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'use strict';

var logMethods = require('./log');
var when = require('./when');
var type = require('./type');

var ActiveWindow = require('./activeWindow');
var WindowHandler = require('./window');
var IME = require('./ime');
var LocalStorage = require('./localStorage');
var CookieStorage = require('./cookieStorage');

module.exports = Browser;

 * Browser accessor class
 * @constructor
 * @class Browser
 * @module WebDriver
 * @submodule Core
 * @param {Driver} driver Driver object
function Browser (driver) {
  this._driver = driver;

// Private Methods //

 * Logs a method call by an event
 * @param {object} event
 * @method _logMethodCall
 * @protected
Browser.prototype._logMethodCall = function (event) { = 'Browser';

 * Performs a context dependent JSON request for the current session.
 * The result is parsed for errors.
 * @method _requestJSON
 * @private
 * @param {String} method
 * @param {String} path
 * @param {*} [body]
 * @return {*}
Browser.prototype._requestJSON = function (method, path, body) {
  return this._driver._requestJSON(method, path, body);

// Enumerations //

 * Landscape orientation of the device
 * @static
 * @type {string}
Browser.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE = 'landscape';

 * Portrait orientation of the device
 * @static
 * @type {string}
Browser.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT = 'portrait';

// Public Methods //

 * Gets the driver object.
 * Direct-access. No need to wait.
 * @return {Driver}
Browser.prototype.getDriver = function () {
  return this._driver;

 * Change focus to another window
 * @method activateWindow
 * @param {WindowHandler|String} handle
Browser.prototype.activateWindow = function (handle) {
  type('handle', handle, 'Object|String');

  var handleId;

  if (typeof handle === 'object') {
    handleId =;
  } else {
    handleId = handle;

  return when(handleId, function (windowHandle) {
    this._requestJSON('POST', '/window', {
      name: windowHandle

 * Get the currently active window.
 * Direct-access. No need to wait.
 * @method activeWindow
 * @return {ActiveWindow}
Browser.prototype.activeWindow = function () {
  return new ActiveWindow(this._driver, 'current');

 * Get an array of windows for all available windows
 * @method getWindows
 * @return {Array.<WindowHandler>}
Browser.prototype.getWindows = function () {
  return when(this._requestJSON('GET', '/window_handles'), function (handles) {
    return (handle) {
      return new WindowHandler(this._driver, handle);

 * Get the current browser orientation
 * @method getOrientation
 * @return {String}
Browser.prototype.getOrientation = function () {
  return this._requestJSON('GET', '/orientation');

 * Get the current browser orientation
 * @method setOrientation
 * @param {String} orientation
Browser.prototype.setOrientation = function (orientation) {
  type('orientation', orientation, 'String');
  return this._requestJSON('POST', '/orientation', { orientation: orientation });

 * Get the current geo location
 * @method getGeoLocation
 * @return {Object} `{latitude: number, longitude: number, altitude: number}`
Browser.prototype.getGeoLocation = function () {
  return this._requestJSON('GET', '/location');

 * Set the current geo location
 * @method setGeoLocation
 * @param {Number} latitude
 * @param {Number} longitude
 * @param {Number} altitude
Browser.prototype.setGeoLocation = function (latitude, longitude, altitude) {
  type('latitude', latitude, 'Number');
  type('longitude', longitude, 'Number');
  type('altitude', altitude, 'Number');
  return this._requestJSON('POST', '/location', { latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude, altitude: altitude });

 * Get the IME object.
 * Direct-access. No need to wait.
 * @method ime
 * @return {IME}
Browser.prototype.ime = function () {
  return new IME(this._driver);

 * Get the Cookie-Storage object.
 * Direct-access. No need to wait.
 * @method cookieStorage
 * @return {CookieStorage}
Browser.prototype.cookieStorage = function () {
  return new CookieStorage(this._driver);

 * Get the Local-Storage object.
 * Direct-access. No need to wait.
 * @method localStorage
 * @return {LocalStorage}
Browser.prototype.localStorage = function () {
  return new LocalStorage(this._driver);
