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4 days
Test Coverage
import {
} from './utils.js';
import {config} from './config.js';
import {NATIVE_TARGETING_KEYS} from './native.js';
import {auctionManager} from './auctionManager.js';
import {ADPOD} from './mediaTypes.js';
import {hook} from './hook.js';
import {bidderSettings} from './bidderSettings.js';
import {find, includes} from './polyfill.js';
import {getHighestCpm, getOldestHighestCpmBid} from './utils/reducers.js';
import {getTTL} from './bidTTL.js';

var pbTargetingKeys = [];


const CFG_ALLOW_TARGETING_KEYS = `targetingControls.allowTargetingKeys`;
const CFG_ADD_TARGETING_KEYS = `targetingControls.addTargetingKeys`;

export const TARGETING_KEYS_ARR = Object.keys(TARGETING_KEYS).map(
  key => TARGETING_KEYS[key]

// return unexpired bids
const isBidNotExpired = (bid) => (bid.responseTimestamp + getTTL(bid) * 1000) > timestamp();

// return bids whose status is not set. Winning bids can only have a status of `rendered`.
const isUnusedBid = (bid) => bid && ((bid.status && !includes([BID_STATUS.RENDERED], bid.status)) || !bid.status);

export let filters = {
  isActualBid(bid) {
    return bid.getStatusCode() === STATUS.GOOD

export function isBidUsable(bid) {
  return !Object.values(filters).some((predicate) => !predicate(bid));

// If two bids are found for same adUnitCode, we will use the highest one to take part in auction
// This can happen in case of concurrent auctions
// If adUnitBidLimit is set above 0 return top N number of bids
export const getHighestCpmBidsFromBidPool = hook('sync', function(bidsReceived, highestCpmCallback, adUnitBidLimit = 0, hasModified = false) {
  if (!hasModified) {
    const bids = [];
    const dealPrioritization = config.getConfig('sendBidsControl.dealPrioritization');
    // bucket by adUnitcode
    let buckets = groupBy(bidsReceived, 'adUnitCode');
    // filter top bid for each bucket by bidder
    Object.keys(buckets).forEach(bucketKey => {
      let bucketBids = [];
      let bidsByBidder = groupBy(buckets[bucketKey], 'bidderCode');
      Object.keys(bidsByBidder).forEach(key => bucketBids.push(bidsByBidder[key].reduce(highestCpmCallback)));
      // if adUnitBidLimit is set, pass top N number bids
      if (adUnitBidLimit > 0) {
        bucketBids = dealPrioritization ? bucketBids.sort(sortByDealAndPriceBucketOrCpm(true)) : bucketBids.sort((a, b) => b.cpm - a.cpm);
        bids.push(...bucketBids.slice(0, adUnitBidLimit));
      } else {

    return bids;

  return bidsReceived;

 * A descending sort function that will sort the list of objects based on the following two dimensions:
 *  - bids with a deal are sorted before bids w/o a deal
 *  - then sort bids in each grouping based on the hb_pb value
 * eg: the following list of bids would be sorted like:
 *  [{
 *    "hb_adid": "vwx",
 *    "hb_pb": "28",
 *    "hb_deal": "7747"
 *  }, {
 *    "hb_adid": "jkl",
 *    "hb_pb": "10",
 *    "hb_deal": "9234"
 *  }, {
 *    "hb_adid": "stu",
 *    "hb_pb": "50"
 *  }, {
 *    "hb_adid": "def",
 *    "hb_pb": "2"
 *  }]
export function sortByDealAndPriceBucketOrCpm(useCpm = false) {
  return function(a, b) {
    if (a.adserverTargeting.hb_deal !== undefined && b.adserverTargeting.hb_deal === undefined) {
      return -1;

    if ((a.adserverTargeting.hb_deal === undefined && b.adserverTargeting.hb_deal !== undefined)) {
      return 1;

    // assuming both values either have a deal or don't have a deal - sort by the hb_pb param
    if (useCpm) {
      return b.cpm - a.cpm;

    return b.adserverTargeting.hb_pb - a.adserverTargeting.hb_pb;

 * @typedef {Object.<string,string>} targeting
 * @property {string} targeting_key

