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    <title>Prato Aberto - Editor Cardapio</title>
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        /* Objetos da tabela */
        .row {
            margin-top: 40px;
            padding: 0 10px;

        .container {
            width: 80%;

        .clickable {
            cursor: pointer;

        .panel-heading div {
            margin-top: -18px;
            font-size: 15px;

        .panel-heading div span {
            margin-left: 5px;

        .panel-body {
            display: none;

        .table-responsive {
            height: 500px;
            overflow-y: auto;
            overflow-x: auto;

        .table>tfoot>tr>th {
            font-size: 10px;

        .table>tfoot>tr>td {
            vertical-align: inherit;

        .navbar-nav {
            margin-top: 8px;
            padding-left: 10px;


    {% include 'messages.html' %}

    <div class="container">
        <!-- NAVBAR -->
        <div class="row">
            <nav class="navbar navbar-default">
                <div class="container-fluid">
                    <!-- Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display -->
                    <div class="navbar-header">
                        <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Prato Aberto - DE-PARA Geral dos Alimentos</a>
                    <form method="post" id="form_from_to" action="/editor/atualiza_configuracoes">
                        <div class="collapse navbar-collapse">
                            <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
                                <button onclick="geraTabela()" type="submit" class="btn btn-success">
                                    <i class="fa fa-upload" aria-hidden="true"></i> SALVAR</button>
                                <input type="hidden" name="json_dump" id="json_dump" value="json_dump">

                                <a type="button" class="btn btn-default " href="{{ referrer }}">
                                    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span> VOLTAR PARA CARDÁPIOS


        <div class="row">
            <button onclick="addRow()"
                title="Adicionar novo DE-PARA de ingredientes para configuração geral de alimentos"
                class="btn btn-primary" style="float: right"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"
                    aria-hidden="true"></span> Adicionar Novo</button>

        <div class="row">
            <div class="panel panel-success">
                <div class="panel-heading">
                    <h2 class="panel-title">DE-PARA</h2>
                    <div class="pull-right">
                        <span class="clickable filter" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Toggle table filter"
                            <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-filter"></i>
                <div class="panel-body">
                    <input type="text" class="form-control" id="task-table-filter" data-action="filter"
                        data-filters="#task-table" placeholder="Filter Tasks" />
                <div class="table-responsive">
                    <div class="panel panel-default">
                        <table class="table table-hover table-striped" id="task-table">
                                    <th onclick="w3.sortHTML('#task-table', '.item', 'td:nth-child(1)')"
                                        style="cursor:pointer; word-wrap: break-word;min-width: 150px;max-width: 150px;">
                                        ID <i class="fa fa-sort" aria-hidden="true"></i></th>
                                    <th onclick="w3.sortHTML('#task-table', '.item', 'td:nth-child(2)')"
                                        style="cursor:pointer; word-wrap: break-word;min-width: 150px;max-width: 150px; display:none">
                                        GRUPO SUBSTITUIÇÃO <i class="fa fa-sort" aria-hidden="true"></i></th>
                                    <th onclick="w3.sortHTML('#task-table', '.item', 'td:nth-child(3)')"
                                        style="cursor:pointer; word-wrap: break-word;min-width: 150px;max-width: 150px;">
                                        ESCOPO <i class="fa fa-sort" aria-hidden="true"></i></th>
                                    <th onclick="w3.sortHTML('#task-table', '.item', 'td:nth-child(4)')"
                                        style="cursor:pointer; word-wrap: break-word;min-width: 150px;max-width: 150px;">
                                        DE <i class="fa fa-sort" aria-hidden="true"></i></th>
                                    <th onclick="w3.sortHTML('#task-table', '.item', 'td:nth-child(5)')"
                                        style="cursor:pointer; word-wrap: break-word;min-width: 150px;max-width: 150px;">
                                        PARA <i class="fa fa-sort" aria-hidden="true"></i></th>
                                {% for linha in config %}
                                <tr class="item">
                                    <td class="ids">{{ linha[0] }}</td>
                                    <td class="substitution_group" style="display:none">{{ linha[1] }}</td>
                                    <td class="substitution_scope" contenteditable="true">{{ linha[2] }}</td>
                                    <td class="from_word" contenteditable="true">{{ linha[3] }}</td>
                                    <td class="to_word" contenteditable="true">{{ linha[4] }}</td>
                                    <td><a value='Delete' onclick='deleteRow(this)'><i
                                                style='color:#D9534F;font-size:30px;text-align: center; cursor:pointer'
                                {% endfor %}
        <footer class="container-fluid text-center">
            <p><a href=""
                    title="Projeto Prato Aberto"></a></p>

