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import {ajax} from '../src/ajax.js';
import {config} from '../src/config.js';
import {registerBidder} from '../src/adapters/bidderFactory.js';
import {BANNER, VIDEO} from '../src/mediaTypes.js';
import {getANKeywordParam} from '../libraries/appnexusUtils/anKeywords.js';
import {getConnectionType} from '../libraries/connectionInfo/connectionUtils.js'

 * @typedef {import('../src/adapters/bidderFactory.js').BidRequest} BidRequest
 * @typedef {import('../src/adapters/bidderFactory.js').Bid} Bid
 * @typedef {import('../src/adapters/bidderFactory.js').ServerResponse} ServerResponse
 * @typedef {import('../src/adapters/bidderFactory.js').SyncOptions} SyncOptions
 * @typedef {import('../src/adapters/bidderFactory.js').UserSync} UserSync
 * @typedef {import('../src/adapters/bidderFactory.js').validBidRequests} validBidRequests

const BIDDER_CODE = 'prisma';
const BIDDER_URL = '';
const CACHE_URL = '';

const GVLID = 965;

export const spec = {
  code: BIDDER_CODE,
  gvlid: GVLID,
  aliases: ['prismadirect'], // short code
  supportedMediaTypes: [BANNER, VIDEO],
   * Determines whether or not the given bid request is valid.
   * @param {BidRequest} bid The bid params to validate.
   * @return boolean True if this is a valid bid, and false otherwise.
  isBidRequestValid: function(bid) {
    return !!(bid.params.account && bid.params.tagId);
   * Make a server request from the list of BidRequests.
   * @param {validBidRequests} - an array of bids
   * @return ServerRequest Info describing the request to the server.
  buildRequests: function(validBidRequests, bidderRequest) {
    const adUnits = [];
    const test = config.getConfig('debug') ? 1 : 0;
    let adunitValue = null;
    let userEids = null;
    Object.keys(validBidRequests).forEach(key => {
      adunitValue = validBidRequests[key];
      const foo = {
        account: adunitValue.params.account,
        tagId: adunitValue.params.tagId,
        label: adunitValue.adUnitCode,
        bidId: adunitValue.bidId,
        // TODO: fix auctionId leak:
        auctionId: adunitValue.auctionId,
        transactionId: adunitValue.ortb2Imp?.ext?.tid,
        mediatypes: adunitValue.mediaTypes,
        bidfloor: 0,
        bidfloorCurrency: 'USD',
        keywords: getANKeywordParam(bidderRequest.ortb2, adunitValue.params.keywords)
      if (adunitValue.userIdAsEids) userEids = adunitValue.userIdAsEids;
    const payload = {
      // TODO: does the fallback make sense here?
      href: encodeURIComponent( || bidderRequest.refererInfo.topmostLocation)
    if (bidderRequest) { // modules informations (gdpr, ccpa, schain, userId)
      if (bidderRequest.gdprConsent) {
        payload.gdpr = bidderRequest.gdprConsent.gdprApplies ? 1 : 0;
        payload.gdprConsent = bidderRequest.gdprConsent.consentString;
      } else {
        payload.gdpr = 0;
        payload.gdprConsent = '';
      if (bidderRequest.uspConsent) { payload.uspConsent = bidderRequest.uspConsent; }
      if (bidderRequest.schain) { payload.schain = bidderRequest.schain; }
      if (userEids !== null) payload.userEids = userEids;
    payload.connectionType = getConnectionType();

    if (test) payload.test = 1;
    const payloadString = JSON.stringify(payload);
    return {
      method: 'POST',
      url: BIDDER_URL,
      data: payloadString,
   * Unpack the response from the server into a list of bids.
   * @param {ServerResponse} serverResponse A successful response from the server.
   * @return {Bid[]} An array of bids which were nested inside the server.
  interpretResponse: function(serverResponse, bidRequest) {
    const serverBody = serverResponse.body;
    const bidResponses = [];
    let bidResponse = null;
    let value = null;
    if (serverBody.hasOwnProperty('responses')) {
      Object.keys(serverBody['responses']).forEach(key => {
        value = serverBody['responses'][key];
        const url = `${CACHE_URL}?uuid=${value['uuid']}`;
        bidResponse = {
          requestId: value['bidId'],
          cpm: value['cpm'],
          currency: value['currency'],
          width: value['width'],
          height: value['height'],
          ttl: value['ttl'],
          creativeId: value['creativeId'],
          netRevenue: true,
          prisma: {
            'ssp': value['bidder'],
            'consent': value['consent'],
            'tagId': value['tagId']
          meta: {
            'advertiserDomains': value['adomain'] || []
        if (value.type === 'banner') bidResponse.adUrl = url;
        if (value.type === 'video') {
          const params = {
            type: 'prebid',
            mediatype: 'video',
            ssp: value.bidder,
            tag_id: value.tagId,
            consent: value.consent,
            price: value.cpm,
          bidResponse.cpm = value.cpm;
          bidResponse.mediaType = 'video';
          bidResponse.vastUrl = url;
          bidResponse.vastImpUrl = `${METRICS_TRACKER_URL}?${new URLSearchParams(params).toString()}`;
    return bidResponses;

   * Register the user sync pixels which should be dropped after the auction.
   * @param {SyncOptions} syncOptions Which user syncs are allowed?
   * @param {ServerResponse[]} serverResponses List of server's responses.
   * @return {UserSync[]} The user syncs which should be dropped.
  getUserSyncs: function(syncOptions, serverResponses, gdprConsent, uspConsent) {
    if (typeof serverResponses === 'object' && serverResponses != null && serverResponses.length > 0 && serverResponses[0].hasOwnProperty('body') &&
        serverResponses[0].body.hasOwnProperty('cookies') && typeof serverResponses[0].body.cookies === 'object') {
      return serverResponses[0].body.cookies.slice(0, 5);
    } else {
      return [];

   * Register bidder specific code, which will execute if a bid from this bidder won the auction
   * @param {Bid} bid the bid that won the auction
  onBidWon: function(bid) {
    // fires a pixel to confirm a winning bid
    const params = { type: 'prebid', mediatype: 'banner' };
    if (bid.hasOwnProperty('prisma')) {
      if (bid.prisma.hasOwnProperty('ssp')) params.ssp = bid.prisma.ssp;
      if (bid.prisma.hasOwnProperty('tagId')) params.tag_id = bid.prisma.tagId;
      if (bid.prisma.hasOwnProperty('consent')) params.consent = bid.prisma.consent;
    params.price = bid.cpm;
    const url = `${METRICS_TRACKER_URL}?${new URLSearchParams(params).toString()}`;
    ajax(url, null, undefined, {method: 'GET', withCredentials: true});
    return true;