 * @typedef {Object.<string,Object.<string,string[]>[]>[]} targetingArray

export function newTargeting(auctionManager) {
  let targeting = {};
  let latestAuctionForAdUnit = {};

  targeting.setLatestAuctionForAdUnit = function(adUnitCode, auctionId) {
    latestAuctionForAdUnit[adUnitCode] = auctionId;

  targeting.resetPresetTargeting = function(adUnitCode, customSlotMatching) {
    if (isGptPubadsDefined()) {
      const adUnitCodes = getAdUnitCodes(adUnitCode);
      const adUnits = auctionManager.getAdUnits().filter(adUnit => includes(adUnitCodes, adUnit.code));
      let unsetKeys = pbTargetingKeys.reduce((reducer, key) => {
        reducer[key] = null;
        return reducer;
      }, {});
      window.googletag.pubads().getSlots().forEach(slot => {
        let customSlotMatchingFunc = isFn(customSlotMatching) && customSlotMatching(slot);
        // reset only registered adunits
        adUnits.forEach(unit => {
          if (unit.code === slot.getAdUnitPath() ||
              unit.code === slot.getSlotElementId() ||
              (isFn(customSlotMatchingFunc) && customSlotMatchingFunc(unit.code))) {

  targeting.resetPresetTargetingAST = function(adUnitCode) {
    const adUnitCodes = getAdUnitCodes(adUnitCode);
    adUnitCodes.forEach(function(unit) {
      const astTag = window.apntag.getTag(unit);
      if (astTag && astTag.keywords) {
        const currentKeywords = Object.keys(astTag.keywords);
        const newKeywords = {};
        currentKeywords.forEach((key) => {
          if (!includes(pbTargetingKeys, key.toLowerCase())) {
            newKeywords[key] = astTag.keywords[key];
        window.apntag.modifyTag(unit, { keywords: newKeywords })

   * checks if bid has targeting set and belongs based on matching ad unit codes
   * @return {boolean} true or false
  function bidShouldBeAddedToTargeting(bid, adUnitCodes) {
    return bid.adserverTargeting && adUnitCodes &&
      ((isArray(adUnitCodes) && includes(adUnitCodes, bid.adUnitCode)) ||
      (typeof adUnitCodes === 'string' && bid.adUnitCode === adUnitCodes));

   * Returns targeting for any bids which have deals if alwaysIncludeDeals === true
  function getDealBids(adUnitCodes, bidsReceived) {
    if (config.getConfig('targetingControls.alwaysIncludeDeals') === true) {

      // we only want the top bid from bidders who have multiple entries per ad unit code
      const bids = getHighestCpmBidsFromBidPool(bidsReceived, getHighestCpm);

      // populate targeting keys for the remaining bids if they have a dealId
      return => {
        if (bid.dealId && bidShouldBeAddedToTargeting(bid, adUnitCodes)) {
          return {
            [bid.adUnitCode]: getTargetingMap(bid, standardKeys.filter(
              key => typeof bid.adserverTargeting[key] !== 'undefined')
      }).filter(bid => bid); // removes empty elements in array
    return [];

   * Returns filtered ad server targeting for custom and allowed keys.
   * @param {targetingArray} targeting
   * @param {string[]} allowedKeys
   * @return {targetingArray} filtered targeting
  function getAllowedTargetingKeyValues(targeting, allowedKeys) {
    const defaultKeyring = Object.assign({}, TARGETING_KEYS, NATIVE_KEYS);
    const defaultKeys = Object.keys(defaultKeyring);
    const keyDispositions = {};
    logInfo(`allowTargetingKeys - allowed keys [ ${ => defaultKeyring[k]).join(', ')} ]`); => {
      const adUnitCode = Object.keys(adUnit)[0];
      const keyring = adUnit[adUnitCode];
      const keys = keyring.filter(kvPair => {
        const key = Object.keys(kvPair)[0];
        // check if key is in default keys, if not, it's custom, we won't remove it.
        const isCustom = defaultKeys.filter(defaultKey => key.indexOf(defaultKeyring[defaultKey]) === 0).length === 0;
        // check if key explicitly allowed, if not, we'll remove it.
        const found = isCustom || find(allowedKeys, allowedKey => {
          const allowedKeyName = defaultKeyring[allowedKey];
          // we're looking to see if the key exactly starts with one of our default keys.
          // (which hopefully means it's not custom)
          const found = key.indexOf(allowedKeyName) === 0;
          return found;
        keyDispositions[key] = !found;
        return found;
      adUnit[adUnitCode] = keys;
    const removedKeys = Object.keys(keyDispositions).filter(d => keyDispositions[d]);
    logInfo(`allowTargetingKeys - removed keys [ ${removedKeys.join(', ')} ]`);
    // remove any empty targeting objects, as they're unnecessary.
    const filteredTargeting = targeting.filter(adUnit => {
      const adUnitCode = Object.keys(adUnit)[0];
      const keyring = adUnit[adUnitCode];
      return keyring.length > 0;
    return filteredTargeting

