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3 days
Test Coverage
import { registerBidder } from '../src/adapters/bidderFactory.js';
import { config } from '../src/config.js';
import { BANNER, VIDEO } from '../src/mediaTypes.js';
import { deepAccess, generateUUID, inIframe, mergeDeep } from '../src/utils.js';

const VERSION = '4.3.0';
const BIDDER_CODE = 'sharethrough';
const SUPPLY_ID = 'WYu2BXv1';


// this allows stubbing of utility function that is used internally by the sharethrough adapter
export const sharethroughInternal = {

export const sharethroughAdapterSpec = {
  code: BIDDER_CODE,
  supportedMediaTypes: [VIDEO, BANNER],
  gvlid: 80,
  isBidRequestValid: (bid) => !!bid.params.pkey && bid.bidder === BIDDER_CODE,

  buildRequests: (bidRequests, bidderRequest) => {
    const timeout = bidderRequest.timeout;
    const firstPartyData = bidderRequest.ortb2 || {};

    const nonHttp = sharethroughInternal.getProtocol().indexOf('http') < 0;
    const secure = nonHttp || sharethroughInternal.getProtocol().indexOf('https') > -1;

    const req = {
      id: generateUUID(),
      at: 1,
      cur: ['USD'],
      tmax: timeout,
      site: {
        domain: deepAccess(bidderRequest, 'refererInfo.domain', window.location.hostname),
        page: deepAccess(bidderRequest, '', window.location.href),
        ref: deepAccess(bidderRequest, 'refererInfo.ref'),,
      device: {
        ua: navigator.userAgent,
        language: navigator.language,
        js: 1,
        dnt: navigator.doNotTrack === '1' ? 1 : 0,
        h: window.screen.height,
        w: window.screen.width,
        ext: {},
      regs: {
        coppa: config.getConfig('coppa') === true ? 1 : 0,
        ext: {},
      source: {
        tid: bidderRequest.ortb2?.source?.tid,
        ext: {
          version: '$prebid.version$',
          str: VERSION,
          schain: bidRequests[0].schain,
      bcat: deepAccess(bidderRequest.ortb2, 'bcat') || bidRequests[0].params.bcat || [],
      badv: deepAccess(bidderRequest.ortb2, 'badv') || bidRequests[0].params.badv || [],
      test: 0,

    if (bidderRequest.ortb2?.device?.ext?.cdep) {
      req.device.ext['cdep'] = bidderRequest.ortb2.device.ext.cdep;

    req.user = nullish(firstPartyData.user, {});
    if (!req.user.ext) req.user.ext = {};
    req.user.ext.eids = bidRequests[0].userIdAsEids || [];

    if (bidderRequest.gdprConsent) {
      const gdprApplies = bidderRequest.gdprConsent.gdprApplies === true;
      req.regs.ext.gdpr = gdprApplies ? 1 : 0;
      if (gdprApplies) {
        req.user.ext.consent = bidderRequest.gdprConsent.consentString;

    if (bidderRequest.uspConsent) {
      req.regs.ext.us_privacy = bidderRequest.uspConsent;

    if (bidderRequest?.gppConsent?.gppString) {
      req.regs.gpp = bidderRequest.gppConsent.gppString;
      req.regs.gpp_sid = bidderRequest.gppConsent.applicableSections;
    } else if (bidderRequest?.ortb2?.regs?.gpp) {
      req.regs.ext.gpp = bidderRequest.ortb2.regs.gpp;
      req.regs.ext.gpp_sid = bidderRequest.ortb2.regs.gpp_sid;

    if (bidderRequest?.ortb2?.regs?.ext?.dsa) {
      req.regs.ext.dsa = bidderRequest.ortb2.regs.ext.dsa;

    const imps = bidRequests
      .map((bidReq) => {
        const impression = { ext: {} };

        // mergeDeep(impression, bidReq.ortb2Imp); // leaving this out for now as we may want to leave stuff out on purpose
        const tid = deepAccess(bidReq, 'ortb2Imp.ext.tid');
        if (tid) impression.ext.tid = tid;
        const gpid = deepAccess(bidReq, 'ortb2Imp.ext.gpid') || deepAccess(bidReq, '');
        if (gpid) impression.ext.gpid = gpid;

        const videoRequest = deepAccess(bidReq, '');

        if (bidderRequest.fledgeEnabled && bidReq.mediaTypes.banner) {
          mergeDeep(impression, { ext: { ae: 1 } }); // ae = auction environment; if this is 1, ad server knows we have a fledge auction

        if (videoRequest) {
          // default playerSize, only change this if we know width and height are properly defined in the request
          let [w, h] = [640, 360];
          if (
            videoRequest.playerSize &&
            videoRequest.playerSize[0] &&
            videoRequest.playerSize[0][0] &&
          ) {
            [w, h] = videoRequest.playerSize[0];

          const getVideoPlacementValue = (vidReq) => {
            if (vidReq.plcmt) {
              return vidReq.placement;
            } else {
              return vidReq.context === 'instream' ? 1 : +deepAccess(vidReq, 'placement', 4);

