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import { deepAccess, deepClone, isArrayOfNums, isFn, isInteger, isPlainObject, logError } from '../src/utils.js';
import { BANNER, VIDEO } from '../src/mediaTypes.js';
import { config } from '../src/config.js';
import { registerBidder } from '../src/adapters/bidderFactory.js';

 * @typedef {import('../src/adapters/bidderFactory.js').BidRequest} BidRequest
 * @typedef {import('../src/adapters/bidderFactory.js').Bid} Bid
 * @typedef {import('../src/adapters/bidderFactory.js').ServerRequest} ServerRequest

const BIDDER_CODE = 'smartadserver';
const GVL_ID = 45;
const DEFAULT_FLOOR = 0.0;

export const spec = {
  code: BIDDER_CODE,
  gvlid: GVL_ID,
  aliases: ['smart'], // short code
  supportedMediaTypes: [BANNER, VIDEO],

   * Determines whether or not the given bid request is valid.
   * @param {BidRequest} bid The bid params to validate.
   * @return boolean True if this is a valid bid, and false otherwise.
  isBidRequestValid: function (bid) {
    return !!(bid.params && bid.params.siteId && bid.params.pageId && bid.params.formatId);

   * Serialize a supply chain object to a string uri encoded
   * @param {*} schain object
  serializeSupplyChain: function(schain) {
    if (!schain || !schain.nodes) return null;
    const nodesProperties = ['asi', 'sid', 'hp', 'rid', 'name', 'domain'];
    return `${schain.ver},${schain.complete}!` + => =>
        node[prop] ? encodeURIComponent(node[prop]) : '')

   * Transforms the banner ad unit sizes into an object array.
   * @param {*} bannerSizes Array of size array (ex. [[300, 250]]).
   * @returns
  adaptBannerSizes: function(bannerSizes) {
    return => ({
      w: size[0],
      h: size[1]

   * Fills the payload with specific video attributes.
   * @param {*} payload Payload that will be sent in the ServerRequest
   * @param {*} videoMediaType Video media type
  fillPayloadForVideoBidRequest: function(payload, videoMediaType, videoParams) {
    const playerSize = videoMediaType.playerSize[0];
    const map = {
      maxbitrate: 'vbrmax',
      maxduration: 'vdmax',
      minbitrate: 'vbrmin',
      minduration: 'vdmin',
      placement: 'vpt',
      plcmt: 'vplcmt',
      skip: 'skip'

    payload.mediaType = VIDEO;
    payload.isVideo = videoMediaType.context === 'instream';
    payload.videoData = {};

    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(map)) {
      payload.videoData = {
        ...this.getValuableProperty(value, videoMediaType[key])

    payload.videoData = {
      ...this.getValuableProperty('playerWidth', playerSize[0]),
      ...this.getValuableProperty('playerHeight', playerSize[1]),
      ...this.getValuableProperty('adBreak', this.getStartDelayForVideoBidRequest(videoMediaType, videoParams)),
      ...this.getValuableProperty('videoProtocol', this.getProtocolForVideoBidRequest(videoMediaType, videoParams)),
      ...(isArrayOfNums(videoMediaType.api) && videoMediaType.api.length ? { iabframeworks: videoMediaType.api.toString() } : {}),
      ...(isArrayOfNums(videoMediaType.playbackmethod) && videoMediaType.playbackmethod.length ? { vpmt: videoMediaType.playbackmethod } : {})

   * Gets a property object if the value not falsy
   * @param {string} property
   * @param {number} value
   * @returns object with the property or empty
  getValuableProperty: function(property, value) {
    return typeof property === 'string' && isInteger(value) && value
      ? { [property]: value } : {};