   * Returns all ad server targeting for all ad units.
   * @param {string=} adUnitCode
   * @return {Object.<string,targeting>} targeting
  targeting.getAllTargeting = function(adUnitCode, bidsReceived = getBidsReceived()) {
    const adUnitCodes = getAdUnitCodes(adUnitCode);

    // Get targeting for the winning bid. Add targeting for any bids that have
    // `alwaysUseBid=true`. If sending all bids is enabled, add targeting for losing bids.
    var targeting = getWinningBidTargeting(adUnitCodes, bidsReceived)
      .concat(getCustomBidTargeting(adUnitCodes, bidsReceived))
      .concat(config.getConfig('enableSendAllBids') ? getBidLandscapeTargeting(adUnitCodes, bidsReceived) : getDealBids(adUnitCodes, bidsReceived))

    // store a reference of the targeting keys => {
      Object.keys(adUnitCode).map(key => {
        adUnitCode[key].map(targetKey => {
          if (pbTargetingKeys.indexOf(Object.keys(targetKey)[0]) === -1) {
            pbTargetingKeys = Object.keys(targetKey).concat(pbTargetingKeys);

    const defaultKeys = Object.keys(Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_TARGETING_KEYS, NATIVE_KEYS));
    let allowedKeys = config.getConfig(CFG_ALLOW_TARGETING_KEYS);
    const addedKeys = config.getConfig(CFG_ADD_TARGETING_KEYS);

    if (addedKeys != null && allowedKeys != null) {
    } else if (addedKeys != null) {
      allowedKeys = defaultKeys.concat(addedKeys);
    } else {
      allowedKeys = allowedKeys || defaultKeys;

    if (Array.isArray(allowedKeys) && allowedKeys.length > 0) {
      targeting = getAllowedTargetingKeyValues(targeting, allowedKeys);

    targeting = flattenTargeting(targeting);

    const auctionKeysThreshold = config.getConfig('targetingControls.auctionKeyMaxChars');
    if (auctionKeysThreshold) {
      logInfo(`Detected 'targetingControls.auctionKeyMaxChars' was active for this auction; set with a limit of ${auctionKeysThreshold} characters.  Running checks on auction keys...`);
      targeting = filterTargetingKeys(targeting, auctionKeysThreshold);

    // make sure at least there is a entry per adUnit code in the targetingSet so receivers of SET_TARGETING call's can know what ad units are being invoked
    adUnitCodes.forEach(code => {
      if (!targeting[code]) {
        targeting[code] = {};

    return targeting;

  // warn about conflicting configuration
  config.getConfig('targetingControls', function (config) {
    if (deepAccess(config, CFG_ALLOW_TARGETING_KEYS) != null && deepAccess(config, CFG_ADD_TARGETING_KEYS) != null) {

  // create an encoded string variant based on the keypairs of the provided object
  //  - note this will encode the characters between the keys (ie = and &)
  function convertKeysToQueryForm(keyMap) {
    return Object.keys(keyMap).reduce(function (queryString, key) {
      let encodedKeyPair = `${key}%3d${encodeURIComponent(keyMap[key])}%26`;
      return queryString += encodedKeyPair;
    }, '');

  function filterTargetingKeys(targeting, auctionKeysThreshold) {
    // read each targeting.adUnit object and sort the adUnits into a list of adUnitCodes based on priorization setting (eg CPM)
    let targetingCopy = deepClone(targeting);

    let targetingMap = Object.keys(targetingCopy).map(adUnitCode => {
      return {
        adserverTargeting: targetingCopy[adUnitCode]

    // iterate through the targeting based on above list and transform the keys into the query-equivalent and count characters
    return targetingMap.reduce(function (accMap, currMap, index, arr) {
      let adUnitQueryString = convertKeysToQueryForm(currMap.adserverTargeting);

