCreate(10);
    lpd->objsize = l_dnaCreate(20);
    lpd->objloc = l_dnaCreate(20);
    return lpd;

static void
pdfdataDestroy(L_PDF_DATA  **plpd)
l_int32       i;
L_COMP_DATA  *cid;
L_PDF_DATA   *lpd;


    if (plpd== NULL) {
        L_WARNING("ptr address is null!\n", procName);
    if ((lpd = *plpd) == NULL)

    if (lpd->title) FREE(lpd->title);
    for (i = 0; i < lpd->n; i++) {
        cid = (L_COMP_DATA *)ptraRemove(lpd->cida, i, L_NO_COMPACTION);

    ptraDestroy(&lpd->cida, 0, 0);
    if (lpd->id) FREE(lpd->id);
    if (lpd->obj1) FREE(lpd->obj1);
    if (lpd->obj2) FREE(lpd->obj2);
    if (lpd->obj3) FREE(lpd->obj3);
    if (lpd->obj4) FREE(lpd->obj4);
    if (lpd->obj5) FREE(lpd->obj5);
    if (lpd->poststream) FREE(lpd->poststream);
    if (lpd->trailer) FREE(lpd->trailer);
    if (lpd->xy) ptaDestroy(&lpd->xy);
    if (lpd->wh) ptaDestroy(&lpd->wh);
    if (lpd->mediabox) boxDestroy(&lpd->mediabox);
    if (lpd->saprex) sarrayDestroy(&lpd->saprex);
    if (lpd->sacmap) sarrayDestroy(&lpd->sacmap);
    if (lpd->objsize) l_dnaDestroy(&lpd->objsize);
    if (lpd->objloc) l_dnaDestroy(&lpd->objloc);
    *plpd = NULL;

static L_COMP_DATA *
pdfdataGetCid(L_PDF_DATA  *lpd,
              l_int32      index)

    if (!lpd)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("lpd not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (index < 0 || index >= lpd->n)
        return (L_COMP_DATA *)ERROR_PTR("invalid image index", procName, NULL);

    return (L_COMP_DATA *)ptraGetPtrToItem(lpd->cida, index);

 *                       Set flags for special modes                   *
 *  l_pdfSetG4ImageMask()
 *      Input:  flag (1 for writing g4 data as fg only through a mask;
 *                    0 for writing fg and bg)
 *      Return: void
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) The default is for writing only the fg (through the mask).
 *          That way when you write a 1 bpp image, the bg is transparent,
 *          so any previously written image remains visible behind it.
l_pdfSetG4ImageMask(l_int32  flag)
    var_WRITE_G4_IMAGE_MASK = flag;

 *  l_pdfSetDateAndVersion()
 *      Input:  flag (1 for writing date/time and leptonica version;
 *                    0 for omitting this from the metadata)
 *      Return: void
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) The default is for writing this data.  For regression tests
 *          that compare output against golden files, it is useful to omit.
l_pdfSetDateAndVersion(l_int32  flag)
    var_WRITE_DATE_AND_VERSION = flag;

/* --------------------------------------------*/
#endif  /* USE_PDFIO */
/* --------------------------------------------*/