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 * This module adds [DFP support]{@link} for Video to Prebid.

import { DEFAULT_DFP_PARAMS, DFP_ENDPOINT, setGdprConsent } from '../libraries/dfpUtils/dfpUtils.js';
import { getSignals } from '../libraries/gptUtils/gptUtils.js';
import { registerVideoSupport } from '../src/adServerManager.js';
import { gdprDataHandler } from '../src/adapterManager.js';
import { getPPID } from '../src/adserver.js';
import { auctionManager } from '../src/auctionManager.js';
import { config } from '../src/config.js';
import { EVENTS } from '../src/constants.js';
import * as events from '../src/events.js';
import { getHook } from '../src/hook.js';
import { getRefererInfo } from '../src/refererDetection.js';
import { targeting } from '../src/targeting.js';
import {
} from '../src/utils.js';
 * @typedef {Object} DfpVideoParams
 * This object contains the params needed to form a URL which hits the
 * [DFP API]{@link}.
 * All params (except iu, mentioned below) should be considered optional. This module will choose reasonable
 * defaults for all of the other required params.
 * The cust_params property, if present, must be an object. It will be merged with the rest of the
 * standard Prebid targeting params (hb_adid, hb_bidder, etc).
 * @param {string} iu This param *must* be included, in order for us to create a valid request.
 * @param [string] description_url This field is required if you want Ad Exchange to bid on our ad unit...
 *   but otherwise optional

 * @typedef {Object} DfpVideoOptions
 * @param {Object} adUnit The adUnit which this bid is supposed to help fill.
 * @param [Object] bid The bid which should be considered alongside the rest of the adserver's demand.
 *   If this isn't defined, then we'll use the winning bid for the adUnit.
 * @param {DfpVideoParams} [params] Query params which should be set on the DFP request.
 *   These will override this module's defaults whenever they conflict.
 * @param {string} [url] video adserver url

export const dep = {
  ri: getRefererInfo

 * Merge all the bid data and publisher-supplied options into a single URL, and then return it.
 * @see [The DFP API]{@link} for details.
 * @param {DfpVideoOptions} options Options which should be used to construct the URL.
 * @return {string} A URL which calls DFP, letting
 *   (or the auction's winning bid for this adUnit, if undefined) compete alongside the rest of the
 *   demand in DFP.
export function buildDfpVideoUrl(options) {
  if (!options.params && !options.url) {
    logError(`A params object or a url is required to use $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.adServers.dfp.buildVideoUrl`);

  const adUnit = options.adUnit;
  const bid = || targeting.getWinningBids(adUnit.code)[0];

  let urlComponents = {};

  if (options.url) {
    // when both `url` and `params` are given, parsed url will be overwriten
    // with any matching param components
    urlComponents = parseUrl(options.url, {noDecodeWholeURL: true});

    if (isEmpty(options.params)) {
      return buildUrlFromAdserverUrlComponents(urlComponents, bid, options);

  const derivedParams = {
    sz: parseSizesInput(deepAccess(adUnit, '')).join('|'),
    url: encodeURIComponent(location.href),

  const urlSearchComponent =;
  const urlSzParam = urlSearchComponent &&;
  if (urlSzParam) { = urlSzParam + '|' +;

  let encodedCustomParams = getCustParams(bid, options, urlSearchComponent && urlSearchComponent.cust_params);

  const queryParams = Object.assign({},
    { cust_params: encodedCustomParams }

  const descriptionUrl = getDescriptionUrl(bid, options, 'params');
  if (descriptionUrl) { queryParams.description_url = descriptionUrl; }
  const gdprConsent = gdprDataHandler.getConsentData();
  setGdprConsent(gdprConsent, queryParams);

  if (!queryParams.ppid) {
    const ppid = getPPID();
    if (ppid != null) {
      queryParams.ppid = ppid;

