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import { deepAccess, isEmpty } from '../src/utils.js'
import { registerBidder } from '../src/adapters/bidderFactory.js'
import { BANNER } from '../src/mediaTypes.js'
import { getGlobal } from '../src/prebidGlobal.js'
import { ortbConverter } from '../libraries/ortbConverter/converter.js'

const converter = ortbConverter({
  context: {
    // `netRevenue` and `ttl` are required properties of bid responses - provide a default for them
    netRevenue: true, // or false if your adapter should set bidResponse.netRevenue = false
    ttl: 30 // default bidResponse.ttl (when not specified in ORTB response.seatbid[].bid[].exp)
  imp(buildImp, bidRequest, context) {
    const imp = buildImp(bidRequest, context);
    imp.tagid = bidRequest.adUnitCode
    return imp;

const BIDDER_CODE = 'nativo'

const GVLID = 263

const TIME_TO_LIVE = 360


const localPbjsRef = getGlobal()

 * Keep track of bid data by keys
 * @returns {Object} - Map of bid data that can be referenced by multiple keys
export function BidDataMap() {
  const referenceMap = {}
  const bids = []

   * Add a refence to the index by key value
   * @param {String} key - The key to store the index reference
   * @param {Integer} index - The index value of the bidData
  function addKeyReference(key, index) {
    if (!referenceMap.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      referenceMap[key] = index

   * Adds a bid to the map
   * @param {Object} bid - Bid data
   * @param {Array/String} keys - Keys to reference the index value
  function addBidData(bid, keys) {
    const index = bids.length

    if (Array.isArray(keys)) {
      keys.forEach((key) => {
        addKeyReference(String(key), index)

    addKeyReference(String(keys), index)

   * Get's the bid data refrerenced by the key
   * @param {String} key - The key value to find the bid data by
   * @returns {Object} - The bid data
  function getBidData(key) {
    const stringKey = String(key)
    if (referenceMap.hasOwnProperty(stringKey)) {
      return bids[referenceMap[stringKey]]

  // Return API
  return {

const bidRequestMap = {}
const adUnitsRequested = {}
const extData = {}

// Filtering
const adsToFilter = new Set()
const advertisersToFilter = new Set()
const campaignsToFilter = new Set()

// Prebid adapter referrence doc:

// Validity checks for optionsl paramters
const validParameter = {
  url: (value) => typeof value === 'string',
  placementId: (value) => {
    const isString = typeof value === 'string'
    const isNumber = typeof value === 'number'
    return isString || isNumber

export const spec = {
  code: BIDDER_CODE,
  gvlid: GVLID,
  aliases: ['ntv'], // short code
  supportedMediaTypes: SUPPORTED_AD_TYPES,

   * Determines whether or not the given bid request is valid.
   * @param {BidRequest} bid The bid params to validate.
   * @return boolean True if this is a valid bid, and false otherwise.
  isBidRequestValid: function (bid) {
    // We don't need any specific parameters to make a bid request
    // If not parameters are supplied just verify it's the correct bidder code
    if (!bid.params) return bid.bidder === BIDDER_CODE

    // Check if any supplied parameters are invalid
    const hasInvalidParameters = Object.keys(bid.params).some((key) => {
      const value = bid.params[key]
      const validityCheck = validParameter[key]

      // We don't have a test for this so it's not a paramter we care about
      if (!validityCheck) return false

      // Return if the check is not passed
      return !validityCheck(value)

    return !hasInvalidParameters

   * Called when the page asks Prebid.js for bids
   * Make a server request from the list of BidRequests
   * @param {Array} validBidRequests - An array of bidRequest objects, one for each AdUnit that your module is involved in. This array has been processed for special features like sizeConfig, so it’s the list that you should be looping through
   * @param {Object} bidderRequest - The master bidRequest object. This object is useful because it carries a couple of bid parameters that are global to all the bids.
   * @return ServerRequest Info describing the request to the server.
  buildRequests: function (validBidRequests, bidderRequest) {
    // Get OpenRTB Data
    const openRTBData = converter.toORTB({bidRequests: validBidRequests, bidderRequest})
    const openRTBDataString = JSON.stringify(openRTBData)

    const requestData = new RequestData()
    requestData.addBidRequestDataSource(new UserEIDs())

