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`typeset-brunch` is [Brunch]( interface for [Typeset](, an html preprocessor for web typography.

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## Usage
Install the plugin via `npm` with:

npm install typeset-brunch --save

You will also need to add `typeset.css` to your project (see configuration).

## Configuration
By default, this plugin will look for html files in the `public` directory from brunch configuration. This behaviour can be changed by adding a custom `glob` pattern in brunch configuration. `Typeset` configurations can be issued from a `tweaks` property. A typical configuration looks like this:

config = 
      pattern: 'public/**/*.html'
        disable: ['ligatures']


**Typeset CSS**: Customise and add the following CSS to your project:

/* Small caps */
.small-caps {font-family: 'Charter SC', serif}

/* Double quote (") marks */

/* Single quote (') marks */

/* Optical margin alignment for particular letters */
.pull-T, .pull-V, .pull-W, .pull-Y {margin-left: -0.07em}
.push-T, .push-V, .push-W, .push-Y {margin-right: 0.07em}

.pull-O, .pull-C, .pull-o, .pull-c {margin-left: -0.04em}
.push-O, .push-C, .push-o, .push-c {margin-right: 0.04em}

.pull-A {margin-left: -0.03em}
.push-A {margin-right: 0.03em}

- [on npm](
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## Footnotes

Due to the way Brunch works, there's no pretty way to add a post-process hook. This plugin leverages the `onCompile` hook to process the html files. It should work fine for most use cases. Should this raise weird bugs or slowdowns, please help with a PR or an issue.

## License

The MIT License (MIT)