      // for the last adUnit - trim last encoded ampersand from the converted query string
      if ((index + 1) === arr.length) {
        adUnitQueryString = adUnitQueryString.slice(0, -3);

      // if under running threshold add to result
      let code = currMap.adUnitCode;
      let querySize = adUnitQueryString.length;
      if (querySize <= auctionKeysThreshold) {
        auctionKeysThreshold -= querySize;
        logInfo(`AdUnit '${code}' auction keys comprised of ${querySize} characters.  Deducted from running threshold; new limit is ${auctionKeysThreshold}`, targetingCopy[code]);

        accMap[code] = targetingCopy[code];
      } else {
        logWarn(`The following keys for adUnitCode '${code}' exceeded the current limit of the 'auctionKeyMaxChars' setting.\nThe key-set size was ${querySize}, the current allotted amount was ${auctionKeysThreshold}.\n`, targetingCopy[code]);

      if ((index + 1) === arr.length && Object.keys(accMap).length === 0) {
        logError('No auction targeting keys were permitted due to the setting in setConfig(targetingControls.auctionKeyMaxChars).  Please review setup and consider adjusting.');
      return accMap;
    }, {});

   * Converts targeting array and flattens to make it easily iteratable
   * e.g: Sample input to this function
   * ```
   * [
   *    {
   *      "div-gpt-ad-1460505748561-0": [{"hb_bidder": ["appnexusAst"]}]
   *    },
   *    {
   *      "div-gpt-ad-1460505748561-0": [{"hb_bidder_appnexusAs": ["appnexusAst", "other"]}]
   *    }
   * ]
   * ```
   * Resulting array
   * ```
   * {
   *  "div-gpt-ad-1460505748561-0": {
   *    "hb_bidder": "appnexusAst",
   *    "hb_bidder_appnexusAs": "appnexusAst,other"
   *  }
   * }
   * ```
   * @param {targetingArray}  targeting
   * @return {Object.<string,targeting>}  targeting
  function flattenTargeting(targeting) {
    let targetingObj = => {
      return {
        [Object.keys(targeting)[0]]: targeting[Object.keys(targeting)[0]]
          .map(target => {
            return {
              [Object.keys(target)[0]]: target[Object.keys(target)[0]].join(',')
          }).reduce((p, c) => Object.assign(c, p), {})
    }).reduce(function (accumulator, targeting) {
      var key = Object.keys(targeting)[0];
      accumulator[key] = Object.assign({}, accumulator[key], targeting[key]);
      return accumulator;
    }, {});
    return targetingObj;

   * Sets targeting for DFP
   * @param {Object.<string,Object.<string,string>>} targetingConfig
  targeting.setTargetingForGPT = function(targetingConfig, customSlotMatching) {
    window.googletag.pubads().getSlots().forEach(slot => {
      Object.keys(targetingConfig).filter(customSlotMatching ? customSlotMatching(slot) : isAdUnitCodeMatchingSlot(slot))
        .forEach(targetId => {
          Object.keys(targetingConfig[targetId]).forEach(key => {
            let value = targetingConfig[targetId][key];
            if (typeof value === 'string' && value.indexOf(',') !== -1) {
              // due to the check the array will be formed only if string has ',' else plain string will be assigned as value
              value = value.split(',');
            targetingConfig[targetId][key] = value;
          logMessage(`Attempting to set targeting-map for slot: ${slot.getSlotElementId()} with targeting-map:`, targetingConfig[targetId]);

   * normlizes input to a `adUnit.code` array
   * @param  {(string|string[])} adUnitCode [description]
   * @return {string[]}     AdUnit code array
  function getAdUnitCodes(adUnitCode) {
    if (typeof adUnitCode === 'string') {
      return [adUnitCode];
    } else if (isArray(adUnitCode)) {
      return adUnitCode;
    return auctionManager.getAdUnitCodes() || [];

  function getBidsReceived() {
    let bidsReceived = auctionManager.getBidsReceived();

    if (!config.getConfig('useBidCache')) {
      // don't use bid cache (i.e. filter out bids not in the latest auction)
      bidsReceived = bidsReceived.filter(bid => latestAuctionForAdUnit[bid.adUnitCode] === bid.auctionId)
    } else {
      // if custom bid cache filter function exists, run for each bid from
      // previous auctions. If it returns true, include bid in bid pool
      const filterFunction = config.getConfig('bidCacheFilterFunction');
      if (typeof filterFunction === 'function') {
        bidsReceived = bidsReceived.filter(bid => latestAuctionForAdUnit[bid.adUnitCode] === bid.auctionId || !!filterFunction(bid))

    bidsReceived = bidsReceived
      .filter(bid => deepAccess(bid, 'video.context') !== ADPOD)