    // Parse values from bid requests
    const placementIds = new Set()
    const bidDataMap = BidDataMap()
    const placementSizes = { length: 0 }
    const floorPriceData = {}
    let placementId, pageUrl
    validBidRequests.forEach((bidRequest) => {
      pageUrl =
        getPageUrlFromBidRequest(bidRequest) ||

      placementId = deepAccess(bidRequest, 'params.placementId')

      const bidDataKeys = [bidRequest.adUnitCode]

      if (placementId && !placementIds.has(placementId)) {

        placementSizes[placementId] = bidRequest.sizes

      const bidData = {
        bidId: bidRequest.bidId,
        size: getLargestSize(bidRequest.sizes),
      bidDataMap.addBidData(bidData, bidDataKeys)

      const bidRequestFloorPriceData = parseFloorPriceData(bidRequest)
      if (bidRequestFloorPriceData) {
        floorPriceData[bidRequest.adUnitCode] = bidRequestFloorPriceData

      requestData.processBidRequestData(bidRequest, bidderRequest)
    bidRequestMap[bidderRequest.bidderRequestId] = bidDataMap

    // Build adUnit data
    const adUnitData = buildAdUnitData(validBidRequests)

    // Build basic required QS Params
    let params = [
      // Prebid version
        key: 'ntv_pbv', value: localPbjsRef.version
      // Prebid request id
      { key: 'ntv_pb_rid', value: bidderRequest.bidderRequestId },
      // Ad unit data
        key: 'ntv_ppc',
        value: btoa(JSON.stringify(adUnitData)), // Convert to Base 64
      // Number count of requests per ad unit
        key: 'ntv_dbr',
        value: btoa(JSON.stringify(adUnitsRequested)), // Convert to Base 64
      // Page url
        key: 'ntv_url',
        value: encodeURIComponent(pageUrl),

    // Floor pricing
    if (Object.keys(floorPriceData).length) {
        key: 'ntv_ppf',
        value: btoa(JSON.stringify(floorPriceData)),

    // Add filtering
    if (adsToFilter.size > 0) {
        key: 'ntv_atf',
        value: Array.from(adsToFilter).join(','),

    if (advertisersToFilter.size > 0) {
        key: 'ntv_avtf',
        value: Array.from(advertisersToFilter).join(','),

    if (campaignsToFilter.size > 0) {
        key: 'ntv_ctf',
        value: Array.from(campaignsToFilter).join(','),

    // Placement Sizes
    if (placementSizes.length) {
        key: 'ntv_pas',
        value: btoa(JSON.stringify(placementSizes)),

    // Add placement IDs
    if (placementIds.size > 0) {
      // Convert Set to Array (IE 11 Safe)
      const placements = []
      placementIds.forEach((value) => placements.push(value))
      // Append to query string paramters
      params.unshift({ key: 'ntv_ptd', value: placements.join(',') })

    // Add GDPR params
    if (bidderRequest.gdprConsent) {
      // Put on the beginning of the qs param array
        key: 'ntv_gdpr_consent',
        value: bidderRequest.gdprConsent.consentString,

    // Add USP params
    if (bidderRequest.uspConsent) {
      // Put on the beginning of the qs param array
      params.unshift({ key: 'us_privacy', value: bidderRequest.uspConsent })

    const qsParamStrings = [requestData.getRequestDataQueryString(), arrayToQS(params)]
    const requestUrl = buildRequestUrl(BIDDER_ENDPOINT, qsParamStrings)

    let serverRequest = {
      method: 'POST',
      url: requestUrl,
      data: openRTBDataString,

    return serverRequest

   * Will be called when the browser has received the response from your server.
   * The function will parse the response and create a bidResponse object containing one or more bids.
   * The adapter should indicate no valid bids by returning an empty array.
   * @param {Object} response - Data returned from the bidding server request endpoint
   * @param {Object} request - The request object used to call the server request endpoint
   * @return {Array} An array of bids which were nested inside the server.
  interpretResponse: function (response, request) {
    // If the bid response was empty, return []
    if (!response || !response.body || isEmpty(response.body)) return []