    <!-- Script com a funcionalidade do filtro da tabela -->
        *   I don't recommend using this plugin on large tables, I just wrote it to make the demo useable. It will work fine for smaller tables
        *   but will likely encounter performance issues on larger tables.
        *        <input type="text" class="form-control" id="dev-table-filter" data-action="filter" data-filters="#dev-table" placeholder="Filter Developers" />
        *        $(input-element).filterTable()
        *    The important attributes are 'data-action="filter"' and 'data-filters="#table-selector"'
        (function () {
            'use strict';
            var $ = jQuery;
                filterTable: function () {
                    return this.each(function () {
                        $(this).on('keyup', function (e) {
                            var $this = $(this),
                                search = $this.val().toLowerCase(),
                                target = $this.attr('data-filters'),
                                $target = $(target),
                                $rows = $target.find('tbody tr');

                            if (search == '') {
                            } else {
                                $rows.each(function () {
                                    var $this = $(this);
                                    $this.text().toLowerCase().indexOf(search) === -1 ? $this.hide() : $;
                                if ($target.find('tbody tr:visible').size() === 0) {
                                    var col_count = $target.find('tr').first().find('td').size();
                                    var no_results = $('<tr class="filterTable_no_results"><td colspan="' + col_count + '">No results found</td></tr>')

        $(function () {
            // attach table filter plugin to inputs

            $('.container').on('click', '.panel-heading span.filter', function (e) {
                var $this = $(this),
                    $panel = $this.parents('.panel');

                if ($this.css('display') != 'none') {
                    $panel.find('.panel-body input').focus();

    <!-- Botões de ordenação da tabela -->
    <script src="/editor/static/js/w3.js"></script>

    <!-- Substitui o texto do dropdown -->
        $(".dropdown-menu > li").click(function () {
            var $toggle = $(this).parent().siblings('.dropdown-toggle');
            $toggle.html("<i class=\"icon icon-envelope icon-white\"></i> " + $(this).text() + "<span class=\"caret\"></span>")

    <!-- Deleta linha da tabela -->
        function deleteRow(r) {
            if (confirm('Deseja remover esta linha?')) {
                var i = r.parentNode.parentNode.rowIndex;

    <!-- Adiciona linhas na tabela -->
        function addRow() {
                "<tr class='item warning'>" +
                "<td class='ids'>NOVO</td>" +
                "<td class='substitution_group' style='display:none'></td>" +
                "<td class='substitution_scope' contenteditable='true'>INGREDIENTES</td>" +
                "<td class='from_word' contenteditable='true'></td>" +
                "<td class='to_word' contenteditable='true'></td>" +
                "<td><a value='Delete' onclick='deleteRow(this)'><i style='color:#D9534F;font-size:30px;text-align: center; cursor:pointer' class='fa'></i></a></td>" +


        function strip_tag(value) {
            r = value.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, "");
            r = r.replace(/(&nbsp;)/ig, "");
            r = r.replace(/(&amp;)/ig, "");
            return r;

    <!-- Monta tabela -->
        function geraTabela() {
            json_dump = [];

            $('#task-table tr.item').each(function () {
                var substitution_group = $(this).find(".substitution_group").html();
                var substitution_scope = $(this).find(".substitution_scope").html();
                var from_word = $(this).find(".from_word").html();
                var to_word = $(this).find(".to_word").html();

                var Tabela = [substitution_group, substitution_scope, strip_tag(from_word), strip_tag(to_word)]

            $('#json_dump').attr('value', JSON.stringify(json_dump));

