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import { registerBidder } from '../src/adapters/bidderFactory.js';
import { VIDEO } from '../src/mediaTypes.js';
import { deepAccess } from '../src/utils.js';
import { config } from '../src/config.js';
import { userSync } from '../src/userSync.js';


 * Get video metadata from bid request
 * @param {BidRequest} bidRequest A valid bid requests that should be sent to the Server.
 * @return video metadata
function getVideoMetadata(bidRequest, bidderRequest) {
  const videoParams = deepAccess(bidRequest, '', {});

  // As per oRTB 2.5 spec, "A bid request must not contain both an App and a Site object."
  // See section 3.2.14
  // Content object is either from Object: Site or Object: App
  const contentObj = deepAccess(bidderRequest, '')
    ? deepAccess(bidderRequest, '')
    : deepAccess(bidderRequest, '');

  const parsedContentData = {
    // Store as object keys to ensure uniqueness
    iabcat1: {},
    iabcat2: {},

  deepAccess(contentObj, 'data', []).forEach((data) => {
    if ([4, 5, 6, 7].includes(data?.ext?.segtax)) {
      (Array.isArray(data.segment) ? data.segment : []).forEach((segment) => {
        if (typeof === 'string') {
          // See
          // Only take IAB cats of taxonomy V1
          if (data.ext.segtax === 4) {
            parsedContentData.iabcat1[] = 1;
          } else {
            // Only take IAB cats of taxonomy V2 or higher
            parsedContentData.iabcat2[] = 1;

  const videoMetadata = {
    description: videoParams.description || '',
    duration: videoParams.duration || deepAccess(contentObj, 'len', 0),
    iabcat1: Array.isArray(videoParams.iabcat1)
      ? videoParams.iabcat1
      : Array.isArray(deepAccess(contentObj, 'cat'))
        : Object.keys(parsedContentData.iabcat1),
    iabcat2: Array.isArray(videoParams.iabcat2)
      ? videoParams.iabcat2
      : Object.keys(parsedContentData.iabcat2),
    id: || deepAccess(contentObj, 'id', ''),
    lang: videoParams.lang || deepAccess(contentObj, 'language', ''),
    livestream: typeof videoParams.livestream === 'number'
      ? !!videoParams.livestream
      : !!deepAccess(contentObj, 'livestream', 0),
    private: videoParams.private || false,
    tags: videoParams.tags || deepAccess(contentObj, 'keywords', ''),
    title: videoParams.title || deepAccess(contentObj, 'title', ''),
    url: videoParams.url || deepAccess(contentObj, 'url', ''),
    topics: videoParams.topics || '',
    isCreatedForKids: typeof videoParams.isCreatedForKids === 'boolean'
      ? videoParams.isCreatedForKids
      : null,
    context: {
      siteOrAppCat: deepAccess(contentObj, 'cat', []),
      videoViewsInSession: (
        typeof videoParams.videoViewsInSession === 'number' &&
        videoParams.videoViewsInSession >= 0
        ? videoParams.videoViewsInSession
        : null,
      autoplay: typeof videoParams.autoplay === 'boolean'
        ? videoParams.autoplay
        : null,
      playerName: videoParams.playerName || deepAccess(contentObj, 'playerName', ''),
      playerVolume: (
        typeof videoParams.playerVolume === 'number' &&
        videoParams.playerVolume >= 0 &&
        videoParams.playerVolume <= 10
        ? videoParams.playerVolume
        : null,

  return videoMetadata;

 * Check if user sync is enabled for Dailymotion
 * @return boolean True if user sync is enabled
function isUserSyncEnabled() {
  const syncEnabled = deepAccess(config.getConfig('userSync'), 'syncEnabled');

  if (!syncEnabled) return false;

  const canSyncWithIframe = userSync.canBidderRegisterSync('iframe', 'dailymotion');
  const canSyncWithPixel = userSync.canBidderRegisterSync('image', 'dailymotion');

  return !!(canSyncWithIframe || canSyncWithPixel);

export const spec = {
  code: 'dailymotion',
  supportedMediaTypes: [VIDEO],

   * Determines whether or not the given bid request is valid.
   * The only mandatory parameter for a bid to be valid is the API key.
   * Other parameters are optional.
   * @return boolean True if this is a valid bid, and false otherwise.
  isBidRequestValid: function (bid) {
    if (bid?.params) {
      // We only accept video adUnits
      if (!bid?.mediaTypes?.[VIDEO]) return false;