    try {
      const body =
        typeof response.body === 'string'
          ? JSON.parse(response.body)
          : response.body

      const bidResponses = []
      const seatbids = body.seatbid

      // Step through and grab pertinent data
      let bidResponse, adUnit
      seatbids.forEach((seatbid) => { => {
          adUnit = this.getAdUnitData(, bid)
          bidResponse = {
            requestId: adUnit.bidId,
            cpm: bid.price,
            currency: body.cur,
            width: bid.w || adUnit.size[0],
            height: bid.h || adUnit.size[1],
            creativeId: bid.crid,
            netRevenue: true,
            ttl: bid.ttl || TIME_TO_LIVE,
            ad: bid.adm,
            meta: {
              advertiserDomains: bid.adomain,

          if (bid.ext) extData[] = bid.ext


      // Don't need the map anymore as it was unique for one request/response
      delete bidRequestMap[]

      return bidResponses
    } catch (error) {
      // If there is an error, return []
      return []

   * All user ID sync activity should be done using the getUserSyncs callback of the BaseAdapter model.
   * Given an array of all the responses from the server, getUserSyncs is used to determine which user syncs should occur.
   * The order of syncs in the serverResponses array matters. The most important ones should come first, since publishers may limit how many are dropped on their page.
   * @param {Object} syncOptions - Which user syncs are allowed?
   * @param {Array} serverResponses - Array of server's responses
   * @param {Object} gdprConsent - GDPR consent data
   * @param {Object} uspConsent - USP consent data
   * @return {Array} The user syncs which should be dropped.
  getUserSyncs: function (
  ) {
    // Generate consent qs string
    let params = ''
    // GDPR
    if (gdprConsent) {
      params = appendQSParamString(
        gdprConsent.gdprApplies ? 1 : 0
      params = appendQSParamString(
        encodeURIComponent(gdprConsent.consentString || '')
    // CCPA
    if (uspConsent) {
      params = appendQSParamString(

    // Get sync urls from the respnse and inject cinbsent params
    const types = {
      iframe: syncOptions.iframeEnabled,
      image: syncOptions.pixelEnabled,
    const syncs = []

    let body
    serverResponses.forEach((response) => {
      // If the bid response was empty, return []
      if (!response || !response.body || isEmpty(response.body)) {
        return syncs

      try {
        body =
          typeof response.body === 'string'
            ? JSON.parse(response.body)
            : response.body
      } catch (err) { return }

      // Make sure we have valid content
      if (!body || !body.seatbid || body.seatbid.length === 0) return

      body.seatbid.forEach((seatbid) => {
        // Grab the syncs for each seatbid
        seatbid.syncUrls.forEach((sync) => {
          if (types[sync.type]) {
            if (sync.url.trim() !== '') {
                type: sync.type,
                url: sync.url.replace('{GDPR_params}', params),

    return syncs

   * Will be called when a bid from the adapter won the auction.
   * @param {Object} bid - The bid that won the auction
  onBidWon: function (bid) {
    const ext = extData[bid.dealId]

    if (!ext) return

    appendFilterData(adsToFilter, ext.adsToFilter)
    appendFilterData(advertisersToFilter, ext.advertisersToFilter)
    appendFilterData(campaignsToFilter, ext.campaignsToFilter)

   * Maps Prebid's bidId to Nativo's placementId values per unique bidderRequestId
   * @param {String} bidderRequestId - The unique ID value associated with the bidderRequest
   * @param {Object} bid - The placement ID value from Nativo
   * @returns {String} - The bidId value associated with the corresponding placementId
  getAdUnitData: function (bidderRequestId, bid) {
    const bidDataMap = bidRequestMap[bidderRequestId]

    const placementId = bid.impid
    const adUnitCode = deepAccess(bid, 'ext.ad_unit_id')

    return (
      bidDataMap.getBidData(adUnitCode) || bidDataMap.getBidData(placementId)

