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import * as functions from 'firebase-functions'
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin'
import { runStepsFromEvent, runBackupsFromEvent } from './runSteps'
import { to } from '../utils/async'
import {
} from './utils'

 * Send FCM message to user
 * @param params - Params object
 * @param params.message - Message to send to user
 * @param params.userId - UID of user to send FCM to
 * @returns Resolves with results of pushing message to RTDB
async function sendFcmMessageToUser(userId: string, message: string): Promise<any> {
    // Get user profile
  const [getProfileErr, userProfileSnap] = await to(

  // Handle errors getting user profile
  if (getProfileErr) {
    console.error('Error getting user profile: ', getProfileErr)
    throw getProfileErr

  // Get messaging token from user's profile
  const token = userProfileSnap?.get('messaging.mostRecentToken')

  // Exit with log if messaging token not found on user object
  if (!token) {
    console.debug(`Messaging token not found for uid "${userId}", exiting...`)
    return null

  // Send FCM message to client
  const [sendMessageErr] = await to(
      notification: {
        title: 'Fireadmin',
        body: message

  // Handle errors sending FCM message
  if (sendMessageErr) {
      `Error sending Firebase Cloud message: ${sendMessageErr.message || ''}`,
    throw sendMessageErr

 * Run action based on action template. Multiple Service Account Types
 * supported (i.e. stored on Firestore or cloud storage)
 * @param snap - Data snapshot from cloud function
 * @param context - The context in which an event occurred
 * @param context.params - Parameters from event
 * @returns Resolves with results of running action
export default async function runAction(
  snap: admin.database.DataSnapshot,
  context: functions.EventContext
): Promise<null> {
  const eventData = snap.val() || {}
  console.log('Action run request received. Sending start event...')

  // Running an action not supported without projectId
  if (!eventData.projectId) {
    const missingProjectErr = new Error('projectId parameter is required')
    await updateResponseOnRTDB(snap, context, missingProjectErr)
    throw missingProjectErr

  await Promise.all([
    // Mark original request object as started
    // Write an event to project's "events" subcollection
    writeProjectEvent(eventData.projectId, {
      eventType: 'startActionRun',

  console.log('Start event sent successfully. Starting action run...')

  // Handle backups if they exist within the template
  if (eventData.template?.backups) {
    console.log('Backups exist within template, running backups...')
    const [backupsErr] = await to(runBackupsFromEvent(snap, context))

    // Handle errors within backups
    if (backupsErr) {
      console.error('Error with backups:', backupsErr.message || backupsErr)
      const errorEvent = {
        eventType: 'actionRunError',
        errorStage: 'backups',
        eventData: {
          error: backupsErr.message
      await Promise.all([
        // Mark original request object with error
        updateResponseOnRTDB(snap, context, backupsErr),
        // Write an error event to project's events subcollection
        writeProjectEvent(eventData.projectId, errorEvent)
      throw backupsErr
    console.log('Backups completed successfully, continuing...')
  } else {
    console.log('No backups exist, continuing...')

  console.log('Starting steps run...')

  // Run steps
  const [err] = await to(runStepsFromEvent(snap, context))

  // Handle errors within steps
  if (err) {
    console.error('Error with action run:', err.message || err)
    const errorEvent = {
      eventType: 'actionRunError',
      eventData: {
        error: err.message
    await Promise.all([
      // Mark original request object with error
      updateResponseOnRTDB(snap, context, err),
      // Write an error event to project's events subcollection
      writeProjectEvent(eventData.projectId, errorEvent),
      // Request sendFcm Cloud Function to send error message to creator of run request
      sendFcmMessageToUser(eventData.createdBy, 'Error with Action Run')
    throw err

    'Action completed successfully, writing event data and notifying user...'

  await Promise.all([
    // Write event to project "events" subcollection indicating action run is complete
    writeProjectEvent(eventData.projectId, {
      eventType: 'finishActionRun',
    // Request sendFcm Cloud Function to send message to creator of run request
      'Action Run completed successfully'

  console.log('Event and message request written successfully, exiting.')

  return null