  const video = options.adUnit?.mediaTypes?.video;
    plcmt: () => video?.plcmt,
    min_ad_duration: () => isNumber(video?.minduration) ? video.minduration * 1000 : null,
    max_ad_duration: () => isNumber(video?.maxduration) ? video.maxduration * 1000 : null,
    vpos() {
      const startdelay = video?.startdelay;
      if (isNumber(startdelay)) {
        if (startdelay === -2) return 'postroll';
        if (startdelay === -1 || startdelay > 0) return 'midroll';
        return 'preroll';
    vconp: () => Array.isArray(video?.playbackmethod) && video.playbackmethod.every(m => m === 7) ? '2' : undefined,
    vpa() {
      // playbackmethod = 3 is play on click; 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 are autoplay
      if (Array.isArray(video?.playbackmethod)) {
        const click = video.playbackmethod.some(m => m === 3);
        const auto = video.playbackmethod.some(m => [1, 2, 4, 5, 6].includes(m));
        if (click && !auto) return 'click';
        if (auto && !click) return 'auto';
    vpmute() {
      // playbackmethod = 2, 6 are muted; 1, 3, 4, 5 are not
      if (Array.isArray(video?.playbackmethod)) {
        const muted = video.playbackmethod.some(m => [2, 6].includes(m));
        const talkie = video.playbackmethod.some(m => [1, 3, 4, 5].includes(m));
        if (muted && !talkie) return '1';
        if (talkie && !muted) return '0';
  }).forEach(([param, getter]) => {
    if (!queryParams.hasOwnProperty(param)) {
      const val = getter();
      if (val != null) {
        queryParams[param] = val;
  const fpd = auctionManager.index.getBidRequest( || {})?.ortb2 ??
    auctionManager.index.getAuction( || {})?.getFPD()?.global;

  const signals = getSignals(fpd);

  if (signals.length) {
    queryParams.ppsj = btoa(JSON.stringify({
      PublisherProvidedTaxonomySignals: signals

  return buildUrl(Object.assign({}, DFP_ENDPOINT, urlComponents, { search: queryParams }));

export function notifyTranslationModule(fn) {, 'dfp');

if (config.getConfig('brandCategoryTranslation.translationFile')) { getHook('registerAdserver').before(notifyTranslationModule); }

 * Builds a video url from a base dfp video url and a winning bid, appending
 * Prebid-specific key-values.
 * @param {Object} components base video adserver url parsed into components object
 * @param {Object} bid winning bid object to append parameters from
 * @param {Object} options Options which should be used to construct the URL (used for custom params).
 * @return {string} video url
function buildUrlFromAdserverUrlComponents(components, bid, options) {
  const descriptionUrl = getDescriptionUrl(bid, components, 'search');
  if (descriptionUrl) { = descriptionUrl;
  } = getCustParams(bid, options,;
  return buildUrl(components);

 * Returns the encoded vast url if it exists on a bid object, only if prebid-cache
 * is disabled, and description_url is not already set on a given input
 * @param {Object} bid object to check for vast url
 * @param {Object} components the object to check that description_url is NOT set on
 * @param {string} prop the property of components that would contain description_url
 * @return {string | undefined} The encoded vast url if it exists, or undefined
function getDescriptionUrl(bid, components, prop) {
  return deepAccess(components, `${prop}.description_url`) || encodeURIComponent(dep.ri().page);

 * Returns the encoded `cust_params` from the bid.adserverTargeting and adds the `hb_uuid`, and `hb_cache_id`. Optionally the options.params.cust_params
 * @param {Object} bid
 * @param {Object} options this is the options passed in from the `buildDfpVideoUrl` function
 * @return {Object} Encoded key value pairs for cust_params
function getCustParams(bid, options, urlCustParams) {
  const adserverTargeting = (bid && bid.adserverTargeting) || {};

  let allTargetingData = {};
  const adUnit = options && options.adUnit;
  if (adUnit) {
    let allTargeting = targeting.getAllTargeting(adUnit.code);
    allTargetingData = (allTargeting) ? allTargeting[adUnit.code] : {};

  const prebidTargetingSet = Object.assign({},
    // Why are we adding standard keys here ? Refer
    { hb_uuid: bid && bid.videoCacheKey },
    // hb_cache_id became optional in prebid 5.0 after 4.x enabled the concept of optional keys. Discussion led to reversing the prior expectation of deprecating hb_uuid
    { hb_cache_id: bid && bid.videoCacheKey },

  // TODO: WTF is this? just firing random events, guessing at the argument, hoping noone notices?
  events.emit(EVENTS.SET_TARGETING, {[adUnit.code]: prebidTargetingSet});

  // merge the prebid + publisher targeting sets
  const publisherTargetingSet = deepAccess(options, 'params.cust_params');
  const targetingSet = Object.assign({}, prebidTargetingSet, publisherTargetingSet);
  let encodedParams = encodeURIComponent(formatQS(targetingSet));
  if (urlCustParams) {
    encodedParams = urlCustParams + '%26' + encodedParams;

  return encodedParams;

registerVideoSupport('dfp', {
  buildVideoUrl: buildDfpVideoUrl,