// Utils
export class RequestData {
  constructor() {
    this.bidRequestDataSources = []

  addBidRequestDataSource(bidRequestDataSource) {
    if (!(bidRequestDataSource instanceof BidRequestDataSource)) return


  processBidRequestData(bidRequest, bidderRequest) {
    for (let bidRequestDataSource of this.bidRequestDataSources) {
      bidRequestDataSource.processBidRequestData(bidRequest, bidderRequest)

  getRequestDataQueryString() {
    if (this.bidRequestDataSources.length == 0) return

    const queryParams = => dataSource.getRequestQueryString()).filter(queryString => queryString !== '')
    return queryParams.join('&')

export class BidRequestDataSource {
  constructor() {
    this.type = 'BidRequestDataSource'
  processBidRequestData(bidRequest, bidderRequest) { }
  getRequestQueryString() { return '' }

export class UserEIDs extends BidRequestDataSource {
  constructor() {
    this.type = 'UserEIDs'
    this.qsParam = new QueryStringParam('ntv_pb_eid')
    this.eids = []

  processBidRequestData(bidRequest, bidderRequest) {
    if (bidRequest.userIdAsEids === undefined || this.eids.length > 0) return
    this.eids = bidRequest.userIdAsEids

  getRequestQueryString() {
    if (this.eids.length === 0) return ''

    const encodedValueArray = encodeToBase64(this.eids)
    this.qsParam.value = encodedValueArray
    return this.qsParam.toString()

export class QueryStringParam {
  constructor(key, value) {
    this.key = key
    this.value = value

QueryStringParam.prototype.toString = function () {
  return `${this.key}=${this.value}`

export function encodeToBase64(value) {
  try {
    return btoa(JSON.stringify(value))
  } catch (err) { }

export function parseFloorPriceData(bidRequest) {
  if (typeof bidRequest.getFloor !== 'function') return

  // Setup price floor data per bid request
  let bidRequestFloorPriceData = {}
  let bidMediaTypes = bidRequest.mediaTypes
  let sizeOptions = new Set()
  // Step through meach media type so we can get floor data for each media type per bid request
  Object.keys(bidMediaTypes).forEach((mediaType) => {
    // Setup price floor data per media type
    let mediaTypeData = bidMediaTypes[mediaType]
    let mediaTypeFloorPriceData = {}
    let mediaTypeSizes = mediaTypeData.sizes || mediaTypeData.playerSize || []
    // Step through each size of the media type so we can get floor data for each size per media type
    mediaTypeSizes.forEach((size) => {
      // Get floor price data per the getFloor method and respective media type / size combination
      const priceFloorData = bidRequest.getFloor({
        currency: FLOOR_PRICE_CURRENCY,
      // Save the data and track the sizes
      mediaTypeFloorPriceData[sizeToString(size)] = priceFloorData.floor
    bidRequestFloorPriceData[mediaType] = mediaTypeFloorPriceData

    // Get floor price of current media type with a wildcard size
    const sizeWildcardFloor = getSizeWildcardPrice(bidRequest, mediaType)
    // Save the wildcard floor price if it was retrieved successfully
    if (sizeWildcardFloor.floor > 0) {
      mediaTypeFloorPriceData['*'] = sizeWildcardFloor.floor

  // Get floor price for wildcard media type using all of the sizes present in the previous media types
  const mediaWildCardPrices = getMediaWildcardPrices(bidRequest, [
  bidRequestFloorPriceData['*'] = mediaWildCardPrices

  return bidRequestFloorPriceData

 * Get price floor data by always setting the size value to the wildcard for a specific size
 * @param {Object} bidRequest - The bid request
 * @param {String} mediaType - The media type
 * @returns {Object} - Bid floor data
export function getSizeWildcardPrice(bidRequest, mediaType) {
  return bidRequest.getFloor({

 * Get price data for a range of sizes and always setting the media type to the wildcard value
 * @param {*} bidRequest - The bid request
 * @param {*} sizes - The sizes to get the floor price data for
 * @returns {Object} - Bid floor data
export function getMediaWildcardPrices(
) {
  const sizePrices = {}
  sizes.forEach((size) => {
    // MODIFY the bid request's mediaTypes property (so we can get the wildcard media type value)
    const temp = bidRequest.mediaTypes
    bidRequest.mediaTypes = { PRICE_FLOOR_WILDCARD: temp.sizes }
    // Get price floor data
    const priceFloorData = bidRequest.getFloor({
      currency: FLOOR_PRICE_CURRENCY,
      mediaType: PRICE_FLOOR_WILDCARD,
    // RESTORE initial property value
    bidRequest.mediaTypes = temp