      // As `context`, `placement` & `plcmt` are optional (although recommended)
      // values, we check the 3 of them to see if we are in an instream video context
      const isInstream = bid.mediaTypes[VIDEO].context === 'instream' ||
        bid.mediaTypes[VIDEO].placement === 1 ||
        bid.mediaTypes[VIDEO].plcmt === 1;

      // We only accept instream video context
      if (!isInstream) return false;

      // We need API key
      return typeof bid.params.apiKey === 'string' && bid.params.apiKey.length > 10;

    return false;

   * Make a server request from the list of valid BidRequests (that already passed the isBidRequestValid call)
   * @param {BidRequest[]} validBidRequests A non-empty list of valid bid requests that should be sent to the Server.
   * @param {BidderRequest} bidderRequest
   * @return ServerRequest Info describing the request to the server.
  buildRequests: function(validBidRequests = [], bidderRequest) {
    // check consent to be able to read user cookie
    const allowCookieReading =
      // No GDPR applies
      !deepAccess(bidderRequest, 'gdprConsent.gdprApplies') ||
      // OR GDPR applies and we have global consent
      deepAccess(bidderRequest, 'gdprConsent.vendorData.hasGlobalConsent') === true ||
        // Vendor consent
        deepAccess(bidderRequest, `gdprConsent.vendorData.vendor.consents.${DAILYMOTION_VENDOR_ID}`) === true &&

        // Purposes with legal basis "consent". These are not flexible, so if publisher requires legitimate interest (2) it cancels them
        [1, 3, 4].every(v =>
          deepAccess(bidderRequest, `gdprConsent.vendorData.publisher.restrictions.${v}.${DAILYMOTION_VENDOR_ID}`) !== 0 &&
          deepAccess(bidderRequest, `gdprConsent.vendorData.publisher.restrictions.${v}.${DAILYMOTION_VENDOR_ID}`) !== 2 &&
          deepAccess(bidderRequest, `gdprConsent.vendorData.purpose.consents.${v}`) === true
        ) &&

        // Purposes with legal basis "legitimate interest" (default) or "consent" (when specified as such by publisher)
        [2, 7, 9, 10].every(v =>
          deepAccess(bidderRequest, `gdprConsent.vendorData.publisher.restrictions.${v}.${DAILYMOTION_VENDOR_ID}`) !== 0 &&
          (deepAccess(bidderRequest, `gdprConsent.vendorData.publisher.restrictions.${v}.${DAILYMOTION_VENDOR_ID}`) === 1
            ? deepAccess(bidderRequest, `gdprConsent.vendorData.purpose.consents.${v}`) === true
            : deepAccess(bidderRequest, `gdprConsent.vendorData.purpose.legitimateInterests.${v}`) === true)