   * Gets the protocols from either videoParams or VideoMediaType
   * @param {*} videoMediaType
   * @param {*} videoParams
   * @returns protocol from either videoMediaType or videoParams
  getProtocolForVideoBidRequest: function(videoMediaType, videoParams) {
    if (videoParams !== undefined && videoParams.protocol) {
      return videoParams.protocol;
    } else if (videoMediaType !== undefined) {
      if (Array.isArray(videoMediaType.protocols)) {
        return Math.max.apply(Math, videoMediaType.protocols);
    return null;

   * Gets the startDelay from either videoParams or VideoMediaType
   * @param {*} videoMediaType
   * @param {*} videoParams
   * @returns positive integer value of startdelay
  getStartDelayForVideoBidRequest: function(videoMediaType, videoParams) {
    if (videoParams?.startDelay) {
      return videoParams.startDelay;
    } else if (videoMediaType?.startdelay) {
      if (videoMediaType.startdelay > 0 || videoMediaType.startdelay == -1) {
        return 2;
      } else if (videoMediaType.startdelay == -2) {
        return 3;
    return 1; // SADR-5619

   * Creates the server request.
   * @param {*} payload Body of the request.
   * @param {string} domain Endpoint domain .
   * @returns {ServerRequest} Info describing the request to the server.
  createServerRequest: function(payload, domain) {
    return {
      method: 'POST',
      url: (domain !== undefined ? domain : '') + '/prebid/v1',
      data: JSON.stringify(payload),

   * Makes server requests from the list of BidRequests.
   * @param {BidRequest[]} validBidRequests an array of bids
   * @param {BidderRequest} bidderRequest bidder request object
   * @return {ServerRequest[]} Info describing the request to the server.
  buildRequests: function (validBidRequests, bidderRequest) {
    // use bidderRequest.bids[] to get bidder-dependent request info
    const adServerCurrency = config.getConfig('currency.adServerCurrency');
    const sellerDefinedAudience = deepAccess(bidderRequest, '', config.getAnyConfig(''));
    const sellerDefinedContext = deepAccess(bidderRequest, '', config.getAnyConfig(''));

    // pull requested transaction ID from bidderRequest.bids[].transactionId
    return validBidRequests.reduce((bidRequests, bid) => {
      // Common bid request attributes for banner, outstream and instream.
      let payload = {
        siteid: bid.params.siteId,
        pageid: bid.params.pageId,
        formatid: bid.params.formatId,
        currencyCode: adServerCurrency,
        targeting: && !== '' ? : undefined,
        buid: bid.params.buId && bid.params.buId !== '' ? bid.params.buId : undefined,
        appname: bid.params.appName && bid.params.appName !== '' ? bid.params.appName : undefined,
        ckid: bid.params.ckId || 0,
        tagId: bid.adUnitCode,
        // TODO: is 'page' the right value here?
        pageDomain: bidderRequest && bidderRequest.refererInfo && ? : undefined,
        transactionId: bid.ortb2Imp?.ext?.tid,
        timeout: config.getConfig('bidderTimeout'),
        bidId: bid.bidId,
        prebidVersion: '$prebid.version$',
        schain: spec.serializeSupplyChain(bid.schain),
        sda: sellerDefinedAudience,
        sdc: sellerDefinedContext

      const gpid = deepAccess(bid, 'ortb2Imp.ext.gpid') || deepAccess(bid, '');
      if (gpid) {
        payload.gpid = gpid;

      if (bidderRequest) {
        if (bidderRequest.gdprConsent) {
          payload.addtl_consent = bidderRequest.gdprConsent.addtlConsent;
          payload.gdpr_consent = bidderRequest.gdprConsent.consentString;
          payload.gdpr = bidderRequest.gdprConsent.gdprApplies; // we're handling the undefined case server side

        if (bidderRequest.gppConsent) {
          payload.gpp = bidderRequest.gppConsent.gppString;
          payload.gpp_sid = bidderRequest.gppConsent.applicableSections;

        if (bidderRequest.uspConsent) {
          payload.us_privacy = bidderRequest.uspConsent;

      if (bid && bid.userIdAsEids) {
        payload.eids = bid.userIdAsEids;