    // Only save valid floor price data
    const key =
      size !== PRICE_FLOOR_WILDCARD ? sizeToString(size) : PRICE_FLOOR_WILDCARD
    sizePrices[key] = priceFloorData.floor
  return sizePrices

 * Format size array to a string
 * @param {Array} size - Size data [width, height]
 * @returns {String} - Formated size string
export function sizeToString(size) {
  if (!Array.isArray(size) || size.length < 2) return ''
  return `${size[0]}x${size[1]}`

 * Build the ad unit data to send back to the request endpoint
 * @param {Array<Object>} requests - Bid requests
 * @returns {Array<Object>} - Array of ad unit data
function buildAdUnitData(requests) {
  return => {
    // Track if we've already requested for this ad unit code
    adUnitsRequested[request.adUnitCode] =
      adUnitsRequested[request.adUnitCode] !== undefined
        ? adUnitsRequested[request.adUnitCode] + 1
        : 0
    // Return a new object with only the data we need
    return {
      adUnitCode: request.adUnitCode,
      mediaTypes: request.mediaTypes,

 * Append QS param to existing string
 * @param {String} str - String to append to
 * @param {String} key - Key to append
 * @param {String} value - Value to append
 * @returns
function appendQSParamString(str, key, value) {
  return str + `${str.length ? '&' : ''}${key}=${value}`

 * Convert an object to query string parameters
 * @param {Object} obj - Object to convert
 * @returns
function arrayToQS(arr) {
  return arr.reduce((value, obj) => {
    return appendQSParamString(value, obj.key, obj.value)
  }, '')

 * Get the largest size array
 * @param {Array} sizes - Array of size arrays
 * @returns Size array with the largest area
function getLargestSize(sizes, method = area) {
  if (!sizes || sizes.length === 0) return []
  if (sizes.length === 1) return sizes[0]

  return sizes.reduce((prev, current) => {
    if (method(current) > method(prev)) {
      return current
    } else {
      return prev

 * Build the final request url
export function buildRequestUrl(baseUrl, qsParamStringArray = []) {
  if (qsParamStringArray.length === 0 || !Array.isArray(qsParamStringArray)) return baseUrl

  const nonEmptyQSParamStrings = qsParamStringArray.filter(qsParamString => qsParamString.trim() !== '')

  if (nonEmptyQSParamStrings.length === 0) return baseUrl

  let requestUrl = `${baseUrl}?${nonEmptyQSParamStrings[0]}`
  for (let i = 1; i < nonEmptyQSParamStrings.length; i++) {
    requestUrl += `&${nonEmptyQSParamStrings[i]}`

  return requestUrl

 * Calculate the area
 * @param {Array} size - [width, height]
 * @returns The calculated area
const area = (size) => size[0] * size[1]

 * Save any filter data from winning bid requests for subsequent requests
 * @param {Array} filter - The filter data bucket currently stored
 * @param {Array} filterData - The filter data to add
function appendFilterData(filter, filterData) {
  if (filterData && Array.isArray(filterData) && filterData.length) {
    filterData.forEach((ad) => filter.add(ad))

export function getPageUrlFromBidRequest(bidRequest) {
  let paramPageUrl = deepAccess(bidRequest, 'params.url')

  if (paramPageUrl == undefined) return

  if (hasProtocol(paramPageUrl)) return paramPageUrl

  paramPageUrl = addProtocol(paramPageUrl)

  try {
    const url = new URL(paramPageUrl)
    return url.href
  } catch (err) { }

export function hasProtocol(url) {
  const protocolRegexp = /^http[s]?\:/
  return protocolRegexp.test(url)

export function addProtocol(url) {
  if (hasProtocol(url)) {
    return url

  let protocolPrefix = 'https:'

  if (url.indexOf('//') !== 0) {
    protocolPrefix += '//'

  return `${protocolPrefix}${url}`