    return => ({
      method: 'POST',
      url: '',
      data: {
        pbv: '$prebid.version$',
        bidder_request: {
          gdprConsent: {
            apiVersion: deepAccess(bidderRequest, 'gdprConsent.apiVersion', 1),
            consentString: deepAccess(bidderRequest, 'gdprConsent.consentString', ''),
            // Cast boolean in any case (eg: if value is int) to ensure type
            gdprApplies: !!deepAccess(bidderRequest, 'gdprConsent.gdprApplies'),
          refererInfo: {
            page: deepAccess(bidderRequest, '', ''),
          uspConsent: deepAccess(bidderRequest, 'uspConsent', ''),
          gppConsent: {
            gppString: deepAccess(bidderRequest, 'gppConsent.gppString') ||
          deepAccess(bidderRequest, 'ortb2.regs.gpp', ''),
            applicableSections: deepAccess(bidderRequest, 'gppConsent.applicableSections') ||
          deepAccess(bidderRequest, 'ortb2.regs.gpp_sid', []),
        config: {
          api_key: bid.params.apiKey
        // Cast boolean in any case (value should be 0 or 1) to ensure type
        coppa: !!deepAccess(bidderRequest, 'ortb2.regs.coppa'),
        // In app context, we need to retrieve additional informations
        ...(!deepAccess(bidderRequest, '') && !!deepAccess(bidderRequest, '') ? {
          appBundle: deepAccess(bidderRequest, '', ''),
          appStoreUrl: deepAccess(bidderRequest, '', ''),
        } : {}),
        ...(deepAccess(bidderRequest, 'ortb2.device') ? {
          device: {
            lmt: deepAccess(bidderRequest, 'ortb2.device.lmt', null),
            ifa: deepAccess(bidderRequest, 'ortb2.device.ifa', ''),
            atts: deepAccess(bidderRequest, 'ortb2.device.ext.atts', 0),
        } : {}),
        userSyncEnabled: isUserSyncEnabled(),
        request: {
          adUnitCode: deepAccess(bid, 'adUnitCode', ''),
          auctionId: deepAccess(bid, 'auctionId', ''),
          bidId: deepAccess(bid, 'bidId', ''),
          mediaTypes: {
            video: {
              api: bid.mediaTypes?.[VIDEO]?.api || [],
              mimes: bid.mediaTypes?.[VIDEO]?.mimes || [],
              minduration: bid.mediaTypes?.[VIDEO]?.minduration || 0,
              maxduration: bid.mediaTypes?.[VIDEO]?.maxduration || 0,
              playbackmethod: bid.mediaTypes?.[VIDEO]?.playbackmethod || [],
              plcmt: bid.mediaTypes?.[VIDEO]?.plcmt,
              protocols: bid.mediaTypes?.[VIDEO]?.protocols || [],
              skip: bid.mediaTypes?.[VIDEO]?.skip || 0,
              skipafter: bid.mediaTypes?.[VIDEO]?.skipafter || 0,
              skipmin: bid.mediaTypes?.[VIDEO]?.skipmin || 0,
              startdelay: bid.mediaTypes?.[VIDEO]?.startdelay,
              w: bid.mediaTypes?.[VIDEO]?.w || 0,
              h: bid.mediaTypes?.[VIDEO]?.h || 0,
          sizes: bid.sizes || [],
        video_metadata: getVideoMetadata(bid, bidderRequest),
      options: {
        withCredentials: allowCookieReading,
        crossOrigin: true,

   * Map the response from the server into a list of bids.
   * As dailymotion prebid server returns an entry with the correct Prebid structure,
   * we directly include it as the only bid in the response.
   * @param {*} serverResponse A successful response from the server.
   * @return {Bid[]} An array of bids which were nested inside the server.
  interpretResponse: serverResponse => serverResponse?.body ? [serverResponse.body] : [],

   * Retrieves user synchronization URLs based on provided options and consents.
   * @param {object} syncOptions - Options for synchronization.
   * @param {object[]} serverResponses - Array of server responses.
   * @returns {object[]} - Array of synchronization URLs.
  getUserSyncs: (syncOptions, serverResponses) => {
    if (!!serverResponses?.length && (syncOptions.iframeEnabled || syncOptions.pixelEnabled)) {
      const iframeSyncs = [];
      const pixelSyncs = [];

      serverResponses.forEach((response) => {
        (response?.body?.userSyncs || []).forEach((syncUrl) => {
          if (syncUrl.type === 'image') {
            pixelSyncs.push({ url: syncUrl.url, type: 'image' });

          if (syncUrl.type === 'iframe') {
            iframeSyncs.push({ url: syncUrl.url, type: 'iframe' });

      if (syncOptions.iframeEnabled) return iframeSyncs;
      return pixelSyncs;

    return [];