      if (bidderRequest && bidderRequest.uspConsent) {
        payload.us_privacy = bidderRequest.uspConsent;

      const bannerMediaType = deepAccess(bid, 'mediaTypes.banner');
      const videoMediaType = deepAccess(bid, '');
      const isSupportedVideoContext = videoMediaType && (videoMediaType.context === 'instream' || videoMediaType.context === 'outstream');

      if (bannerMediaType || isSupportedVideoContext) {
        let type;
        if (bannerMediaType) {
          type = BANNER;
          payload.sizes = spec.adaptBannerSizes(bannerMediaType.sizes);

          if (isSupportedVideoContext) {
            let videoPayload = deepClone(payload);
            spec.fillPayloadForVideoBidRequest(videoPayload, videoMediaType,;
            videoPayload.bidfloor = bid.params.bidfloor || spec.getBidFloor(bid, adServerCurrency, VIDEO);
            bidRequests.push(spec.createServerRequest(videoPayload, bid.params.domain));
        } else {
          type = VIDEO;
          spec.fillPayloadForVideoBidRequest(payload, videoMediaType,;

        payload.bidfloor = bid.params.bidfloor || spec.getBidFloor(bid, adServerCurrency, type);
        bidRequests.push(spec.createServerRequest(payload, bid.params.domain));
      } else {

      return bidRequests;
    }, []);

   * Unpack the response from the server into a list of bids.
   * @param {*} serverResponse A successful response from the server.
   * @param {*} bidRequestString
   * @return {Bid[]} An array of bids which were nested inside the server.
  interpretResponse: function (serverResponse, bidRequestString) {
    const bidResponses = [];
    let response = serverResponse.body;
    try {
      if (response && !response.isNoAd && ( || response.adUrl)) {
        const bidRequest = JSON.parse(;

        let bidResponse = {
          requestId: bidRequest.bidId,
          cpm: response.cpm,
          width: response.width,
          height: response.height,
          creativeId: response.creativeId,
          dealId: response.dealId,
          currency: response.currency,
          netRevenue: response.isNetCpm,
          ttl: response.ttl,
          dspPixels: response.dspPixels,
          meta: { advertiserDomains: response.adomain ? response.adomain : [] }

        if (bidRequest.mediaType === VIDEO) {
          bidResponse.mediaType = VIDEO;
          bidResponse.vastUrl = response.adUrl;
          bidResponse.vastXml =;
          bidResponse.content =;
        } else {
          bidResponse.adUrl = response.adUrl;

    } catch (error) {
      logError('Error while parsing smart server response', error);
    return bidResponses;

   * Get floors from Prebid Price Floors module
   * @param {object} bid Bid request object
   * @param {string} currency Ad server currency
   * @param {string} mediaType Bid media type
   * @return {number} Floor price
  getBidFloor: function (bid, currency, mediaType) {
    if (!isFn(bid.getFloor)) {
      return DEFAULT_FLOOR;

    const floor = bid.getFloor({
      currency: currency || 'USD',
      size: '*'

    return isPlainObject(floor) && !isNaN(floor.floor) ? floor.floor : DEFAULT_FLOOR;

   * User syncs.
   * @param {*} syncOptions Publisher prebid configuration.
   * @param {*} serverResponses A successful response from the server.
   * @return {syncs[]} An array of syncs that should be executed.
  getUserSyncs: function (syncOptions, serverResponses) {
    const syncs = [];
    if (syncOptions.iframeEnabled && serverResponses.length > 0 && serverResponses[0].body.cSyncUrl != null) {
        type: 'iframe',
        url: serverResponses[0].body.cSyncUrl
    } else if (syncOptions.pixelEnabled && serverResponses.length > 0 && serverResponses[0].body.dspPixels !== undefined) {
      serverResponses[0].body.dspPixels.forEach(function(pixel) {
          type: 'image',
          url: pixel
    return syncs;
