import { getGlobal } from './prebidGlobal.js';
import { logWarn } from './utils.js';
const prebid = getGlobal();
* This file defines the plugin points in prebid-core for AdServer-specific functionality.
* Its main job is to expose functions for AdServer modules to append functionality to the Prebid public API.
* For a given Ad Server with name "adServerName", these functions will only change the API in the
* $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.adServers[adServerName] namespace.
* @typedef {Object} CachedVideoBid
* @property {string} videoCacheId The ID which can be used to retrieve this video from prebid-server.
* This is the same ID given to the callback in the videoCache's store function.
* @function VideoAdUrlBuilder
* @param {CachedVideoBid} bid The winning Bid which the ad server should show, assuming it beats out
* the competition.
* @param {Object} options Options required by the Ad Server to make a valid AdServer URL.
* This object will have different properties depending on the specific ad server supported.
* For more information, see the docs inside the ad server module you're supporting.
* @return {string} A URL which can be passed into the Video player to play an ad.
* @typedef {Object} VideoSupport
* @property {VideoAdUrlBuilder} buildVideoAdUrl
* Enable video support for the Ad Server.
* @property {string} name The identifying name for this adserver.
* @property {VideoSupport} videoSupport An object with the functions needed to support video in Prebid.
export function registerVideoSupport(name, videoSupport) {
prebid.adServers = prebid.adServers || { };
prebid.adServers[name] = prebid.adServers[name] || { };
Object.keys(videoSupport).forEach((key) => {
if (prebid.adServers[name][key]) {
logWarn(`Attempting to add an already registered function property ${key} for AdServer ${name}.`);
prebid.adServers[name][key] = videoSupport[key];