 = {
            pos: nullish(videoRequest.pos, 0),
            topframe: inIframe() ? 0 : 1,
            skip: nullish(videoRequest.skip, 0),
            linearity: nullish(videoRequest.linearity, 1),
            minduration: nullish(videoRequest.minduration, 5),
            maxduration: nullish(videoRequest.maxduration, 60),
            playbackmethod: videoRequest.playbackmethod || [2],
            api: getVideoApi(videoRequest),
            mimes: videoRequest.mimes || ['video/mp4'],
            protocols: getVideoProtocols(videoRequest),
            startdelay: nullish(videoRequest.startdelay, 0),
            skipmin: nullish(videoRequest.skipmin, 0),
            skipafter: nullish(videoRequest.skipafter, 0),
            placement: getVideoPlacementValue(videoRequest),
            plcmt: videoRequest.plcmt ? videoRequest.plcmt : null,

          if ( =;
          if (videoRequest.companiontype) = videoRequest.companiontype;
          if (videoRequest.companionad) = videoRequest.companionad;
        } else {
          impression.banner = {
            pos: deepAccess(bidReq, 'mediaTypes.banner.pos', 0),
            topframe: inIframe() ? 0 : 1,
            format: => ({ w: +size[0], h: +size[1] })),

        return {
          id: bidReq.bidId,
          tagid: String(bidReq.params.pkey),
          secure: secure ? 1 : 0,
          bidfloor: getBidRequestFloor(bidReq),
      .filter((imp) => !!imp);

    return => {
      return {
        method: 'POST',
        url: STR_ENDPOINT,
        data: {
          imp: [impression],

  interpretResponse: ({ body }, req) => {
    if (
      !body ||
      !body.seatbid ||
      body.seatbid.length === 0 ||
      !body.seatbid[0].bid ||
      body.seatbid[0].bid.length === 0
    ) {
      return [];

    const fledgeAuctionEnabled = body.ext?.auctionConfigs;

    const bidsFromExchange = body.seatbid[0] => {
      // Spec:
      const response = {
        requestId: bid.impid,
        width: +bid.w,
        height: +bid.h,
        cpm: +bid.price,
        creativeId: bid.crid,
        dealId: bid.dealid || null,
        mediaType:[0].video ? VIDEO : BANNER,
        currency: body.cur || 'USD',
        netRevenue: true,
        ttl: 360,
        ad: bid.adm,
        nurl: bid.nurl,
        meta: {
          advertiserDomains: bid.adomain || [],
          networkId: bid.ext?.networkId || null,
          networkName: bid.ext?.networkName || null,
          agencyId: bid.ext?.agencyId || null,
          agencyName: bid.ext?.agencyName || null,
          advertiserId: bid.ext?.advertiserId || null,
          advertiserName: bid.ext?.advertiserName || null,
          brandId: bid.ext?.brandId || null,
          brandName: bid.ext?.brandName || null,
          demandSource: bid.ext?.demandSource || null,
          dchain: bid.ext?.dchain || null,
          primaryCatId: bid.ext?.primaryCatId || null,
          secondaryCatIds: bid.ext?.secondaryCatIds || null,
          mediaType: bid.ext?.mediaType || null,

      if (response.mediaType === VIDEO) {
        response.ttl = 3600;
        response.vastXml = bid.adm;

      return response;

    if (fledgeAuctionEnabled) {
      return {
        bids: bidsFromExchange,
        fledgeAuctionConfigs: body.ext?.auctionConfigs || {},
    } else {
      return bidsFromExchange;

  getUserSyncs: (syncOptions, serverResponses) => {
    const shouldCookieSync =
      syncOptions.pixelEnabled && deepAccess(serverResponses, '0.body.cookieSyncUrls') !== undefined;

    return shouldCookieSync ? serverResponses[0] => ({ type: 'image', url: url })) : [];

  // Empty implementation for prebid core to be able to find it
  onTimeout: (data) => {},

  // Empty implementation for prebid core to be able to find it
  onBidWon: (bid) => {},

  // Empty implementation for prebid core to be able to find it
  onSetTargeting: (bid) => {},

function getVideoApi({ api }) {
  let defaultValue = [2];
  if (api && Array.isArray(api) && api.length > 0) {
    return api;
  } else {
    return defaultValue;

function getVideoProtocols({ protocols }) {
  let defaultValue = [2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8];
  if (protocols && Array.isArray(protocols) && protocols.length > 0) {
    return protocols;
  } else {
    return defaultValue;

function getBidRequestFloor(bid) {
  let floor = null;
  if (typeof bid.getFloor === 'function') {
    const floorInfo = bid.getFloor({
      currency: 'USD',
      mediaType: bid.mediaTypes && ? 'video' : 'banner',
      size: => ({ w: size[0], h: size[1] })),
    if (typeof floorInfo === 'object' && floorInfo.currency === 'USD' && !isNaN(parseFloat(floorInfo.floor))) {
      floor = parseFloat(floorInfo.floor);
  return floor !== null ? floor : bid.params.floor;

function getProtocol() {
  return window.location.protocol;

// stub for ?? operator
function nullish(input, def) {
  return input === null || input === undefined ? def : input;