      .forEach(bid => {
        bid.latestTargetedAuctionId = latestAuctionForAdUnit[bid.adUnitCode];
        return bid;

    return getHighestCpmBidsFromBidPool(bidsReceived, getOldestHighestCpmBid);

   * Returns top bids for a given adUnit or set of adUnits.
   * @param  {(string|string[])} adUnitCode adUnitCode or array of adUnitCodes
   * @return {[type]}            [description]
  targeting.getWinningBids = function(adUnitCode, bidsReceived = getBidsReceived()) {
    const adUnitCodes = getAdUnitCodes(adUnitCode);
    return bidsReceived
      .filter(bid => includes(adUnitCodes, bid.adUnitCode))
      .filter(bid => (bidderSettings.get(bid.bidderCode, 'allowZeroCpmBids') === true) ? bid.cpm >= 0 : bid.cpm > 0)
      .map(bid => bid.adUnitCode)
      .map(adUnitCode => bidsReceived
        .filter(bid => bid.adUnitCode === adUnitCode ? bid : null)

   * @param  {(string|string[])} adUnitCodes adUnitCode or array of adUnitCodes
   * Sets targeting for AST
  targeting.setTargetingForAst = function(adUnitCodes) {
    let astTargeting = targeting.getAllTargeting(adUnitCodes);

    try {
    } catch (e) {
      logError('unable to reset targeting for AST' + e)

    Object.keys(astTargeting).forEach(targetId =>
      Object.keys(astTargeting[targetId]).forEach(key => {
        logMessage(`Attempting to set targeting for targetId: ${targetId} key: ${key} value: ${astTargeting[targetId][key]}`);
        // setKeywords supports string and array as value
        if (isStr(astTargeting[targetId][key]) || isArray(astTargeting[targetId][key])) {
          let keywordsObj = {};
          let regex = /pt[0-9]/;
          if ( < 0) {
            keywordsObj[key.toUpperCase()] = astTargeting[targetId][key];
          } else {
            // pt${n} keys should not be uppercased
            keywordsObj[key] = astTargeting[targetId][key];
          window.apntag.setKeywords(targetId, keywordsObj, { overrideKeyValue: true });

   * Get targeting key value pairs for winning bid.
   * @param {string[]}    adUnitCodes code array
   * @return {targetingArray}   winning bids targeting
  function getWinningBidTargeting(adUnitCodes, bidsReceived) {
    let winners = targeting.getWinningBids(adUnitCodes, bidsReceived);
    let standardKeys = getStandardKeys();

    winners = => {
      return {
        [winner.adUnitCode]: Object.keys(winner.adserverTargeting)
          .filter(key =>
            typeof winner.sendStandardTargeting === 'undefined' ||
            winner.sendStandardTargeting ||
            standardKeys.indexOf(key) === -1)
          .reduce((acc, key) => {
            const targetingValue = [winner.adserverTargeting[key]];
            const targeting = { [key.substring(0, MAX_DFP_KEYLENGTH)]: targetingValue };
            if (key === TARGETING_KEYS.DEAL) {
              const bidderCodeTargetingKey = `${key}_${winner.bidderCode}`.substring(0, MAX_DFP_KEYLENGTH);
              const bidderCodeTargeting = { [bidderCodeTargetingKey]: targetingValue };
              return [...acc, targeting, bidderCodeTargeting];
            return [...acc, targeting];
          }, [])

    return winners;

  function getStandardKeys() {
    return auctionManager.getStandardBidderAdServerTargeting() // in case using a custom standard key set
      .map(targeting => targeting.key)
      .concat(TARGETING_KEYS_ARR).filter(uniques); // standard keys defined in the library.

