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Test Coverage
    <div class="possible-time-save">
        <div class="label">{{ label }}</div>
        <div class="time">{{ possibleTimeSave | aevum(format) }}</div>

<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue, Prop } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { namespace } from 'vuex-class';

import { Segment, TimingMethod, getFinalTime } from '../common/interfaces/segment';
import { TimerStatus } from '../common/timer-status';
import { now } from '../utils/time';
import AevumFormatMixin from '../mixins/aevum-format.mixin.vue';

const timer = namespace('splitterino/timer');
const splits = namespace('splitterino/splits');

    name: 'spl-possible-time-save',
    mixins: [AevumFormatMixin]
export default class PossibleTimeSaveComponent extends Vue {
    @Prop({ type: String, default: 'Possible Time Save' })
    public label: string;

    public status: TimerStatus;

    public segments: Segment[];

    public currentSegment: number;

    public timing: TimingMethod;

    public currentSegmentTime: number = 0;
     * Id of the interval to cancel it when the component is getting
     * destroyed.
    private intervalId = -1;

    private statusWatcher = () => {
        // noop

    public created() {
        this.statusWatcher = this.$
            state => state.splitterino.timer.status,
            () => this.statusChange()


    public beforeDestroy() {

    public get possibleTimeSave() {
        const segment = this.segments[this.currentSegment];
        if (segment != null && segment.overallBest != null && segment.overallBest[this.timing] != null) {
            return Math.max(getFinalTime(segment.overallBest[this.timing]) - this.currentSegmentTime, 0);

        return null;

    public statusChange(forceUpdate: boolean = false) {
        if (
            this.status === TimerStatus.RUNNING ||
            (this.timing !== TimingMethod.IGT && this.status === TimerStatus.RUNNING_IGT_PAUSE)
        ) {
            // It's already running, no need to start another interval
            if (this.intervalId < 0) {
                this.intervalId = window.setInterval(() => {
                }, 1);


        if (this.intervalId > -1) {
            this.intervalId = -1;

        if (this.status === TimerStatus.STOPPED) {
            this.currentSegmentTime = 0;

    private calculateCurrentSegmentTime() {
        const segment = this.segments[this.currentSegment];
        if (segment != null) {
            const pauseTime = segment.currentTime != null && segment.currentTime[this.timing] != null ?
                segment.currentTime[this.timing].pauseTime : 0;
            const currentTime = (now() - segment.startTime - pauseTime);
            const best = segment.personalBest != null ? getFinalTime(segment.personalBest[this.timing]) : null;

            this.currentSegmentTime = Math.max(currentTime, best > 0 ? best : null);
        } else {
            this.currentSegmentTime = 0;

<style lang="scss" scoped>
.possible-time-save {
    display: flex;
    flex-wrap: nowrap;

    .label {
        flex: 1 1 auto;

    .time {
        flex: 0 0 auto;
        text-align: right;