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var taxi = require('..');

// Connect in synchronous mode to a locally started Selenium stand-alone server,
// starting-up a session with a locally installed Firefox browser.
// The client is set in "SYNC"-mode which means that calls are synchronous;
// whenever Taxi makes a request to the browser, it will wait until it finishes it.
var driver = taxi('http://localhost:4444/wd/hub', { browserName:'firefox' }, { mode: taxi.Driver.MODE_SYNC });

// Don't fail the comparison when a difference is found.
// This will only create a difference image.
driver.setValue('blinkDiff.failOnDifference', false);

try {

    // Start chaining

        // Navigate to an url - to Yahoo in this case

        // Enter a search term - here it is "apple"
        .elementSendKeys('.searchwrapper .input-wrapper input', 'apple')

        // Get the title of the page...
        .title(function (title) {

            // ...and print it to the console

            // Here, we are comparing the Apple inset on the top-right corner
            // It doesn't have to be called in this context, it is just here
            // as an example
            this.elementCompare('.searchRightTop', 'Apple Inset');

        // With this we can refresh the page

        // Get all elements with this selector
        .elements('.searchCenterMiddle .compTitle', function (element) {

            // Switching to OOP interface to do some context dependent selection
            // The context is now the one of the found elements and
            // the selector ".title" is applied to the children of that element.
            // This is only possible with the OOP interface.
            // This is the title of a search result entry.

            // Here another example using the OOP interface with the chain-interface:
            // We check if the DOM-element below the found element exist, and then
            // we will print it content.
            // This is the url of a search-result entry.
            if (element.hasElement('div span')) {
                console.log(element.getElement('div span').getText());

        // Make sure to complete the chaining,
        // otherwise the browser stays open.

} catch (err) {

    // Print out the stack-trace of the error that occurred.

    // Should an error occur, then close the browser here too
    // since the "end()" call is skipped.
    // You could also call "driver.chain().end()".
    // This is just another way of writing the same thing.
    // It is part of the OOP interface.