   * Merge custom adserverTargeting with same key name for same adUnitCode.
   * e.g: Appnexus defining custom keyvalue pair foo:bar and Rubicon defining custom keyvalue pair foo:baz will be merged to foo: ['bar','baz']
   * @param {Object[]} acc Accumulator for reducer. It will store updated bidResponse objects
   * @param {Object} bid BidResponse
   * @param {number} index current index
   * @param {Array} arr original array
  function mergeAdServerTargeting(acc, bid, index, arr) {
    function concatTargetingValue(key) {
      return function(currentBidElement) {
        if (!isArray(currentBidElement.adserverTargeting[key])) {
          currentBidElement.adserverTargeting[key] = [currentBidElement.adserverTargeting[key]];
        currentBidElement.adserverTargeting[key] = currentBidElement.adserverTargeting[key].concat(bid.adserverTargeting[key]).filter(uniques);
        delete bid.adserverTargeting[key];

    function hasSameAdunitCodeAndKey(key) {
      return function(currentBidElement) {
        return currentBidElement.adUnitCode === bid.adUnitCode && currentBidElement.adserverTargeting[key]

      .forEach(key => {
        if (acc.length) {
    return acc;

  function getCustomKeys() {
    let standardKeys = getStandardKeys();
      standardKeys = standardKeys.concat(NATIVE_TARGETING_KEYS);
    return function(key) {
      return standardKeys.indexOf(key) === -1;

  function truncateCustomKeys(bid) {
    return {
      [bid.adUnitCode]: Object.keys(bid.adserverTargeting)
        // Get only the non-standard keys of the losing bids, since we
        // don't want to override the standard keys of the winning bid.
        .map(key => {
          return {
            [key.substring(0, MAX_DFP_KEYLENGTH)]: [bid.adserverTargeting[key]]

   * Get custom targeting key value pairs for bids.
   * @param {string[]}    adUnitCodes code array
   * @return {targetingArray}   bids with custom targeting defined in bidderSettings
  function getCustomBidTargeting(adUnitCodes, bidsReceived) {
    return bidsReceived
      .filter(bid => includes(adUnitCodes, bid.adUnitCode))
      .map(bid => Object.assign({}, bid))
      .reduce(mergeAdServerTargeting, [])
      .filter(bid => bid); // removes empty elements in array;

   * Get targeting key value pairs for non-winning bids.
   * @param {string[]}    adUnitCodes code array
   * @return {targetingArray}   all non-winning bids targeting
  function getBidLandscapeTargeting(adUnitCodes, bidsReceived) {
    const adUnitBidLimit = config.getConfig('sendBidsControl.bidLimit');
    const bids = getHighestCpmBidsFromBidPool(bidsReceived, getHighestCpm, adUnitBidLimit);
    const allowSendAllBidsTargetingKeys = config.getConfig('targetingControls.allowSendAllBidsTargetingKeys');

    const allowedSendAllBidTargeting = allowSendAllBidsTargetingKeys
      ? => TARGETING_KEYS[key])
      : standardKeys;

    // populate targeting keys for the remaining bids
    return => {
      if (bidShouldBeAddedToTargeting(bid, adUnitCodes)) {
        return {
          [bid.adUnitCode]: getTargetingMap(bid, standardKeys.filter(
            key => typeof bid.adserverTargeting[key] !== 'undefined' &&
            allowedSendAllBidTargeting.indexOf(key) !== -1)
    }).filter(bid => bid); // removes empty elements in array

  function getTargetingMap(bid, keys) {
    return => {
      return {
        [`${key}_${bid.bidderCode}`.substring(0, MAX_DFP_KEYLENGTH)]: [bid.adserverTargeting[key]]

  function getAdUnitTargeting(adUnitCodes) {
    function getTargetingObj(adUnit) {
      return deepAccess(adUnit, JSON_MAPPING.ADSERVER_TARGETING);

    function getTargetingValues(adUnit) {
      const aut = getTargetingObj(adUnit);

      return Object.keys(aut)
        .map(function(key) {
          if (isStr(aut[key])) aut[key] = aut[key].split(',').map(s => s.trim());
          if (!isArray(aut[key])) aut[key] = [ aut[key] ];
          return { [key]: aut[key] };

    return auctionManager.getAdUnits()
      .filter(adUnit => includes(adUnitCodes, adUnit.code) && getTargetingObj(adUnit))
      .map(adUnit => {
        return {[adUnit.code]: getTargetingValues(adUnit)}

  targeting.isApntagDefined = function() {
    if (window.apntag && isFn(window.apntag.setKeywords)) {
      return true;

  return targeting;

export const targeting = newTargeting(auctionManager);